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Trump - hoće li biti impeachment ili 8 godina drugačijeg predsednikovanja?


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Kažu zli jezici da otac međunarodne nacije stoji iza ovog :blink:


TEL AVIV — Immigration lawyers from groups financed by billionaire George Soros, a champion of open border policies, were signatories to a lawsuit filed Saturday to block President Donald Trump’s executive order halting visas for 90 days for “immigrants and non-immigrants” from Syria, Somalia, Sudan, Libya, Yemen, Iran, and Iraq.

The executive order further suspended the entry of all refugees for 120 days, indefinitely blocks Syrian refugees from entering and lowers the ceiling to 50,000 for refugees allowed to enter the U.S. during Fiscal Year 2017 .

The suit was filed by lawyers from the International Refugee Assistance Project, the National Immigration Law Center, the Jerome N. Frank Legal Services Organization at Yale Law School, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), and the International Refugee Assistance Project (formerly Iraqi Refugee Assistance Project) at the Urban Justice Center.

The ACLU is massively funded by Soros’s Open Society Foundations, including with a $50 million grant in 2014.

The National Immigration Law Center has received numerous Open Society grants earmarked for general support.

The Urban Justice Center is also the recipient of an Open Society grant.

Taryn Higashi, executive director of the Center’s International Refugee Assistance Project, which is listed on the Trump lawsuit, currently serves on the Advisory Board of the International Migration Initiative of Soros’s Open Society Foundations.

Over the last decade, Soros has reportedly provided some $76 million for immigrant issues.

In 2014, the New York Times credited “immigrant rights groups” financed by Soros and a handful of other donors for influencing President Obama’s immigration policy.


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Najzanimljivije je ustvari sto se administracija u samo 8 dana pokazala potpuno nekompetentnom i nesposobnom da predvidi kakva ce reakcija na nesto biti za dva sata a ne za dve godine.



Jesi li siguran?


Administracija je digla ruke od NY, SF i ostalih urbanih centara.

Oni se obracaju svojim biracima a oni ne zive u milionskim centrima.



Inace, ovo je hit.



Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz said in an open letter to Starbucks staff on Sunday that they plan to hire 10,000 refugees over the next five years “in the 75 countries around the world where Starbucks does business”.

According to the CEO, the recruitment will happen in the US first and would focus on “individuals who have served with US troops as interpreters and support personnel.”


Pa, jebote, ko da mu je licno Irac pisao saopstenje.

No, SAD je sada, izgleda, potpuno segmentirano trziste.

Sumnjam da bi Dunkin Donuts izasao sa ovakvim saopstenjem.


A i reakcije su ocekivane.


Edited by Budja
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Jesi li siguran?


Administracija je digla ruke od NY, SF i ostalih urbanih centara.

Oni se obracaju svojim biracima a oni ne zive u milionskim centrima.

Prilicno sam siguran da ovo nema neki plan. Covek oce da bude predsednik koji ispunjuje obecanja, plus ono za CEO ponasanje sto neko pomenu. Nijedna akcija nije promisljena i planirana do sad. Sve je na o ruk.

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OK, oni nemaju ustavno suctvo kao kod nas, ovaj švapski fazon, ali mora neko to da pokrene.


via CZ-M53 TT

Ne mora nužno. Ali budući da graničarski psi koje je Trump pustio s lanca ne poštuju ni te sadašnje odluke, mislim da se USA priobližava post-legal dobu.

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Riđokoso lažljiivo mizogino rasističko narcisoidno nepotističko lopovsko govedotmnastavlja sa pučem:


First, he essentially demoted the highest-ranking military officer in the United States, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the highest-ranking intelligence officer in the United States, the director of national intelligence. In previous administrations, those positions or their equivalent (before the creation of the director of national intelligence, the CIA director occupied that role) held permanent positions on the NSC.


Now, those key officials will be invited only when their specific expertise is seen to be required. Hard as it is to imagine any situation in which their views would not add value, this demotion is even harder to countenance given the threats the United States currently faces and the frayed state of the president’s relations with the intelligence community. A president who has no national security experience and can use all the advice he can get has decided to limit the input he receives from two of the most important advisers any president could have.


The president compounded this error of structure with an error of judgment that should send shivers down the spine of every American and our allies worldwide. Even as he pushed away professional security advice, Trump decided to make his top political advisor, Stephen K. Bannon, a permanent member of the NSC. Although the White House chief of staff is typically a participant in NSC deliberations, I do not know of another situation in which a political adviser has been a formal permanent member of the council.


Further, Bannon is the precisely wrong person for this wrong role. His national security experience consists of a graduate degree and seven years in the Navy. More troubling, Bannon’s role as chairman of Breitbart.com, with its racist, misogynist and Islamophobic perspectives, and his avowed desire to blow up our system of government, suggests this is someone who not only has no business being a permanent member of the most powerful consultative body in the world — he has no business being in a position of responsibility in any government.




Indeed, rumors are already circulating that Bannon and senior adviser Jared Kushner are the go-to people on national security issues for the administration, again despite the lack of experience, temperament or institutional support for either. Kushner has been given key roles on Israel, Mexico and China already. History suggests all this will not end well, with rivalries emerging with State, Defense, the Trade Representative and other agencies.



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pod uslovom da mu se obezbeđenje ne uspava, bajčens.

Dok god im ne daju bojevu municiju - nije drama. Kad to krene da duze onda je jeb'o cvorka, k'o i rahmetli JFK,



Ništa se ja ne brinem, 3orge treba da se brine. To je stvar za moderaciju a ne za tvoje relativizacije. Čekamo da se javi i objasni šta je hteo sa tim kolektivnim uvredama forumaša. Vreme curi.

Ja evo ziv nisam cekajuci...



Smekšao je, piše 'wrong' sve malim slovima

Ovo je mnogo ozbiljnije nego sto izgleda.



rodžer isti ja kad mi propala sinekura 2012 :fantom:

treba, drugovi i kolege, na najmanje 2 stolice sedeti a ne naivno i neuskusno na jednoj a i ta jedna klimava, ne? 

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Cekajte, pa kad ce Maydayn da se aktivira? Precednik ocigledno ne ispoljava narodnu volju vec krsi ljudska prava i uvodi zemlju u zacarani krug korupcije i anarhije. Ako se ljudi boje organa reda treba neko da koordinise finansije i navodi aktiviste jer prolece nije daleko...


Lavrov bi mogao da reaguje






Inviato dal mio Redmi 4 utilizzando Tapatalk

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Nego, ne znam za Obamu - ko ce i kako njega od blata da pravi al' ne sumnjam da bi sad mnogi vratili iz pemzije VP Dick Cheney ili ga bar napravili od blata. 

ovako se vise ne moze™...


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Zajebala da je zlobaba samo tako - cak i ovako posthumno™ - on se i on nadao da izgubi pa da posle malo kenja po izborima (k'o onomad Toma i Vucic) i da keshira popularnost a ovako - nista... em mora da radi em se izgleda i nije bash dobro pripremio... :) 

al' da je win-win - jeste...  :s_c:

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trampu je cilj da zatrese sto vise na startu i kao pokaze da je drugaciji. a ustvari samo hoce da bude korak ispred i sve probleme u sprovodjenju "odluka" svali na medije i demokrate.

koji mu za sada odlicno pomazu u iskopavanju dubokog rova izmedju dve amerike.

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mediji njega jasu vec godinu dana, pre bilo kakve odluke. sto opet govori o prirodi pobede i pravcu koji su izabrali njegovi glasaci - konflikt.

neki imaju smisla (ekonomija), neki bas i ne (rasni odnosi). rasplet nece biti lep sigurno, ni po ostatak sveta.

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