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Ne znam da li je u pravu, ali je sažeto izneo sve moje strahove od nedovoljno kontrolisanog razvoja AI u jednom klipu. 

  • +1 1

Druga strana veštačke inteligencije - predavanje i razgovor



Petak 21. jun, 19 časova

Magacin u Kraljevića Marka 8


Šta stoji iza trenutne pomame za veštačkom inteligencijom? Ko radi, ko plaća, a da li iko od toga profitira? Kako će to uticati na kvalitet rada i života? Koji poslovi se traže, a koji nestaju? Da li će nam ova „čista“ tehnologija pomoći da rešimo ekološku krizu?


Od Palo Alta, preko data centara u Irskoj do rudnika kobalta u Kongu i rata u Palestini, Maša Marinković razotkriva mitove, laži i fantazije današnje AI industrije.

Posted (edited)
13 hours ago, Caligula said:



evo teksta za tizer


btw procitao tekst, ne dopada mi se linija razmisljanja i zakljucaka.

Meni nije vredeo citanja, vrlo brzo sam presla na preletanje kroz tekst. IMO tendenciozna kompilacija "izvora" ka ciljanom zakljucku "ne valja to nista". Ka tom cilju svasta je smuckano, ima netacnih tvrdnji, i zastarelih i povrsno protumacenih. Opsta mesta ali imace to svoju publiku i vernike.

Evo kako ga je Bing AI Copilot sazeo - nezniji je nego sto bih ja ("psi laju, karavani prolaze")
i bolje napisano nego sam tekst :D

Here’s a summary of the key points from the article:

  • AI Hype and Reality: The article discusses the hype surrounding artificial intelligence (AI), driven by companies like OpenAI and their ChatGPT launch in November 2022. It mentions the tech industry’s rush to invest in generative AI models and the resulting mania, leading to a warning statement signed by influential individuals about AI’s potential catastrophic impact on human civilization.

  • Investment and Profitability: It highlights the challenges of investing in AI, noting that despite the hype, AI chatbots often produce inaccurate information, and AI image generators create plagiarized materials. The article points out the lack of a sustainable business model for AI, as the costs of running AI servers are incredibly high.

  • Environmental and Social Impact: The piece sheds light on the significant environmental footprint of AI, including the consumption of resources like electricity and water for data centers. It also touches on the social implications, such as the potential for AI to automate jobs and the hidden human labor that powers AI systems.

  • AI’s Future: The article concludes by questioning the true capabilities of AI and its impact on work conditions, resource depletion, and climate change. It suggests that building political power is essential to address these issues and protect natural resources and human labor.

This summary captures the essence of the article, focusing on the main themes and concerns raised by the author.

Edited by Lucia
  • +1 1

Pa i nije strašno, teško da u ovom trenutku iz Srbije može da dođe relevantniji tekst od ovog.


2 hours ago, Lucia said:

Meni nije vredeo citanja, vrlo brzo sam presla na preletanje kroz tekst. IMO tendenciozna kompilacija "izvora" ka ciljanom zakljucku "ne valja to nista". Ka tom cilju svasta je smuckano, ima netacnih tvrdnji, i zastarelih i povrsno protumacenih. Opsta mesta ali imace to svoju publiku i vernike.

Evo kako ga je Bing AI Copilot sazeo - nezniji je nego sto bih ja ("psi laju, karavani prolaze")
i bolje napisano nego sam tekst :D

Here’s a summary of the key points from the article:

  • AI Hype and Reality: The article discusses the hype surrounding artificial intelligence (AI), driven by companies like OpenAI and their ChatGPT launch in November 2022. It mentions the tech industry’s rush to invest in generative AI models and the resulting mania, leading to a warning statement signed by influential individuals about AI’s potential catastrophic impact on human civilization.

  • Investment and Profitability: It highlights the challenges of investing in AI, noting that despite the hype, AI chatbots often produce inaccurate information, and AI image generators create plagiarized materials. The article points out the lack of a sustainable business model for AI, as the costs of running AI servers are incredibly high.

  • Environmental and Social Impact: The piece sheds light on the significant environmental footprint of AI, including the consumption of resources like electricity and water for data centers. It also touches on the social implications, such as the potential for AI to automate jobs and the hidden human labor that powers AI systems.

  • AI’s Future: The article concludes by questioning the true capabilities of AI and its impact on work conditions, resource depletion, and climate change. It suggests that building political power is essential to address these issues and protect natural resources and human labor.

This summary captures the essence of the article, focusing on the main themes and concerns raised by the author.



Tako je - iskreno me iznenadila navedena cinjenica (?) da na procesore AI odlazi 2% proizvodnje svetske elektricne energije i da se za hladjenje koriste trilioni litara vode, od toga trecina pitke vode... dalje, neisplativost: Midjourney samo na mom spratu u nekom habu u BG/Srbija koristi nas cetvoro sa pretplatama od 30-60E. Milion dolara mesecno za odrzavanje MJ je smesna cifra, a za autorku je katastroficna.


I tako dalje - o moralnim i drugim zakljuccima da i ne zapocinjem, ovo njeno mi lici na senzacionalizam.



  • 2 weeks later...
On 15. 6. 2024. at 17:21, Lancia said:




primer beba smatram neprimerenim. bebe su superiornije od odraslih po pitanju logicke inteligencije, sto bi po meni bila sposobnost da se [u rekordnom roku] uspostave uzrocno posledicne veze + sposobnost adaptacije

sa druge strane, mr dzofri prilicno potencira strah  ... zar ne bi bilo bolje da prikupi finansije i pokrene mega istrazivacke programe na teme koje navodi

  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

U zadnjih 3 meseca rada (do kraja avgusta 2024) svi zaposleni su morali da prodju kurs AI, mislim 4 ili 5 online, po sat vremena. Firma, sa gubitkom, pro(daje) budzasto AI servere, samo da izbije napred i bude vodja.

Nevidjena budalastina. Sto puta gora nego propali 3D printing.

Osnovna stvar: svaka inteligencija mora prvo da bude svesna same sebe. AI je mozda 1,000 godina da stigne do te tacke. Da se danas svi svetski superkompjuteri udruze, mogli bi svi zajedno da simuliraju inteligenciju barske zabe.


Takozvana AI je apsolutni, idealni odraz vremena u kome je nastala i plasirana: (A)I za nivo takozvanih drustvenih mreza, apoliticnih generacija koje glasaju koga vec glasaju sirom sveta, rezultat психологичарења koje jedinke, individue posmatra, kroji i штроји kroz normalnost, a u stvari ubiva svako штрчање... :fantom: 


Inteligencija za dobre djake... :cry:


Neko je sigurno video ovo isto, AI analiza:

"Ne postoji korelacija izmedju prezivljavanja skokom iz vazduhoplova bez obzira da li se ima padobran ili obican ranac. Sve jedno je sta skakac ima.
Eksperiment je izveden skokovima sa 50cm (centimetara) visine".

I tacka. To je AI.

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