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Trump - hoće li biti impeachment ili 8 godina drugačijeg predsednikovanja?


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Možeš li da citiraš neki post na ovom forumu gde se kaže da ruska aneksija krima valja ili da donosi nešto dobro/korisno u međunarodnim odnosima?


Imas tonu postova ali nemam vise nameru da gubim vreme na svejetoisto drustvo. Sorry.

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Imas tonu postova ali nemam vise nameru da gubim vreme na svejetoisto drustvo. Sorry.

Pa ja se ne secam nijednog, pa cu te zato nazvati lazovom. Nije kao da ce to tebi nesto smetati, al jebi ga, tvoj obraz...

Edited by aram
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Interesantan ugao gledanja.



Steve Bannon, a senior adviser to President Donald Trump, personally overruled a decision by the Department of Homeland Security not to include green card holders in the president’s temporary ban on travel from Muslim countries.
Protests erupted at airports across the country over the weekend after DHS agents began enforcing an executive order signed by Trump by detaining legal permanent residents who were returning from abroad. On Saturday, a federal judge stayed the detentions and ordered the green card holders to be released, but CNN reported that the mayhem could have been avoided if the White House had listened to the guidance of DHS lawyers in the first place.
Documents obtained by CNN showed that DHS initially determined that “lawful permanent residents are not included and may continue to travel to the USA.”
But Bannon personally intervened to counter the guidance from DHS lawyers.
“The White House overruled that guidance overnight, according to officials familiar with the rollout,” the CNN report said. “That order came from the President’s inner circle, led by Stephen Miller and Steve Bannon. Their decision held that, on a case by case basis, DHS could allow green card holders to enter the US.”
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The decision led Mother Jones columnist Kevin Drum to conclude that the chaos caused by Trump’s executive order had been part of the White House plan.
“Whatever else he is, Steve Bannon is a smart guy, and he had to know that this would produce turmoil at airports around the country and widespread condemnation from the press,” Drum wrote. “In cases like this, the smart money is usually on incompetence, not malice. But this looks more like deliberate malice to me. Bannon wanted turmoil and condemnation. He wanted this executive order to get as much publicity as possible. He wanted the ACLU involved. He thinks this will be a PR win.”

 Sa Burundija.

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Sveto trojstvo, Anduril, Eraserhead, Rodja, na mukama: gde se god okrenu, ne valja, s jedne strane Putin, s druge Tramp, Kinez ne zadovoljava, kuku si ga njima jadnima, treba izdrzati na braniku slobode i pravih vrednosti, zemlja tvrda, a bog visoko...

Ne preostaje im nista drugo nego ilegala :fantom:

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Sveto trojstvo, Anduril, Eraserhead, Rodja, na mukama: gde se god okrenu, ne valja, s jedne strane Putin, s druge Tramp, Kinez ne zadovoljava, kuku si ga njima jadnima, treba izdrzati na braniku slobode i pravih vrednosti, zemlja tvrda, a bog visoko...

Ne preostaje im nista drugo nego ilegala :fantom:

Ali kad dođu po tebe, nećemo ni pisnuti. -_- Nije svako zlo za zlo. ^_^

Edited by Roger Sanchez
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Ali kad dođu po tebe, nećemo ni pisnuti. -_- Nije svako zlo za zlo. ^_^

Ako dodje dotle da zavisim od vase piske... :fantom:


Nego, apostoli, hvatajte se vi, dok je vremena, zagovaranja neceg opipljivijeg, sto se lakse da braniti, Severne Koreje na primer, sve je tu, imate isroban i proveren arsenal argumenata™, a ni upornosti vam ne manjka....

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ona sutkinja nije jedina, sad je još najmanje troje sudija donelo istu naredbu http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-immigration-courts-idUSKBN15D0XG?feedType=RSS&feedName=politicsNews


Federal judges in three states followed one in New York in barring authorities from deporting travelers affected by U.S. President Donald Trump's executive order imposing restrictions on immigration from seven Muslim-majority nations.

The judges in Massachusetts, Virginia and Washington state issued their rulings late on Saturday or early on Sunday.



el otišo anduril? najavljivo da pali, posle preformulisao kako će kraće postove da piše




na svim forumima koji drže do sebe se dramatično napuštanje (falš ili ne) kažnjava dembelim banom

Edited by Krošek
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