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Premier League 2017-18


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Serge Aurier's move to Tottenham is imminent, according to Sky sources.

In the past few minutes, we've been told by his representatives he has been granted a work permit enabling him to finalise his transfer.

The clubs agreed a £23m deal last week and Aurier has completed his medical and agreed personal terms.

PSG had set a midday deadline for Aurier to sort out that permit - or he could have been transferred to Barcelona or Juventus, where a permit would not be required.

We are told there was interest from Manchester United and Chelsea - but Aurier has chosen Tottenham and cited Mauricio Pochettino and chairman Daniel Levy as major factors in his decision.

Edited by Mercuzzio
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Bez zute boje je izgubilo na znacaju.  :fantom:


Rekoh, da ne oslepe ljudi kad otvore topic...


Sjajno je sročeno, mora brzo da sredi radnu dozvolu za severni London da ne bi završio nedajbože u tamo nekoj Kataloniji. Zna čovek šta mu je prioritet.


@Levi: svi navedeni plus Milner i Coutinho bi meni igrali ispred Oxa. Možda on misli da bi uleteo direktno u startnih jedanaest, ali sumnjam da je Klopp toliko lud.

Posted (edited)

Arsenalu baš ne ide



Burglars raided one of Arsenal's official club stores outside the Emirates Stadium on Tuesday evening and left with "a large quantity of merchandise," police have confirmed.


Edited by Mercuzzio

Zar ne ide Kutinjo u tamo neku Katalunju¿


Zar ne ide Kutinjo u tamo neku Katalunju¿

Ja verujem da ide od kako mu je Klopp izmislio povredu leđa, ali iz klkuba se insistira na tome da kupovina Lemara i/ili Oxa nemaju veze sa tim i da prodaje neće biti.


Ja verujem da ide od kako mu je Klopp izmislio povredu leđa, ali iz klkuba se insistira na tome da kupovina Lemara i/ili Oxa nemaju veze sa tim i da prodaje neće biti.

Sad odjednom i Barsa hoce Lemara  :fantom:


Rešili se Gibsa za 7 milki, još mustafija, nenija, xhaku I ozila i dobri smo. :'(

Posted (edited)

Руксине, имаш боље изворе но Гардијен?

Evo ispravili ^_^


During the conversation between Soriano and Gazidis, the City forward Raheem Sterling emerged as a potential makeweight in the deal for Sánchez. City contend it was not Soriano who suggested this.

Edited by Ruxin

Renato Sančez u Svonsiju na pozajmici :Hail:


Kad može Middlesbrough da pozajmljuje od Barcelone, što ne bi i Swansea of Bayerna.

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