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Trump - hoće li biti impeachment ili 8 godina drugačijeg predsednikovanja?


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Ok, ja sam do danas mislio da ce biti "bumpy", da ce biti i gomila gluposti, da ce biti lose za najsiromasnije, ali da se nista katastrofalno nece desiti. Posle ove sumanutosti za 20% i zidom polako pocinjem da bivam malko zabrinutiji. Kolosalna idiotarija

Najgore je sto se iz ovoga vidi generalni nacin na koji ce psiho kreirati i hendlovati krize. E to je ono sto najvise plasi.


Svako je sposoban da misli, nije svako sposoban logicki da rasudjuje. Na prethodnoj stranici imamo blatantan primer.


Ok, ok... Svako ko ne ostavi mozak u fioci pre nego sto krene na pos'o. To moze/mozda... :)

Posted (edited)




Nije odjednom i ne odnosi se na sadašnje Trampove poteze, već na 2016. Pretprošle godine su bili tik iznad granice, prošle (za koju su sad objavljeni podaci) su malo pali.


 “Popular trust in government, elected representatives and political parties has fallen to extremely low levels in the US. This has been a long-term trend and one that preceded the election of Mr Trump as US president in November 2016,” explains the analysis. “By tapping a deep strain of political disaffection with the functioning of democracy, Mr Trump became a beneficiary of the low esteem in which US voters hold their government, elected representatives and political parties, but he was not responsible for a problem that has had a long gestation. The US has been teetering on the brink of becoming a ‘flawed democracy’ for several years, and even if there had been no presidential election in 2016, its score would have slipped below 8.00.”






Edited by vememah
Posted (edited)



Ma US je i ranije bila na ivici na toj listi.


Preteče me Vememah.

Edited by Gricko
Posted (edited)

Elem, well deserved:


The Economist’ Just Downgraded the US From a ‘Full Democracy’ to a ‘Flawed Democracy’




a budi realan, zar ovo nije glupavo prikačiti Donaldu ? kao, Trump je za 6 dana uspeo sjebati divnu full demokratiju ? ako ovo nekome ide na "dušu", onda je to sigurno obama i prethodna administracija.



 But even before Trump entered the presidential race, the crisis was real, and it was metastasizing.


a što još tada onda nisu prebacili u flawed ?

Edited by Lezilebovich
Posted (edited)

Tek sad su shvatili da je i ta njihova staza puna kravljeg govneta? "krah" berze ih nista nije naucio, niko nije kriv. Uporediti Irak od pre 20 godina sa Irakom danas ne pomaze? Demokratija my ass, ubili MLK pa se proglasili automatski demokratijom da speru sam svoj gnev sa sebe. Demokratija prozdire svoju decu.

Edited by mlatko

a budi realan, zar ovo nije moronski ? kao, trump je za 6 dana uspeo sjebati divnu full demokratiju ? ako ovo nekome ide na "dušu", onda je to sigurno obama i prethodna administracija.

Pa ne. Ovo vec ide duze vreme. Tramp ce naravno da dodatno usere stvari.


Najjace da se demokratija moze izmeriti nekim brojevima.


Ok, ja sam do danas mislio da ce biti "bumpy", da ce biti i gomila gluposti, da ce biti lose za najsiromasnije, ali da se nista katastrofalno nece desiti. Posle ove sumanutosti za 20% i zidom polako pocinjem da bivam malko zabrinutiji. Kolosalna idiotarija

Ja se još ne bih toliko brinuo. Zasad još mislim da će se nekom magijom nakon prvih godinu dana ostvariti samo najluđi snovi konvencionalnog GOPa. Što je ustvari grozno, ali ništa bolje hillbillies Michigana etc. nisu ni zaslužili. Zabrinut ću se zaista tek kad mu prva žuta minuta prođe Kongres.

Lični utisak. Prilično je naivno verovati da ga glavni azijsko-pacifički saveznici SAD ne bi ispratili u sankcionisanju Kine (pri čemu govorimo npr. o carinskom ratu u prvoj fazi - ne nužno o sankcijama). Ako su ga pratili protiv Rusije koja ima neuporedivo manju težinu u odnosima između ovih zemalja i SAD, onda će protiv zemlje sa najvećom težinom da ga prate u stroju i da pitaju da li treba još. Dakle, Koreja, Japan i Australija za početak. Iza toga dolaze Kanada i UK koji prate SAD kako god da okreneš. Ostaje EU u kojoj bi možda moglo da dođe do nekih podela ali ja recimo ne mogu da zamislim scenario u kojem npr. Poljska odbija da podrži SAD po bilo kom osnovu. Dakle oni, pa Švedska, baltičke republike, verovatno i Rumunija. Na kraju bonus u vidu Norveške. Našlo bi se tu barem 10 zemalja uključujući neke koje imaju ozbiljan trgovinski bilans sa Kinom.

Loš ti je lični utisak. Za Australiju je jedna stvar da simbolično prati US u Iraku sa minimalnim vojnim kontingentom specijalaca i gde sve plaća američki poreski platiša, a druga stvar da prati riđokoso lažljivo mizogino rasstičko narcisoidno govedotm u avanturu u kojoj bi itekako svakoga debelo zabolelo po džepu. Čak i lokalno desni (liberali) na vlasti se češkaju po glavi od njegovih budalaških poteza, a imaju dovoljno pameti da znaju da bi im suludo praćenje US u takvom hipotetičkom sukobu sa Kinom značilo siguran silazak sa vlasti, instinkt samoodržanja je glavna stvar koja pokreće ovdašnje političare. Za Koreju mora da se šališ, Japan bi možda progutao dodatno plaćanje za američke baze ali trgovinski rat sa Kinom bi mu bio previše, ovo za EU donekle ima smisla, ali opet tu nema Nemačke i Francuske, a i ostali bi se prvo dobro preračunali pre nego što bi reagovali na svoju ruku.


Još jednom, kako je majmun ušao u tenak, iz intervjua sa ABC novinarom:


DAVID MUIR: You brought up Iraq and something you said that could affect American troops in recent days. You said, "We should've kept the oil but okay maybe we'll have another chance." What did you mean by that?


PRESIDENT TRUMP: Well, we should've kept the oil when we got out. And, you know, it's very interesting, had we taken the oil, you wouldn't have ISIS because they fuel themselves with the oil. That's where they got the money. They got the money from leaving -- when we left, we left Iraq, which wasn't a government. It's not a government now.

And by the way, and I said something else, if we go in and do this. You have two nations, Iraq and Iran. And they were essentially the same military strength. And they'd fight for decades and decades. They'd fight forever. And they'd keep fighting and it would go -- it was just a way of life. We got in, we decapitated one of those nations, Iraq. I said, "Iran is taking over Iraq." That's essentially what happened.


DAVID MUIR: So, you believe we can go in and take the oil.


PRESIDENT TRUMP: We should have taken the oil. You wouldn't have ISIS if we took the oil. Now I wasn't talking about it from the standpoint of ISIS because the way we got out was horrible. We created a vacuum and ISIS formed. But had we taken the oil something else would've very good happened. They would not have been able to fuel their rather unbelievable drive to destroy large portions of the world.

DAVID MUIR: You've heard the critics who say that would break all international law, taking the oil. But I wanna get to the words ...




DAVID MUIR: ... that you ...


PRESIDENT TRUMP: Wait, wait, can you believe that? Who are the critics who say that? Fools.


DAVID MUIR: Let, let me ...


PRESIDENT TRUMP: I don't call them critics. I call them fools.


DAVID MUIR: ... let me talk about your words ...


PRESIDENT TRUMP: We should've kept -- excuse me. We should've taken the oil. And if we took the oil you wouldn't have ISIS. And we would have had wealth. We have spent right now $6 trillion in the Middle East. And our country is falling apart.




PRESIDENT TRUMP: Our roads -- excuse me. Our roads, our bridges, our schools, it's falling apart. We have spent as of one month ago $6 trillion in the Middle East. And in our country we can't afford to build a school in Brooklyn or we can't afford to build a school in Los Angeles. And we can't afford to fix up our inner cities. We can't afford to do anything. Look, it's time. It's been our longest war. We've been in there for 15, 16 years. Nobody even knows what the date is because they don't really know when did we start. But it's time. It's time.


DAVID MUIR: What got my attention, Mr. President, was when you said, "Maybe we'll have another chance."


PRESIDENT TRUMP: Well, don't let it get your attention too much because we'll see what happens. I mean, we're gonna see what happens. You know, I told you and I told everybody else that wants to talk when it comes to the military I don't wanna discuss things.


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Ne kapiram, Trump hoće da preotme oil od naftnih kompanija i da ga američkom narodu?


Izgleda da je i on bio na predavanju i potom procitao knjigu, ne? 



načitano riđokoso lažljivo mizogino rasističko narcisoidno govedotm

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