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Trump Business Partner Is Philippines’ New Trade Envoy to U.S.




NOVEMBER 9, 2016



BANGKOK — The timing of President Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines couldn’t be better. Before Donald J. Trump’s election victory, the Philippine leader had already named Mr. Trump’s business partner in Manila as a special envoy to the United States.


Mr. Duterte, whose colorful and unpredictable comments have drawn comparisons to Mr. Trump, late last month named the chairman of Century Properties Group, Jose E. B. Antonio, as an envoy to Washington for trade, investment and economic affairs, Philippine news outlets reported. Word of the appointment became public this week.


Stock in Century Properties rose 20 percent on Wednesday on the Philippine Stock Exchange on the news that Mr. Trump had been elected.


The company is building the Trump Tower at Century City, a $150 million, 57-story apartment building in metropolitan Manila. Mr. Trump has no involvement in the project except to provide his brand name.


“I’ve always loved the Philippines,” Mr. Trump says on the company’s website. “I think it’s just a special place, and Manila is one of Asia’s most spectacular cities.” The website notes that the project is not owned, developed or sold by Mr. Trump or any of his companies.


Mr. Trump’s assertion during the campaign that “animals” were entering the United States from “terrorist nations” including the Philippines angered many Filipinos. One Philippine congressman proposed barring Mr. Trump from the country.


Mr. Antonio’s assignment is to enhance business ties between the two countries. A decade ago, he served as a special envoy to China. He could not be reached for comment.


“His strong business leadership will steer the Philippines’ trade and economic goals in the right direction and help seize opportunities for both public and private-sector Philippine-U.S. businesses while promoting robust relations in the 21st century,” said Perfecto Yasay Jr., the foreign affairs secretary, according to a report in The Philippine Daily Inquirer.


Mr. Duterte, who has said that President Obama “can go to hell,” is most likely hoping that Mr. Trump will be less interested in human rights and unconcerned by the killing of about 2,000 people in Mr. Duterte’s campaign against drugs.


In a statement released by Martin Andanar, the communications secretary, Mr. Duterte congratulated Mr. Trump on his victory.


“President Duterte wishes President-elect Trump success in the next four years as chief executive and commander in chief of the U.S. military, and looks forward to working with the incoming administration for enhanced Philippine-U.S. relations anchored on mutual respect, mutual benefit and shared commitment to democratic ideals and the rule of law,” the statement said.

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Mediji i politički protivnici preko medija će ga tokom mandata propitivati za obećanja i suočavati ga sa razlikom u obećanom i onim što radi. To će javnost moći da vidi i na osnovu toga da gradi dvoje političke stavove. To je realno.


Zbog toga neće nikoga progutati mrak - ni novinare, ni opoziciju i to će moći da se vidi i čuje bez problema - neće morati da se štampaju leci i tajno ubacuju ili da se gasi tv na kojoj je kanadska stanica koaj to emituje kada policija udje u kuću

Dobro, svi mozemo zamisliti jos apokalipticnije scenarije. Jel isto tako nemoguce na primer da se ukine net neutrality sto pomenu Erejzer? Posto je to itekako na spisku a mislim da je fer reci da je ekvivalent kontrolisanja svih stamparija u zemlji.

Inace, neke novinare je itekako gutao mrak i to su veoma poznati i opste stvari, tako da neka tvrda vjera u tom smeru moze poticati samo iz filmova poput Erin Brokovic.


U stvari moj problem sa ovim stavom uopste nije to sto je netacan (a dovoljno je netacan) nego u tome sto nije bitno. Svejedno je da li ce neko propitivati nekoga za nemoguci zid, to niko ni ne ocekuje da se izgradi. Ta kvazi ozbiljna pitanja su sprdnja i ne uticu ni na sta, tu je problem koji ja imam.


U Americi postoje zločini iz mržnje prema manjinama, pa opet ne može da se kaže da je Amerika zemlja u kojoj su manjine obespravljene.


Ja stvarno ne očekujem da će sada novinare početi da guta mrak. Videćemo šta će biti, ali sada pričamo o onome što je do sada bilo.


Ja sam ubedjen da je amerika jedna od zemalja u kome je istraživačkomnovinarstvo koje nije naklonjeno vlasti najslobodnije. I da mediji mogu da propituju vlast i da se u njima čuje kritičko mišljenje. Ti kažeš da nije tako. Ok, ja zivim u filmu o erin brokovič, zajedno sa svim klipovima i clancima iz americkih medija koji se i ovde kace i u kojima se pise sve i svasta o svemu i svakome.


Zašto bi zid bio nemoguć? Zidove su digli 2016 po Evropi. I to ljudi koji su obećali da više neće dizati zidove.


Ovde je čovek obećao zid i neke vrste zida će 10000% biti. Uostalom, gde je onaj citat Petera Thiela:" mediji shvataju Trampa bukvalno, ali ga ne uzimaju za ozbiljno. Ja ga ne shvatam bukvalno, ali ga shvatam ozbiljno. "


Poenta je da nije bitno da li će biti zida. Onaj najvažniji zid je već izgrađen, a to je da je pobedio čovek koji hoće zid.


Poenta je da nije bitno da li će biti zida. Onaj najvažniji zid je već izgrađen, a to je da je pobedio čovek koji hoće zid.

+1 mala uteha je to da je dobio manje glasova ali to je nebitno. Lista negativnih i potencijalno negativnih posledica ovoga je predugacka. Ostaje nada da ce trajati 4 a ne 8 godina.


Ja uopste nisam siguran da se isplati izgradnja zida. Vrhunac meksicke migracije ka SAD je po svemu sudeci prosao. Meksiko je bolje mesto za zivot nego pre, bar u proseku, jasno je da postoje ogromne nejednakosti. Prirodni prirastaj u Meksiku je takodje nizi nego pre, sto je vrlo bitno jer u ogromnoj vecini migriraju mladi. Zid vec postoji duz jednog dela granice, mozda ga malo nadograde, ali bas celom duzinom granice da ide, tesko.


zidovi tj. ograde postoje vec duz dobrog dela granice


evo slika


od oko 2000 milja granice, ima nekakve vrste ograde, zida, ili barijere na 670 milja


ima cak i zakon, H.R. 6061, Secure Fence Act 2006 koji je bas o tome


posto je zid kakav ga je Tramp zamisljao preskup, ono sto ce desiti je produzenje ove ograde, na to tipujem, a ne nekakav betonski zid od 10 metara


Uzgred, nemam konkretne podatke, ali najpoznatiji americki istrazivac migracija tvrdi da je obim ilegalnih prelazaka u SAD iz Meksika znacajno opao jos pre izgradnje zida.


Ne samo to, nego sada po prvi put vise Meksikanaca napusta SAD nego sto dolazi.






Until a few years ago, mass migration from Mexico to the U.S. was a truism. An enormous wave of Mexican migration to the U.S. started almost 45 years ago. According to the Pew Hispanic Center, the number of Mexican-born immigrants living in the U.S. soared from 760,000 in 1970 to a peak of 12.6 million in 2007. Spurred on by major changes in U.S. immigration law in 1965 and 1986 and the 1995 peso crisis, by the mid-1990's Mexican immigrants (both legal and illegal residents) were flowing into the U.S. at the rate of over half a million a year, peaking in 2000 at 770,000.
But in 2001, the number of new residents (based on U.S. Census Bureau data) started to drop. In 2005, it began to plunge, bottoming out at 140,000 in 2010 and has flat lined since then. Most analysts attribute the steep drop of the last decade to the collapse of the U.S. housing market in 2006 and the lingering recession following the financial crisis in 2008.


While fewer Mexicans are moving to the U.S., there has been an increase in those leaving the U.S. and returning to Mexico (including those who have been deported). According to the Pew Center's analysis of Mexican census data, between 2005 and 2010, 1.4 million Mexicans who had previously resided in the U.S. returned to Mexico. This is almost double the number who returned from the U.S. to Mexico from 1995-2000.








More Mexicans Leaving Than Coming to the U.S.
Net Loss of 140,000 from 2009 to 2014; Family Reunification Top Reason for Return
More Mexican immigrants have returned to Mexico from the U.S. than have migrated here since the end of the Great Recession, according to a new Pew Research Center analysis of newly available government data from both countries. The same data sources also show the overall flow of Mexican immigrants between the two countries is at its smallest since the 1990s, mostly due to a drop in the number of Mexican immigrants coming to the U.S.
From 2009 to 2014, 1 million Mexicans and their families (including U.S.-born children) left the U.S. for Mexico, according to data from the 2014 Mexican National Survey of Demographic Dynamics (ENADID). U.S. census data for the same period show an estimated 870,000 Mexican nationals left Mexico to come to the U.S., a smaller number than the flow of families from the U.S. to Mexico.


Measuring migration flows between Mexico and the U.S. is challenging because there are no official counts of how many Mexican immigrants enter and leave the U.S. each year. This report uses the best available government data from both countries to estimate the size of these flows. The Mexican data sources — a national household survey, and two national censuses — asked comparable questions about household members’ migration to and from Mexico over the five years previous to each survey or census date. In addition, estimates of Mexican migration to the U.S. come from U.S. Census Bureau data, adjusted for undercount, on the number of Mexican immigrants who live in the U.S. 


A majority of the 1 million who left the U.S. for Mexico between 2009 and 2014 left of their own accord, according to the Mexican government’s ENADID survey data. The Mexican survey also showed that six in ten (61%) return migrants – those who reported they had been living in the U.S. five years earlier but as of 2014 were back in Mexico – cited family reunification as the main reason for their return. By comparison, 14% of Mexico’s return migrants said the reason for their return was deportation from the U.S.



trampov izbor baca potuno novo svetlo na obamina dva mandata. sve sto je dobro odradio, zaboravilo se u jednom danu.




Takoreci Obama ih je sve pocerao nazad a ne treba mu ni zid?


Обамина лијева рука :lolol:

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