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Koliko samo nista ne kapiras. Postoji nesto izmedju "sirom otvorenih vrata" i "zidanja zida". Sto se ratova tice Trampova potencijalno meksa pozicija prema Putinu ne znaci obavezno manju upasnost od rata vec moze znaciti i vecu kao sto je objasnjeno ovde:




Uostalom pricamo o neuracunljivom coveku koji vodi ratove na twitteru u 3 ujutro. I na kraju ne radi se tu ni samo o Rusiji vec o tome da li ce ovo dovesti do ekspanzije terorizma, potencijalnog zaostravanja odnosa sa Kinom ili Iranom itd.

pa ti pises gluposti po internetu u svako doba dana i noci, zasto je sad on neuracunljiv? i jos si okacio potpuno djubre od teksta, sto me cudi jer si ti neko ko sve kapira.


Antimuslimansko raspolozenje ide direktno na ruku teroristima. To je osnova za regrutovanje. Posebno sto ce ID u narednim mesecima da padne i hiljade bradonja ce da se razmile po svetu.

jaooo, pa daj da im posaljemo oruzja i para. ako isis padne najebali smo, ne smemo dopustiti da se to dogodi! manje isisa, vise terorizma!

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A poenta izbora u smislu narativa je, takodje, da je na zid kukala osoba koja je za zid glasala a i u debati protiv Trampa pomenula da je zid/ograda potrebna.





Tj. glasali su i protiv ovakvog spin bullshit-a.


Glasali su protiv Rubia koji je bio za legalizaciju ilegalnih imigranata before he was agianst it,  itd...


pa, mislim, da nije bila flawed kandidat ona bi i pobedila. Ali ok, znaju oni koji su tamo tj kojih se najviše tiče (hispano, crnci, muslimani i ostali) šta viri iza Trumpa, a šta iza Hillary. Nisu to samo njih dvoje.


Peskov u NY, na šahovskom turniru of all things  :happy:


putin se u nastupu koji pominje peskov, sasvim racionalno osvrnuo na temu odnosa sa amerikom.



brate, ovo je nivo informer-a i DJV, ali bez psovki.

Washington Post :isuse:



All Americans who are alarmed, angry and disheartened that a large minority of our fellow citizens made Donald Trump the president-elect must quickly learn to distinguish between blame and responsibility.

I freely admit that my own list of those who deserve to be held accountable is long. It includes Russian President Vladimir Putin, who intervened shamelessly in our internal affairs, and FBI Director James B. Comey, who, apparently under pressure from politicized bureau agents, changed the trajectory of the campaign and helped accomplish what the former KGB operative could not have achieved on his own.

I blame Republican leaders who knew better but nonetheless aligned themselves with Trump. I blame a media that created an outlandishly false equivalence between Hillary Clinton’s sins and the corruption of her opponent. And then there is our foolish and antiquated electoral college system: For the second time in 16 years, the candidate for whom a plurality of Americans voted will not become president.

Finally, I blame people of my gender, race and class — college-educated white men — for giving Trump his margin. Yes, a class rebellion among less-educated whites was key to his victory. But we cannot forget that a large majority of well-to-do white men chose to vote for a dangerous misogynist who demonized immigrants and people of color.

While the wounds are still open, others have already started blaming Clinton herself and Democratic Party insiders who supported her. The party’s left is arguing that Clinton should have heeded the warnings of Bernie Sanders’s rebellion and spoken much more to the nation’s economic injustices. If the past is any guide, more moderate Democrats will talk about how, perhaps, the country was asked to accept too much cultural change too quickly, or that whites, especially white men, were exhausted from having every other group lifted up except themselves. I fear that this argument will tear apart those who must now stand together.

There is also the grimly amusing spectacle of elites, in the media and in politics, declaring that “everybody” missed the seething discontent at the grass roots.

The combined effects of a long-term rise in inequality and the brutal damage done to so many by the crash of 2008 certainly seeded the ground for Trump’s victories in Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. But if this was a purely anti-establishment vote, why were so many conservative Republican incumbents reelected? Many on the left had warned for years about the impact of technology and trade on those who made their livings in the old economy. Why did these complaints become politically explosive only when they were harnessed to resentments over race and immigration?

Assessing blame can be useful if it leads to analysis and action. But it could also be paralyzing at the very moment when Trump’s foes, and also some of his enablers, need to take responsibility. The first and most important responsibility, as Clinton suggested in her moving and very presidential concession speech, is not to allow this would-be strongman to undermine our liberties and rob us of the ability to fight back. The many establishment figures who will scurry Trump’s way cannot become complicit in any efforts to use government’s power to limit the freedom of action of those who oppose him.

The left and center must not let this catastrophe unleash an all-consuming and inward-looking ideological war. Republicans will now control two branches of government and are poised to take over the judiciary. House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) signaled on Wednesday that he hopes to use his party’s newfound clout to push through what will be a genuinely reactionary program of deep tax and budget cuts — the latter antithetical to Trump’s promises to rebuild our infrastructure.

Critics of such radicalism must expose how these plans would betray many of the voters who flocked to Trump, blocking what they can, moderating what they cannot stop altogether. Above all, they must defend an alternative vision that might bring Americans together to achieve an inclusive prosperity and a society in which no one — not immigrant, not African American, not Muslim, not white working class — feels excluded or disrespected.

I truly do fear for our country’s future. I find it hard to accept that my fellow citizens in such large numbers embraced a man so threatening to our standing in the world and so cavalier about our basic rights. But we cannot allow fear or anger to drive us from the field. If ever our nation needed a determined, thoughtful and creative opposition, it is now.

© 2016, Washington Post Writers Group


Treba da znas jos iz Slobinih vremena sta znaci "izdvojen stav redakcije" u potpisu.

Gospodin vashingtonopostovski Hadzi Dragan Antic se samo usro za svoje radno mesto, narodski receno.


pa, mislim, da nije bila flawed kandidat ona bi i pobedila. Ali ok, znaju oni koji su tamo tj kojih se najviše tiče (hispano, crnci, muslimani i ostali) šta viri iza Trumpa, a šta iza Hillary. Nisu to samo njih dvoje.


Zameni Trampa sa Romnijem i Hilari sa Obamom, posto su brojke, izgleda, slicne.

Sta to viri iza Romnija?


Pazi, najefektniji napad na Trampa je bio kada ga je FOX News u Primaries isprozivao za Trump University. Drugi efektni napad je bio onaj oko poreza. No, DS je odlucio da, umesto vote supressio u WI, OH, PA... nastavi na Obaminom gradjenju rainbow koalicije i get out the vote operaciji. Iz nekog razloga, poslednja dva meseca taj projekat americkog Mice (lik ubedljivo najslicniji Trampari na nasoj sceni, vise nego Karic) se uopste nije spominjao.

Posted (edited)

brate, ovo je nivo informer-a i DJV, ali bez psovki.

Washington Post :isuse:


Those damn Ruskies, feds and honkys!

Edited by Dr Arslanagić

Those damn Ruskies, feds and honkys!


Rasa na stranu, ali koliko čovek mora da bude slep & glup da krivi glasače što nisu glasali za njegovog kandidata? FFS, ne rade oni za vas nego vi za njih.


Zameni Trampa sa Romnijem i Hilari sa Obamom, posto su brojke, izgleda, slicne.

Sta to viri iza Romnija?


Pazi, najefektniji napad na Trampa je bio kada ga je FOX News u Primaries isprozivao za Trump University. Drugi efektni napad je bio onaj oko poreza. No, DS je odlucio da, umesto vote supressio u WI, OH, PA... nastavi na Obaminom gradjenju rainbow koalicije i get out the vote operaciji. Iz nekog razloga, poslednja dva meseca taj projekat americkog Mice (lik ubedljivo najslicniji Trampari na nasoj sceni, vise nego Karic) se uopste nije spominjao.


bogme najviše mu se zaljuljalo oko onoga za pussy, koliko god to glupo izgledalo


Zameni Trampa sa Romnijem i Hilari sa Obamom, posto su brojke, izgleda, slicne.

Sta to viri iza Romnija?




ne, nije uopšte isto




Pazi, najefektniji napad na Trampa je bio kada ga je FOX News u Primaries isprozivao za Trump University. Drugi efektni napad je bio onaj oko poreza. No, DS je odlucio da, umesto vote supressio u WI, OH, PA... nastavi na Obaminom gradjenju rainbow koalicije i get out the vote operaciji. Iz nekog razloga, poslednja dva meseca taj projekat americkog Mice (lik ubedljivo najslicniji Trampari na nasoj sceni, vise nego Karic) se uopste nije spominjao.


to je drugo, pričali smo u čemu je razlika u percepciji dva kandidata. iza trumpa su stali ozbiljni fašovi


ne, nije uopšte isto



to je drugo, pričali smo u čemu je razlika u percepciji dva kandidata. iza trumpa su stali ozbiljni fašovi


Cijoj percepciji?


Preferencije na izborima medju manjinama, izgleda, pokazuju da Tramp nije vise omrazen od Obame, a to je jedina percepcija koja se moze izracunati. Anectodal evidence i novinski clanci to nisu.


Sto se fasova tice, koji su to fasovi u njegovom timu?

Bolesno ambiciozni (Djulijani), muljatori (Djulijani i Kristi), radikalno desni (Gingric), ostaci neoconsa (Bolton) to da, ali koji fasovi?

Kada citam "stali", podrazumevam pomagali/finansirali/organizovali, ne davali izjave po tviteru i fejsu.

Posted (edited)

Peskov u NY, na šahovskom turniru of all things  :happy:


Uzdanica Moskve Karpov Karjakin se bori za titulu svetskog prvaka, ne znam šta je tu čudno, vidi samo taj pogled pun ljubavi:




P.S. Ono što je zanimljivo je da šampion, Norvežanin Karlsen, koji drugi put brani titulu (postao je prvak sa 22 pobedivši 21 godinu starijeg Indijca Ananda), ima nepunih 26 godina, dok je izazivač Karjakin deset i po meseci stariji - obojica su rođena 1990.

Edited by vememah
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