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Trump - hoće li biti impeachment ili 8 godina drugačijeg predsednikovanja?


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jeste, to kad zivis negde godinama, mozda imas i porodicu, odes na sluzbeni put na tri dana i odjednom ne mozes da se vratis u zemlju je samo malo razlicito od odlaganja bezviznog rezima...

jbt, ja ne verujem sta ova dva dana citam na oba foruma.

Jeste razlicito, nemerljivo je upravo zbog toga sto neki uvek odlazu a drugi zabrane. Getoizacija je prirodan ljudski nagon, civilizacija vec 100 godina klizi u kloaku.


Welcome to district 9

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jeste, to kad zivis negde godinama, mozda imas i porodicu, odes na sluzbeni put na tri dana i odjednom ne mozes da se vratis u zemlju je samo malo razlicito od odlaganja bezviznog rezima...

jbt, ja ne verujem sta ova dva dana citam na oba foruma. 


gomilu budala koja nema blage veze sa zivotom ali bi po svaku cenu da ugura obamu i trumpa u istu kategoriju (jer zaboga orange cunt ce nam vratiti Kosovo).

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gomilu budala koja nema blage veze sa zivotom ali bi po svaku cenu da ugura obamu i trumpa u istu kategoriju (jer zaboga orange cunt ce nam vratiti Kosovo).




Šta ti je ovo Zorge, kakva gomila budala na ovom forumu, ko ugurava Obamu i Trampa u istu kategoriju, i ko je rekao da će narandžasti vratiti Kosovo? 

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Braća Koch protiv Trampa


mogli bi ovo neki doktorirani ekonomisti ili slično da probrste, ja ću samo okačiti na šta mi miriše






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Šta ti je ovo Zorge, kakva gomila budala na ovom forumu, ko ugurava Obamu i Trampa u istu kategoriju, i ko je rekao da će narandžasti vratiti Kosovo? 

Упао је у амок од новембра...

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In normal times, it takes American presidents hundreds of days before they reach a majority disapproval rating.

This has been the case for the last five presidents - with Bill Clinton being the previous record holder after taking 573 days to have more than 50 per cent of Americans disapprove of his presidency.

But Donald Trump, the billionaire businessman, TV star and now US president, has smashed this record after his victory on a wave of anti-establishment anger.

It has taken just eight days for him to gain a majority disapproval rating, according to Gallup polling, with 51 per cent of Americans saying they disapproved of the President on 28 January 2016.


Trump's first week in office has caused controversy and international outcry after a raft of executive orders has seen immigration halted from seven Muslim-majority countries, the unravelling of Obamacare, the withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal and the blocking of funding for groups that perform abortions.

He attacked the media for saying (truthfully) that Obama's inauguration crowd size was larger than his own, after millions of people around the world took to the street on the Women's March one day into his presidency.

The unprecedented week in American politics has helped Trump break the record for the shortest amount of time for a president to reach a majority disapproval rating.

Compared to his eight days, it took Barack Obama 936 days and George W. Bush 1,205 days to see over half the country disapprove of them.

The Republican managed to win November's US election by claiming certain key swing states in order to clinch the presidency, despite losing the popular vote by 2.9 million ballots.

This may go some of the way to explain why his approval rating is 24 points lower than Barack Obama's when he was just eight days into his presidency.






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Каква је колетивна сепука да буде кад за 4 године добије још један мандат...

pod uslovom da mu se obezbeđenje ne uspava, bajčens.
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President Donald Trump plans to sign an executive order on Monday that will require that for every new federal regulation proposed, two must be revoked, an administration official said.

The order says federal agencies will propose rules they want to eliminate and the White House will review those decisions. The order sets a budget of $0 for new regulations in 2017 and the administration will set a regulation budget each year, the official said on customary condition of anonymity.
Trump campaigned on a promise to reduce federal regulations that he said burdened American businesses.


bice to dobro :)

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