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Premier League 2017-18


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5 hours ago, Majo said:

Pogba i negova zelja da se Sitijevi igraci povrede pred utakmicu protiv Junajteda :fantom: kakav papak.

Da budemo precizni:




"I hope - and it's bad to say things like this - but I hope they will get some very important players injured like what happened with us," said Pogba, who recently returned to action after sustaining a hamstring injury in September. 

"People don't see this, don't speak about this, but every time we have important players that get injured when there is important games.


Zaboravio je da pomene da im i važni igrači pred važne utakmice dobiju suspenzije jer su divljaci :fantom:

Pravi čovek, na pravom mestu, uz pravog trenera :fantom:

Edited by copkillah
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Zašto na pravom mjestu? Za trenera bih se i složio, ali nit' je njemu mjesto tu gdje je, nit' bi trener vrijedan MU prešao preko ove izjave (možda i nije u internoj komunikaciji ali sumnjam, s obzirom na podršku nakon starta otvorenim đonom na koljeno). Svakako da bi klub trebao da se zvanično ogradi od ove izjave i disciplinski reaguje.

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23 minutes ago, kipo said:

Zašto na pravom mjestu? Za trenera bih se i složio, ali nit' je njemu mjesto tu gdje je, nit' bi trener vrijedan MU prešao preko ove izjave (možda i nije u internoj komunikaciji ali sumnjam, s obzirom na podršku nakon starta otvorenim đonom na koljeno). Svakako da bi klub trebao da se zvanično ogradi od ove izjave i disciplinski reaguje.

Sam si sebi dao odgovor. Od izjave je prošlo dva-tri dana i niko se nije oglasio, što će reći da su i Pogba i Murinjo slika i prilika današnjeg Junajteda. 

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9 minutes ago, copkillah said:

Sam si sebi dao odgovor. Od izjave je prošlo dva-tri dana i niko se nije oglasio, što će reći da su i Pogba i Murinjo slika i prilika današnjeg Junajteda. 

Jest bezveze. Ipak, generalizovati Junajted kao mjesto gdje se kuju planovi da neko umre prije ili za vrijeme utakmice je malo potpuno pogrešno, ima brdo klubova koji bi bili bolje mjesto za to, Pjulisov Stouk npr. Za ovu dvojicu se slažem.

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Ne ne, ne mislim da je Junajted takav (iako su imali takve igrače u istoriji, jelte), ali ako im prva zvezda izjavi ovako nešto, a trener i hijerarhija kluba ne reaguju, šta drugo da se zaključi nego da u klubu nemaju problem sa takvim razmišljanjem?


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jel neko slusao/citao nedavni intervju clattenburga?


Rog: I need to ask you this: did a Clattenburg refereed game have a personality, if so, what were its traits?

Clats: There's one game in particular, which was the "Battle of Stamford Bridge." It was Chelsea vs. Tottenham, if was the famous that year Leicester win the title, it was theater. I went in with a gameplan that I didn't want Tottenham Hotspur blaming Mark Clattenburg that they were gonna lose the title. It should've been 3 red cards to Tottenham; I allowed them to self-destruct so all the media, all the people in the world went, "Tottenham lost the title." If I sent 3 players off from Tottenham, what's the headlines? "Clattenburg lost Tottenham the title," and it was pure theater that Tottenham self-destructed against Chelsea and Leicester win the title.

Rog: In that game, were the Chelsea players not screaming bloody murder, they're like, "Clattenburg what are you doing we're getting massacred here!"

Clats: It was the first game where Diego Costa never got cautioned (laughs). It was so crazy when you look back at the game but, when Hazard scored to equalize to make it 2-2 I've never felt an atmosphere in a stadium before like that before, because of Chelsea had stopped one of the enemies winning the title.

Rog: In a way you scripted it.

Clats: ...I helped the game, I certainly benefited the game by my style of refereeing. Some referees would have played by the book and Tottenham would have been down to 7 or 8 players and probably lost, and Tottenham would've been looking for an excuse but I didn't give them an excuse, because me gameplan was let them lose the title.

Rog: Listening to this, I was like, "Wow, Mark Clattenburg, even crazier than Diego Costa" (Clats laughs) that is saying something, but you've said, "I want games to be a spectacle," and hearing you talk about the Battle of Stamford Bridge, is that the referee's job or is it really down to the players?

Clats: I think we're all part of theater. That's why the Premier League is the best league in the world. Its assisted by the best players, the best referees, the best coaches, and we've all got a duty to make sure the game's enhanced. The English style of refereeing is different; I had to referee differently when I went into Europe than I did in the Premier League because none of the top players in Europe would accept some of the physical contact that went on in the Premier League - but that was the theater, that's what people loved. They love a tackle, they don't want it punished.

kakav jebeni moron.

mora da je neki daleki rodjak ace stojanovica.

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I think we're all part of theater. 

Lepo kaže čovek. Pri tom je meni lično to negde vise plus, nego minus. Mislim to jeste sport, ali je i soubiznis, pop kultura, sta oces. 

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