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Trump - hoće li biti impeachment ili 8 godina drugačijeg predsednikovanja?


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“While we don’t believe the existence of settlements is an impediment to peace, the construction of new settlements or the expansion of existing settlements beyond their current borders may not be helpful in achieving that goal,”

jbt, post-post-modernizam - tko ovo shvati, razumeo je gnoseo-suštastvenu egzistenciju bića


naci-hajdeger bi rekao dasein

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Veli car upravo:


Professional anarchists, thugs and paid protesters are proving the point of milions of people who voted to make America great again!


This is hilarious! :)


via CZ-M53 TT

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John Bolton


"First time in 8 years a US leader has made a public statement towards Iran letting them know we’re on to their games. Glad Flynn did it."


Uskoro ce prodaja blata na forumu postati vrlo unosan biznis. :fantom:

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glas razuma:


The Coming Clash With Iran

February 2, 2017 at 10:25 pm

By Patrick J. Buchanan

When Gen. Michael Flynn marched into the White House Briefing Room to declare that “we are officially putting Iran on notice,” he drew a red line for President Trump. In tweeting the threat, Trump agreed.

His credibility is now on the line.

And what triggered this virtual ultimatum?

Iran-backed Houthi rebels, said Flynn, attacked a Saudi warship and Tehran tested a missile, undermining “security, prosperity, and stability throughout the Middle East,” placing “American lives at risk.”

But how so?

The Saudis have been bombing the Houthi rebels and ravaging their country, Yemen, for two years. Are the Saudis entitled to immunity from retaliation in wars that they start?

Where is the evidence Iran had a role in the Red Sea attack on the Saudi ship? And why would President Trump make this war his war?

As for the Iranian missile test, a 2015 U.N. resolution “called upon” Iran not to test nuclear-capable missiles. It did not forbid Iran from testing conventional missiles, which Tehran insists this was.

Is the United States making new demands on Iran not written into the nuclear treaty or international law — to provoke a confrontation?

Did Flynn coordinate with our allies about this warning of possible military action against Iran? Is NATO obligated to join any action we might take?

Or are we going to carry out any retaliation alone, as our NATO allies observe, while the Israelis, Gulf Arabs, Saudis and the Beltway War Party, which wishes to be rid of Trump, cheer him on?

Bibi Netanyahu hailed Flynn’s statement, calling Iran’s missile test a flagrant violation of the U.N. resolution and declaring, “Iranian aggression must not go unanswered.” By whom, besides us?

The Saudi king spoke with Trump Sunday. Did he persuade the president to get America more engaged against Iran?

Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Corker is among those delighted with the White House warning:

“No longer will Iran be given a pass for its repeated ballistic missile violations, continued support of terrorism, human rights abuses and other hostile activities that threaten international peace and security.”

The problem with making a threat public — Iran is “on notice” — is that it makes it almost impossible for Iran, or Trump, to back away.

Tehran seems almost obliged to defy it, especially the demand that it cease testing conventional missiles for its own defense.

This U.S. threat will surely strengthen those Iranians opposed to the nuclear deal and who wish to see its architects, President Hassan Rouhani and Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, thrown out in this year’s elections.

If Rex Tillerson is not to become a wartime secretary of state like Colin Powell or Dean Rusk, he is going to have to speak to the Iranians, not with defiant declarations, but in a diplomatic dialogue.

Tillerson, of course, is on record as saying the Chinese should be blocked from visiting the half-dozen fortified islets they have built on rocks and reefs in the South China Sea.

A prediction: The Chinese will not be departing from their islands, and the Iranians will defy the U.S. threat against testing their missiles.

Wednesday’s White House statement makes a collision with Iran almost unavoidable, and a war with Iran quite possible.

Why did Trump and Flynn feel the need to do this now?

There is an awful lot already on the foreign policy plate of the new president after only two weeks, as pro-Russian rebels in Ukraine are firing artillery again, and North Korea’s nuclear missile threat, which, unlike Iran’s, is real, has yet to be addressed.

High among the reasons that many supported Trump was his understanding that George W. Bush blundered horribly in launching an unprovoked and unnecessary war on Iraq.

Along with the 15-year war in Afghanistan and our wars in Libya, Syria and Yemen, our 21st-century U.S. Mideast wars have cost us trillions of dollars and thousands of dead. And they have produced a harvest of hatred of America that was exploited by al-Qaida and ISIS to recruit jihadists to murder and massacre Westerners.

Osama’s bin Laden’s greatest achievement was not to bring down the twin towers and kill 3,000 Americans, but to goad America into plunging headlong into the Middle East, a reckless and ruinous adventure that ended her post-Cold War global primacy.

Unlike the other candidates, Trump seemed to recognize this.

It was thought he would disengage us from these wars, not rattle a saber at an Iran that is three times the size of Iraq and has as its primary weapons supplier and partner Vladimir Putin’s Russia.

When Barack Obama drew his red line against Bashar Assad’s use of chemical weapons in Syria’s civil war, and Assad appeared to cross it, Obama discovered that his countrymen wanted no part of the war that his military action might bring on.

President Obama backed down — in humiliation.

Neither the Ayatollah Khamenei nor Trump appears to be in a mood to back away, especially now that the president has made the threat public.

Edited by slow
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Žurka je u toku već nekih 15-ak godina. Za to vreme su Navy SEAL bogtepita koliko puta na apsolutno identičan način upadali negde da nešto urade, uglavnom su to bila talibanska uporišta po Avganistanu. Nemoguće je prebrojati sve operacije u sklopu kojih su poubijali sve što se miče ili hoda na dve noge, mlado ili staro, muško ili žensko. Ali zato uz malo guglanja može da se vidi koliko njih je izginulo osvajajući neke stenčuge po Helmandu ili rejdujući štabove Al Kaide u ovom ili onom selu. Dešavalo se da im talibanski mitraljezac omlati petoricu dok izlaze iz helikoptera, ili čak da im sobali Činuk sa neba i ubije kompletan vod najelitnijih komandosa. Materijala koliko voliš. Ali izgleda da je trebalo da Trampara dođe na vlast da bi vrli mediji počeli da primećuju takve događaje i nazivaju ih fijaskom. Prethodno je 15 godina to bio business as usual koji je interesovao samo ekipu sa antiwar.com i slične Putinove, je li, propagandiste.

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Uzgred, australijski premijer je demantovao da mu je Trampara zalupio slušalicu i kaže da su se u kurtoaznom četu složili da će sporazum o deportaciji onih hiljadu nesrećnika biti sproveden.


Meni glavni utisak iz ove prve dve nedelje nije ni Retardirana Odluka, ni TPP, ni Iran, ni Bannon, već potpun i sveopšti rat koji su mu tzv. mediji objavili, i u sklopu kojeg se služe svim mogućim navlakušama, poluistinama a bogami i masnim fabrikovanjem. Uzeo sam da pogledam neke najpoznatije Bannonove govore i onaj njegov Generation Zero dokumentarac, i pod utiskom svega navedenog usuđujem se da kažem da je u Americi u ovom trenutku na delu svojevrstan regime change (u pokušaju). Dva režima su u klinču, jedan je ukorenjen a drugi bi da ga iskoreni i ukoreni sebe.

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Uzgred, australijski premijer je demantovao da mu je Trampara zalupio slušalicu i kaže da su se u kurtoaznom četu složili da će sporazum o deportaciji onih hiljadu nesrećnika biti sproveden.


Meni glavni utisak iz ove prve dve nedelje nije ni Retardirana Odluka, ni TPP, ni Iran, ni Bannon, već potpun i sveopšti rat koji su mu tzv. mediji objavili, i u sklopu kojeg se služe svim mogućim navlakušama, poluistinama a bogami i masnim fabrikovanjem. Uzeo sam da pogledam neke najpoznatije Bannonove govore i onaj njegov Generation Zero dokumentarac, i pod utiskom svega navedenog usuđujem se da kažem da je u Americi u ovom trenutku na delu svojevrstan regime change (u pokušaju). Dva režima su u klinču, jedan je ukorenjen a drugi bi da ga iskoreni i ukoreni sebe.

Ostavio sam link na Politiko clanak u vezi sa tim na temi "Amerika, zemlja velika".


Slicno pise i u clanku koji sam pre par dana citao u Bannon-u a sad me mrzi da trazim link pa cu jedan prepric. Ukratko, lik smatra da je kucnuo cas za generacijsko razmontiranje sistema i pravljenje novog. Citira knjigu koja tvrdi da je u pitanju ciklicni process koji se ponavlja otprilike svakih 80 godina. Ura, povikase Srbi i red je bio da mecka zaigra pred njjihovom kucom. Not so fast my Serbian bros, problem je sto Bannon smatra da je svako radjanje novog proizilazilo iz rata, a ratovi su uvek bili veci i krvaviji od prethodnih.  Konkretno, americka revolucija (1787) je bila mala maca za americki gradjanski rat (1865), koji je bio manji od drugog svetskog rata (1945). Bannon cvrsto veruje da ce nadolazeci sukob iz koga ce se americka nacija reformisati biti veci od drugog svetskog rata, ali da je to cena koju je neophodno platiti da bi se drustvo procistilo i krenulo napred. Kad procitah ova razmisljanja Trampove desne ruke, prva pomisao mi je bila "eh, a zamalo da izbegnemo treci svetski rat".




Edited by ObiW
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