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Donna Brazile, the interim leader of the Democratic National Committee, was giving what one attendee described as “a rip-roaring speech” to about 150 employees, about the need to have hope for wins going forward, when a staffer identified only as Zach stood up with a question.


“Why should we trust you as chair to lead us through this?” he asked, according to two people in the room. “You backed a flawed candidate, and your friend [former DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz] plotted through this to support your own gain and yourself.”


Some DNC staffers started to boo and some told him to sit down. Brazile began to answer, but Zach had more to say.


“You are part of the problem,” he continued, blaming Brazile for clearing the path for Trump’s victory by siding with Clinton early on. “You and your friends will die of old age and I’m going to die from climate change. :lol::Hail: You and your friends let this happen, which is going to cut 40 years off my life expectancy.”


Zach gathered his things and began to walk out. When Brazile called after him, asking where he was going, he told her to go outside and “tell people there” why she should be leading the party.


Two DNC staffers confirmed the exchange.


Asked for comment, Brazile said in an email, “As you can imagine, the individual involved is a member of the staff and I personally do not wish to discuss our internal meetings.”


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Posto im Tim Kejn a new hope Trampara ce moci ladno da trpa 2 mandata ako ne odapne pre od starosti.


Posto im Tim Kejn a new hope Trampara ce moci ladno da trpa 2 mandata ako ne odapne pre od starosti.


2020. će po svemu sudeći biti zicer za demokrate. Ništa od njih ne zavisi već isključivo od toga koliko će Trampara razočarati siromašnog belog čoveka


2020. će po svemu sudeći biti zicer za demokrate. Ništa od njih ne zavisi već isključivo od toga koliko će Trampara razočarati siromašnog belog čoveka


Pokrenuce neki rat protiv Muslimana 2019. i problem resen.

Posted (edited)

WTF cestitke na verovatnom porazu McCroryja. Bar neke dobre vesti. :)

Edited by Eraserhead
Posted (edited)



‘Prediction professor’ who called Trump’s big win also made another forecast: Trump will be impeached

He was one of the few professional prognosticators to call a Donald Trump win -- and now he has another prediction

Few prognosticators predicted a Donald Trump victory ahead of Tuesday night. Polls showed Hillary Clinton comfortably ahead, and much of America (chiefly the media) failed to anticipate the wave of pro-Trump support that propelled him to victory. But a Washington, D.C.-based professor insisted that Trump was lined up for a win -- based on the idea that elections are "primarily a reflection on the performance of the party in power."

Allan Lichtman uses a historically based system of what he calls "keys" to predict election results ahead of time. The keys are explained in-depth in Lichtman's book "Predicting the Next President: The Keys to the White House 2016." In our conversations in September and October, he outlined how President Obama's second term set the Democrats up for a tight race, and his keys tipped the balance in Trump's favor, even if just barely.


At the end of our September conversation, Lichtman made another call: That if elected, Trump would eventually be impeached by a Republican Congress that would prefer a President Mike Pence -- someone who establishment Republicans know and trust.

"I'm going to make another prediction," he said. "This one is not based on a system, it's just my gut. They don't want Trump as president, because they can't control him. He's unpredictable. They'd love to have Pence -- an absolutely down the line, conservative, controllable Republican. And I'm quite certain Trump will give someone grounds for impeachment, either by doing something that endangers national security or because it helps his pocketbook."

So while Republican voters clearly came home before Nov. 8 -- network exit polls show 90 percent of GOP voters cast ballots for Trump -- it's less clear that the party leadership is on board. (Lichtman actually isn't the only person to predict a Trump impeachment; this morning, the New York Times's David Brooks suggested a Trump impeachment or resignation was "probably" in the cards sometime within the next year.)

It's worth noting that Lichtman's predictions use very different methods than pollsters and data-based prognosticators. Some statisticians take issue with the structure of his system, a set of 13 true/false questions, saying that the binary nature of his keys leads to what's called "overfitting," which is basically creating a system that fits the data but has little statistical significance. But Lichtman counters by saying that the system has correctly predicted every election since 1984 (specifically, his predictions have picked the next president correctly in all of those elections but 2000, when he picked Al Gore, who won the popular vote). And Lichtman has his own criticism for data-based predictions.

"Polls are not predictors," he said Friday in an email. "They are snapshots that simulate an election. They are abused and misused as predictors. Even the analysis of polls by Nate Silver and others which claimed a probable Clinton victory with from more than 70 percent to 99 percent certainty are mere compilations that are no better than the underlying polls."

And he has particular disdain for prediction systems that assign a likelihood of winning.

"For all his acclaim, Nate Silver is only a clerk, not a scientific analyst," Lichtman said.

As for the real reason for Trump's win, Lichtman says the blame can't be put on Hillary Clinton or her campaign -- rather, he says, it was decided by the larger forces that shape American politics.

"The Democrats cannot rebuild by pointing fingers at Hillary Clinton and her campaign, which as the Keys demonstrated, were not the root cause of her defeat," he said. "The Democrats can rehabilitate themselves only by offering an inspiring progressive alternative to Republican policies and building a grass-roots movement."

Edited by slow

Ja se nadam u best case scenario tj da ce da ublazi retoriku. Na zalost sa psihom na vlasti (hvala Indrid) best case ukljucuje ukidanje obamacarea, tax cuts (po meni su porezi taksa za zivot u uredjenom drustvu), forsiranje nafte na racun obnovljivih izvora energije itd. Plus nadam se da nece poludeti sa nekim sukobima sa kinezima itd.


Ovo je jako lepo rečeno, slažem se. 


Juče sam po prvi put slušao Bernijevu ženu na CNN-u i deluje mi kao normalna i pristojna osoba. 


Juče sam po prvi put slušao Bernijevu ženu na CNN-u i deluje mi kao normalna i pristojna osoba. 

Kandidat na izborima 2020te, prva zena POTUS??


Pokrenuce neki rat protiv Muslimana 2019. i problem resen.

Protiv SA cenim, jel ostao neko drugi...? ah, Iran. hmda




...poslato sa prinudnog...

Pozivamo elektore da ignorišu glasanje u svojim državama i daju svoje glasove sekretaru Klinton. Tramp nije pogodan da bude predsednik SAD. Njegovo žrtvovanje toliko Amerikanaca, njegova impulsivnost, grubost, laganje, priznanje seksualnih napada u prošlosti i potpuni nedostatak iskustva čine ga opasnim po Republiku", piše u peticiji.


Demokrate su toliko zabrinute za republiku da traze ignorisanje rezultata izbora  :ziga:


Protiv SA cenim, jel ostao neko drugi...? ah, Iran. hmda




...poslato sa prinudnog...


Iran 100%

Jastrebovi koje okuplja su uvek bili nalozeni na cepanje dogovora s njima.

Ali dotle mora da se resi bliskoistocni clusterfuck

Posted (edited)


Трамп се окружио лобистима


У прелазном тиму новог председника САД ради мноштво заступника интереса корпорација, за које је обећао да ће им ослабити утицај


Раст деоница неких од најмоћнијих индустрија, попут војне и фармацеутске, након победе Доналда Трампа на председничким изборима у САД можда има и дубљу логику од пуке наде у то да ће кандидат Републиканске странке испунити своја обећања из кампање. Трамп јесте уверавао гласаче да ће раскинути везе председничке администрације са утицајним индустријалцима и њиховим лобистима и срушити систем који оличава његова поражена противкандидаткиња Хилари Клинтон. Али, милијардеров прелазни тим је, упркос томе, испуњен вашингтонским инсајдерима у трговини утицајем, пише сајт за истраживачко новинарство „Интерсепт”.

Прелазни тим, какав праве оба кандидата за председника Америке, дефинише конкретне политике у разним областима и сачињава списак више од 4.000 потенцијалних намештеника за позиције о којима одлучује први човек САД, од оних за његов најужи тим у Белој кући до нижих званичника задужених за војску, трговину и друге секторе. Тај тим, другим речима, разрађује начелна становишта председника и одређује састав администрације која ће их спроводити у дело.

У прелазном тиму Трампа је, између осталих, Ерик Јуленд, лобиста чувене банкарске корпорације Голдман Сакс, коју је нови председник користио у свом последњом предизборном споту илуструјући, како је рекао, „корумпирани политички естаблишмент”. Ту су и Мајкл Катанцаро, који ради за браћу Коук, нафташе и „Волта Дизнија” и други, који представљају „Етну”, „Верајзон” и разне корпорације, пише „Интерсепт”, којим руководи Глен Гринволд, новинар који се прославио разоткривањем података о злоупотребама америчких безбедносних служби, укључујући и оне из времена када је државна секретарка САД била Хилари Клинтон. И „Њујорк тајмс” пише да су у Трамповом прелазном тиму познати лобисти добили прилику да се питају за оне секторе у којима су кључни играчи управо њихови клијенти. 





Trump for America Inc., a nonprofit group chaired by Gov. Chris Christie, R-N.J., to oversee the Trump transition, has quietly moved ahead, meeting with interest groups and reaching out to lobbyists to plan a future Trump administration.

The group has held regular meetings at the Washington, D.C., offices of Baker Hostetler, a law and lobbying firm.

On Thursday, the group hosted a breakfast at Baker Hostetler attended by Microsoft’s Ed Ingle and Steve Hart, two lobbyists who, according to filings, have worked to promote the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Other transition meetings have included briefings with the Financial Services Roundtable and the Investment Company Institute, two lobby groups that represent Wall Street interests, as well as with the BGR Group, a lobby firm that representsSaudi Arabia and the South Korean government.

Trump, of course, isn’t alone in relying on entrenched political insiders to shape his future administration. The Hillary Clinton transition team is led by Ken Salazar and Tom Donilon, two former Obama administration officials who now serve on the lobbying teams of major law firms. Though the Clinton campaign gained headlines for banning registered lobbyists from managing her transition, the distinction between registered and unregistered lobbying is largely a question of semantics.

Trump’s decision to embrace lobbyists while denouncing them on the campaign trail should come as no surprise to any seasoned observer.

The reality television mogul seized on distaste for big money politics as a potent campaign issue, denouncing the role of Super PACs during the Republican primaries. “I have disavowed all Super PACs,” Trump said, adding that he would oppose any support from lobbyists and other special interest groups. After shoring up the nomination, the candidate quickly reversed himself, not only raising cash from lobbyists but switching gears to aggressively embrace the same Super PAC strategies used by more traditional candidates. Several Trump staffers moved from his campaign to Super PACs supporting the Trump-Pence ticket.

Edited by slow



да ће раскинути везе председничке администрације са утицајним индустријалцима и њиховим лобистима 



Posted (edited)

Demokrate su toliko zabrinute za republiku da traze ignorisanje rezultata izbora  :ziga:

pa sve je to shuplje na istom mestu, samo treba sachekati da se ukaze prilika da izbije u svom sjaju :lolol:


genijalno. a u sirijama, libijama, srbijama nekim, ako ce da ignorishu (ili nece da ignorishu, zavisi shta nam treba), to ce vec druga pricha da bude, pale se motori i te stvari.


genijalno! -_-

Edited by gospa buba
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