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Trump - hoće li biti impeachment ili 8 godina drugačijeg predsednikovanja?


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White House Inc.



dobro je znati da se bela kuca i vrhovni vodja bave bitnim stvarima u cilju 'make america great again', kao i vracanju moci narodu. 


e da, +rushe establishment stvarajuci svoj.


jbte, ovo sad kad gledas vesti kao da je u pitanju epizoda dallasa ili dinastije.



Buy Ivanka's stuff, help China:


:lolol: u tom slucaju mu kina ne predstavlja problem.




U vezi onoga sto sam rano jutros (po evropskom vremenu) pisao o sefu koji sve zna i lako donosi odluke bez konsultovanja ikoga, al zato odmah prebacuje krivicu na druge kad krene naopako:


It was Harry Truman — as History 101 shows — who famously placed "The Buck Stops Here" sign on his desk. The meaning was crystal clear: The president makes the decisions, and bears full responsibility for them.


In this young presidency, there seems to be a new slogan: The buck stops ... there.
Or anywhere else, actually. If the White House loses its immigration case before the courts, blame the judges. And if there's some sort of attack, it's their fault, too. 
And what about the actual decision to sign the executive order? Instead of owning it, the President made it clear that, well, he wanted to take more time on implementation, but "the law enforcement people" told him otherwise. "So I wanted to give like a month, then I said, well what about a week? They said well then you're going to have a whole pile of people -- perhaps, perhaps -- with very evil intentions coming in before the restrictions. So there it is folks, it's as plain as you can have it."
In other words, don't look at me; I'm just the President.






edit: bold.

Edited by roksi
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Tacnije predsednik 30% drzave

Asad ima veću realnu podršku u Siriji nego što AV i Milo imaju u Srbiji i CG.


Ovi dvojica ne bi skupili ni hiljadu ljudi koji bi ratovali za njih.

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...Rusi, iako se dobrano trude, treba još mnogo mleka da popiju i neopisivo mnogo bombi da bace kako bi napravili makar uporedivu a kamoli približnu štetu onoj koju su Amerikanci napravili u poslednjih 70 godina.


Osim toga - Rusi imaju i jednu kljucnu prednos' - niti su niti tvrde da su 'baklja dzemokratije na ovome i onome svetu", ne? 


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