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Otkrih ove vrlo fine Fince pre neki dan. Cenim da su najprikladniji za ovaj topić
Onségen Ensemble




  • 3 months later...


  • 1 month later...

Tražio basistu, našao ovo:



  • 1 year later...

Pokojni argentinski superstar, ovde zvuči dosta kao Zappa...




  • 5 months later...

Jon Anderson (YES) intervju



On 12.4.2018. at 9:46, Indy said:

Zaključali prog rock za sva vremena i bacili ključ u bezdan




Pa oni su ga i izmislili. Pesmu znam na pamet, ali tek sad vidim tvoj stari post. Fenomenalno.

  • 2 months later...

3/4 Tool-a se sakupili da bi svirali za ovu prigodu:



  • 5 months later...


  • 3 months later...

Ovo je pretty cool



  • 1 month later...

Time travel anyone


King Crimson - Cat Food TOTP (1970) [RARE COLORIZED] (RV MIX)

  • 4 months later...

Recimo da pripada ovde. Upravo sam otkrio da je Tull objavio album posle ~20 godina. Čuo naslovnu pesmu na radiju u kolima...




Edit: vrljav embed, vrljava plejlista, al ima novi album :)

Edited by jezovuk
Čovek protiv embedovanja yt plejliste

  • 8 months later...



Presjednik Čilea Gabrijel Borić ima interesantan odabir kačketa

  • 6 months later...



Efstratios Dimitriou (Greek: Ευστράτιος Δημητρίου; 22 April 1945 – 13 June 1979), known professionally as Demetrio Stratos, was a Greek-Italian lyricist, multi-instrumentalist, music researcher, and co-founder, frontman and lead singer of the Italian progressive rock band Area – International POPular Group.


Born and raised in Alexandria, Egypt, of Greek parents, he studied piano and accordion at the "National Conservatoire". In 1957 he was sent to Nicosia, Cyprus, and, at the age of 17, moved to Milan, Italy, to attend the Politecnico di Milano University at the Architecture Faculty, where he formed his first musical group. In 1967, Demetrio Stratos joined the Italian beat band I Ribelli, and in 1972, founded Area.




  • 1 month later...

Sad vidim ovaj lajv, super odradjeno

Edited by kipo


Koncertna verzija pesme Third Eye čiji je audio zapis iskorišćen  za Salival EP


Maynard u svom prime time-u :ziga:

Edited by Filozof manijak

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