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Posted (edited)

Koliko vidim u analizi na Breitbart-u od pet kandidata : Bolton, Đulijani, Gingrič, Corker, Grenell, samo poslednja dvojica nemaju etiketu da su podržavali intervencioniste u prošlosti. Zanimljivo je da je mišljenje senatora Randa Paula uzeto u obzir prilikom negativne ocene podržavanja intervencionizma od strane Boltona i Đulijanija.

Mislim da će na osnovu ovoga izbor biti Bob Corker Sec of state, Richard Grenell ambasador u UN.

Edited by slow
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Zasto tako mislis? Verujes da Trump ima neke saveznike iz deep state-a kad je u pitanju njegovo vidjenje spoljne politike?


Voleo bih da znam na osnovu cega u to verujes?

Posted (edited)

Zasto tako mislis? Verujes da Trump ima neke saveznike iz deep state-a kad je u pitanju njegovo vidjenje spoljne politike?


To je sajt glavnog consigliere-a Bannona, oni su najobavešteniji. Deep state su Bannon i general Flynn. Ko je još iza nemam pojma  :D


Meni je najveći i najnegativniji utisak jako loše i agresivno usmerenje prema Iranu

Edited by slow

Meni je najveći i najnegativniji utisak jako loše i agresivno usmerenje prema Iranu

Ova naivnost je skoro pa simpaticna.

Posted (edited)


Flynn's worldview

Given the key role that Flynn has already played for Trump and the role going forward that he will likely play during the Trump presidency, what are his views on national security and foreign policy in general?
Trump himself has not laid out a clear agenda on the national security issues that are the most pressing for the United States, from the resurgence of the Taliban in Afghanistan; to the deepening Syrian civil war; to the fight against ISIS in Iraq and Syria and the flexing of Russian muscles under President Vladimir Putin.
Luckily, there are some answers to Flynn's views in a book he published in July, "Field of Fight: How We Can Win the War Against Radical Islam".
Flynn claims that the United States is in a "world war" with radical Islam, a war that "we're losing" that could last 'several generations." He also asserts that "political correctness forbids us to denounce radical Islamists."
American Islamists, Flynn claims, are trying to create "an Islamic state right here at home" by pushing to "gain legal standing for Sharia." Flynn cited no evidence for this claim.
In particular, Flynn portrays Iran as the source of many of America's national security problems. Flynn co-wrote his book with Michael Ledeen, a neoconservative academic who has long been a bitter critic of the Iranian regime.
Flynn advocates the American overthrow of regimes that are "Islamic republics" which could include not only Iran, but also American allies such as the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
Flynn's views, in short, align closely with Trump's and in some cases are more extreme, since not even Trump is advocating regime change in Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Flynn advocates going after the "violent Islamists wherever they are," which doesn't sound much different than what the Obama administration is already doing, given that it is conducting various forms of warfare in seven Muslim countries.
The campaign against ISIS has resulted in the deaths of scores of ISIS leaders in Iraq and Syria and 45,000 ISIS fighters, according to US military officials.
Meanwhile, the Iraqi army backed by US airstrikes is fighting in the streets of Mosul, the second largest city in Iraq, where ISIS declared its so-called caliphate two years ago.
Flynn, like Trump, sees Russian president Vladimir Putin as someone the US can do business with. In December, Flynn attended a banquet in Moscow where he sat next to Putin. He also has appeared on the Kremlin TV mouthpiece, Russia Today (which Flynn has compared to CNN).
If Flynn is Trump's national security advisor or secretary of defense we can expect him to push for a closer relationship with the Russians; a punitive policy on Iran -- and a more aggressive war on Islamist militants around the world. These views mesh well with what we have heard from Donald Trump on the campaign trail.
Such new policies, however, come with real risks: Warmer relations with the Russians might encourage Putin's adventurism in Eastern Europe; getting tough with the Iranians might derail the deal that prevents Iran from developing nuclear weapons -- and widening the war against Islamist militants could be expensive in blood and treasure.
Edited by slow

Voleo bih da znam na osnovu cega u to verujes?

vjerujem da je Tramp taj bafer izmedju deep statea i "shallow" statea, vidjećemo da li će uspjeti da igra za obije strane

Posted (edited)


Edited by Lezilebovich
Posted (edited)

Deep tazbina




Ко је Трампов зет који "оперише иза кулиса"?

СРЕДА, 16. НОВ 2016, 20:42 -> 20:59


Нови председник САД Доналд Трамп поручио је путем Твитера да транзиција власти "иде као подмазана", одбацивши оптужбе да тај процес запада у хаос, а у новој расподели овлашћења као моћан играч појављује се његов зет Џеред Кушнер.


Кушнер се као утицајан показао и у предизборној кампањи, а постоје наговештаји да ће управо он скрајнути републиканског гувернера Њу Џерсија Криса Кристија, који је месецима постављао темеље нове администрације, а који је пре десет година, када је био тужилац, Кушнеровог оца ставио иза решетака, наводи портал Политико.


Овај 35-годишњи милионер супруг је Трампове ћерке Иванке Трамп :wub: , а док је новоизабрани председник разговарао са својим претходником Бараком Обамом у Белој кући прошле недеље, Кушнер је разговарао са Обаминим шефом особља, пренео је Би-Би-Си.

Кушнер је дискретно постао један од најближих саветника свог таста, а његов моћни утицај током предизборне кампање огледао се, између осталог, у обезбеђивању дигиталне стратегије.

Трампов зет, који се нерадо појављује пред камерама и углавном "оперише иза кулиса", бави се некретнинама и власник је листа Њујорк обсервер који је откупио 2006. године са само 25 година, а у његовом је власништву и небодер у Петој авенији, пар блокова даље од тастове куле.

Кушнер још није добио званичну позицију у Трамповој администрацији, али је именован, заједно са троје Трампове деце, у тим за транзицију, и по свој прилици ужива поверење новоизабраног председника.

Овај ортодоксни Јеврејин пољског порекла чији су деда и баба преживели холокауст, а који је рођен и одрастао у изобиљу у Ливингстону у Њу Џерсију где му се отац обогатио у области некретнина, у уводнику у свом листу својевремено је бранио Трампа од оптужби за антисемитизам.

Кушнеров отац Чарлс завршио је у затвору због низа преступа, укључујући утају пореза и вршење притиска на сведоке, а у његовом случају тужилац је био нико други него бивши јавни тужилац за Њу Џерси и републикански председнички кандидат 2016. године Крис Кристи.

Кушнер је, наводи Би-Би-Си, између осталог саветовао свог таста да изабере за кандидата за потпредседника Мајка Пенса, а не Кристија.

Трампа са зетом можда повезује слична прошлост и порекло, с обзиром на то да су и један и други као релативно млади наследили империје на пољу накретнина, при чему је и Трампов отац, као и Кушнеров, био контроверзна личност која се нашла пред судом због оптужби за расну дискриминацију.

Кушнер и Трамп имају још нешто заједничко - недостатак политичког искуства, што није спречило новог председника да свог зета хвали као "веома доброг у политици".

С друге стране, за разлику од свог таста, Кушнер је миран, сталожен и не воли да буде у првом плану.

Благог гласа и изразито младолик, Трампов зет би, с обзиром на своје велико ангажовање у предизборној кампањи и близак однос са новоизабраним председником, могао би да постане изузетно утицајан у Вашингтону, оцењује Би-Би-Си. 

Edited by slow

malo fallout-a na socmrežama

Twitter suspends accounts belonging to ‘alt-right’ members

Messaging platform takes steps to curb hate speech after vitriolic US election

by: Hannah Kuchler in San Francisco and Demetri Sevastopulo in Washington


Twitter has suspended several accounts belonging to members of the so-called alt-right — the amorphous world of rightwing extremist groups — including its unofficial leader Richard Spencer, in a crackdown on hate speech after a vitriolic US presidential election campaign.

The messaging platform has suspended the Twitter accounts of Mr Spencer, who is president of the National Policy Institute, which describes itself as “dedicated to the heritage, identity and the future of people of European descent in the United States”, as well as the NPI’s Twitter account and that of its Radix Journal.


Mr Spencer told the Financial Times that the company had not warned him about the move, and that he had not attempted to set up another Twitter account to circumvent the suspension.

“Twitter has become a digital public square. If it shirks these responsibilities, and instead censors content, then I have no desire to return to the platform,” he said.


A Twitter spokesperson did not point to specific tweets that had broken its terms and conditions but said: “The Twitter Rules prohibit violent threats, harassment, hateful conduct, and multiple account abuse, and we will take action on accounts violating those policies.”


The suspensions, which are usually temporary but could be permanent, come after Twitter introduced new features on Tuesday designed to limit harassment on the platform. Twitter users can now “mute” any conversations with particular words, phrases or accounts in them so they are not notified about abuse.


Twitter said it was trying to do a better job at combating cyberbullying by creating a way for people who witness abuse but are not the victim to report it, improving its internal procedures to handle complaints, and retraining staff. Its hateful conduct policy says it prohibits “specific conduct that targets people on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, disability or disease”.


The company also suspended accounts belonging to Paul Town, who describes himself as the “leading thought leader” of the alt-right, Pax Dickinson, the former chief technology officer of Business Insider who left the company in 2013 after posting racist and misogynist tweets, and Ricky Vaughn, who has previously been banned by Twitter.


Social media companies including Twitter and Facebook have come under fire in the week since the presidential election for providing a venue for fake news to spread and creating a filter bubble so that people only see their own views reflected back to them. During the campaign, people worried that the dominance of social apps allowed the spread of xenophobic, misogynist and homophobic content in an election where immigration, treatment of women and rights for LGBT people were hotly debated.

Twitter is anxious to ensure people are not deterred from using the platform by abuse as it struggles with sluggish user growth, that has hit the share price and made investors question its long term future.


It has been intervening more in the platform, most prominently when it banned Milo Yiannopoulos, a rightwing commentator for Breitbart News, after it claimed he led a racist harassment campaign against Leslie Jones, the African American Ghostbusters actress.



Zato ljudi idite na gab umesto na twitter, koji je postao leglo lib-trollova.




Nista ne govori "anti-establishment" kao dva bela bogatasa u odelima na sred pozlacene sobe.

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