dragance Posted August 25, 2024 Posted August 25, 2024 8 minutes ago, mackenzie said: Nije se pobunila već je dala kompliment Francuzima kako se konačno odvajaju od malignog zapadnog uticaja. Francuzima to imponuje. Neko te je debelo slagao: L'ambassade russe à Paris a accusé dimanche les autorités françaises de "refuser de coopérer" avec Moscou à la suite de l'arrestation de Pavel Durov. "Nous avons immédiatement demandé aux autorités françaises d'expliquer les raisons de cette détention et avons exigé que ses droits soient protégés et qu'un accès consulaire lui soit accordé. À ce jour, la partie française refuse toujours de coopérer sur cette question", a accusé l'ambassade russe à Paris, citée par l'agence de presse Ria Novosti.
borris_ Posted August 25, 2024 Posted August 25, 2024 (edited) Nisam ni znao da je naturalizovan francuz (2024.) Inace juce je poslanik ekstremne ljevice (Raphaël Arnault) napokon optuzio ekstremnu desnicu za jucerasnji atentat. OK on je vjerovao da je to uradila marinina/zemurova ekrnstremna desnica ali jbg atentator je sinoc uhvacen i u pitanju je jos jedan "juznjackog izgleda". Barem je pogodio da je ekstremna desnica u pitanju. Taj poslanik je osnovao pokret "mlada antifasisticka garda", neka vrsta Vuciceve garde. Uvjek napadaju u coporu, vole da napadaju jevreje itd. Vidio sam ih kada sam isao na utakmicu Mali Izrael n'a Olimpijskim igrama. Prolazili pored nas (isli da protestuju protiv Izraela, sali su napisali da su oni). Svi obuceni u crno, malice sa slikom kalasnjikova i Palestina napisano ispod, svi bradati. Pravi fasisti, bas kao ona Vuciceva mlada garda. Udarna pesnica burzuja koji vole da se igraju ekstremne ljevice. Edited August 25, 2024 by borris_ 1
Weenie Pooh Posted August 25, 2024 Posted August 25, 2024 4 hours ago, borris_ said: Vidio sam ih kada sam isao na utakmicu Mali Izrael n'a Olimpijskim igrama. Si ovo ti (ekstremno) desno u kadru? 2 3 1
Venom Posted August 25, 2024 Posted August 25, 2024 (edited) Znači ekstremno levo. 30 minutes ago, Weenie Pooh said: Si ovo ti (ekstremno) desno u kadru? Strašno koji ekstremisti. Jel ima neko umeren u toj Francuskoj? Ekstremna levica je ekstremna desnica je umerena sredina. Proganjaju pristojnog umerenog mladog čoveka kao nekakav Gestapo. Edited August 25, 2024 by Venom 2
Mr.Mxyzptlk Posted August 25, 2024 Posted August 25, 2024 1 hour ago, ObiW said: Sloboda govora propo. u evropi da, amerika neka se spremi ovo je na samo par koraka od maska
vememah Posted August 27, 2024 Posted August 27, 2024 (edited) Makron odbio da poveri mandat izabranoj predstavnici leve koalicije (iako se Melenšonova Nepokorena Francuska odrekla mesta u vladi) i pokušava da je iscepa. Quote He is set to launch new consultations on Tuesday and urges the PS (S&D), LÉ (G/EFA) and the PCF (LEFT) to "cooperate with the other political forces". Lucie Castets was the Prime Minister candidate of the Nouveau Front populaire (NFP-LEFT|G/EFA|S&D), which holds a relative majority with 193 seats in the National Assembly. Quote It's an unprecedented situation in the history of the 5th French Republic: the loser in the election effectively rejects yielding power to the winner. He explains it by the fact that his "responsibility is to ensure that the country be neither blocked nor weakened", arguing that were he to nominate a NPF government they'd soon be censored by parliament and destituded. That may be the case but still this awfully inconvenient fact remains: Macron's party got way less votes and MPs than the NPF, yet it is Macron's party that's still running the French government, and it is Macron himself making choices on who can or cannot assume power based on what he thinks would "weaken France" or not. It's insane when you think about it. Dakle, lik je raspisao prevremene izbore i radio na tome da desnica ne dobije vlast, ali to je rezultiralo time da njegova grupacija bude tek treća po broju poslanika i sad odbija da pobedničkoj levičarskoj koaliciji dodeli mandat kako bi njihova kandidatkinja pokušala da složi vladu s predstavnicima njegove grupacije, već i dalje drži svoju vladu na vlasti mimo izbora. Dobar niz sa pregledom cele situacije od pre nekoliko dana: Quote Arnaud Bertrand @RnaudBertrand Aug 24 • 17 tweets • 5 min read • Read on X Quite an incredible move in French politics today that might reveal that we're in fact witnessing nothing less than a coup by Macron. Let me explain 🧵 You'll remember that on the 7th of July France held elections that Macron lost badly, and which the left's "New Popular Front" won. We're now 48 days afterwards and Macron and his government are still running the country, they've basically ignored the election results which is unprecedented in the history of the French 5th republic. Normally, as is the rule set by precedents, Macron should have nominated a Prime Minister from the New Popular Front, the winners of the elections 🤷♂️ At first Macron argued that it wasn't convenient to change government right before the Olympics games and argued for an "Olympics truce". Which is a bit bizarre because he's the one who decided to hold the elections right before the Olympics 🤦♂️ Anyhow we're now almost 2 weeks after the end of the Olympics and the situation is still the same so everyone is started to ask "wtf?" Especially given that the New Popular Front has a Prime Minister ready: Lucie Castets, a senior public servant. Now the excuse by Macron's camp is that they refuse a government with anyone from LFI ("France's unbowed", Mélenchon's party), the main party on the left and therefore the main party in the New Popular Front coalition (Lucie Castets is not from LFI but some ministers could be). Macron has been demonizing LFI in a very similar fashion to the way Jeremy Corbyn was demonized in the UK, with accusations of antisemitism for their support of Gaza. Except that unlike Corbyn, LFI doesn't bow - they're "France unbowed" after all - and fight back the accusations Which brings me to what happened this morning, an incredible gamble by Mélenchon who asked an open question to Macron: "Say we committed to no LFI members in the government, would you nominate Lucie Castets Prime Minister?" This forces Macron's hand: if he says "no", as Mélenchon himself wrote, it'd show that Macron's refusal to have LFI in the government is "just a pretext to deny the election results". In effect if he says no, he openly admits that he just doesn't accept the election results. Olivier Faure, who leads the Socialist party (the other big political force in the New Popular Front) backs up Mélenchon and says the "pretext of the presence of LFI ministers" isn't valid anymore. In a way a New Popular Front government without LFI would in itself a denial of democracy because most voters voted for them *because* LFI was part of the coalition. But this is also an act of political courage by Mélenchon and a way to put Macron in front of his contradictions. We've already had some of Macron's lieutenants reply such as Benjamin Haddad (former spokesperson for Macron's party in the French parliament) who literally says that a New Popular Front gvt is unacceptable either way because it'd be bad for France. They get to decide this? 🤔 Let's see what Macron ultimately does but we're truly witnessing something extraordinary that demonstrates how undemocratic France has become: the people voted and the result of their vote is so far simply rejected because those holding power don't like it... I got this community note 👇 in the thread, which is NOT true. In the elections of 2022 - the prior ones - Macron's party arrived first without winning a majority yet Macron didn't hesitate to nominate a Prime Minister from his own party 🤷♂️ Another extraordinary comment on this matter by François Bayrou, a former Macron minister and a famous centrist politician in France: He literally says that the answer to Mélenchon's question is "of course no" (i.e. a New Popular Front government won't be accepted no matter what) because the program of the NFP is "very dangerous" for France. There you have it, he said the quiet part out loud: folks who lost the elections refuse to leave power in favor of those who won it because they disagree with the policies the winners would enact, and they believe they're the ultimate judge for how the country should be governed. Absolutely unreal. https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1827474244856365440.html Edited August 27, 2024 by vememah 1 1
vememah Posted August 27, 2024 Posted August 27, 2024 Deepl prevod Makronovog saopštenja na engleski: Quote Statement following consultations with party leaders and the Speakers of both Houses on August 23 and 26, 2024. Published August 26, 2024 With a view to appointing a Prime Minister, the President of the Republic received the leaders of the parties represented in Parliament and the Presidents of the two chambers on Friday August 23 and Monday August 26. The discussions were frank, sincere and useful. He received them in his constitutional role as arbiter, guarantor of the Nation's institutional stability and independence. At the end of the consultations, the President of the Republic noted that a government based solely on the program and parties proposed by the alliance with the most deputies, the New Popular Front, would immediately be censured by all the other groups represented in the National Assembly. Such a government would therefore immediately have a majority of over 350 deputies against it, effectively preventing it from acting. In view of the views expressed by the political leaders consulted, the institutional stability of our country dictates that this option should not be retained. Exchanges with the LIOT group and the EPR, MODEM, Horizons, Radicaux and UDI parties have outlined possible avenues for coalition and joint work between different political sensibilities. These groups were open to supporting a government led by someone from outside their own ranks. The Socialist Party, the Ecologists and the Communists have not yet proposed ways of cooperating with the other political forces. It is now up to them to do so. The Republican Right has defined its red lines and detailed its legislative pact, without committing itself to a vote on the budget, or to supporting or participating in the government. Tomorrow, Tuesday August 27, a new round of consultations with the leaders of the parties and personalities distinguished by their experience in serving the State and the Republic will resume. At this unprecedented time in the Fifth Republic, when the expectations of the French people are high, the Head of State calls on all political leaders to rise to the occasion in a spirit of responsibility. The President of the Republic declares: “My responsibility is to ensure that the country is neither blocked nor weakened. The governing political parties must not forget the exceptional circumstances in which their deputies were elected in the second round of the legislative elections. This vote obliges them." https://www.elysee.fr/emmanuel-macron/2024/08/26/communique-suite-aux-consultations-avec-les-responsables-des-partis-et-les-presidents-des-deux-chambres-des-23-et-26-aout-2024
borris_ Posted August 27, 2024 Posted August 27, 2024 Ovo sto si napisao nije bas tako. Njegova grupacija (vise partija pod istim imenom) je druga, nije treca. Treci je RN (ustvari partija sa najvise poslanika). I centar je odbio bilo kakvu koaliciju sa NFP-om. Da li je trebao da odabere nju da pokusa da slozi vladu, jeste. Da li bi NFP uspio da vlada, ne bi. Ostali bi prvog dana glasali protiv te vlade (kao sto su najavili). I NFP je prvog dana glasao protiv vlade 2022. ali nije imao dovoljno glasova. Ali trebalo je prvi NFPu dati mandat da pokusa.
Venom Posted August 27, 2024 Posted August 27, 2024 Potez dostojan ekstremne desnice što Macron očigledno i jeste. 3
vememah Posted August 27, 2024 Posted August 27, 2024 (edited) 2 hours ago, borris_ said: Njegova grupacija (vise partija pod istim imenom) je druga, nije treca. Hvala na ispravci, pobrkao sam. Treća je po broju glasova u prvom krugu, ne po broju mandata na kraju. 2 hours ago, borris_ said: Da li je trebao da odabere nju da pokusa da slozi vladu, jeste. Da li bi NFP uspio da vlada, ne bi. Ostali bi prvog dana glasali protiv te vlade (kao sto su najavili). Mogli su onda odmah da puste Marin da pobedi. Ovo je samo gubljenje vremena. Edited August 27, 2024 by vememah
dragance Posted August 27, 2024 Posted August 27, 2024 2 hours ago, Venom said: Potez dostojan ekstremne desnice što Macron očigledno i jeste. Ako vlada neće imati stabilnost onda je dužnost predsednika da obavi nove konsultacije. Nije LFI dobio većinu poslanika, već cela koalicija koja se sastoji od više stranaka. A nije formalna stranka, tako da nije tačno da pravi bilo kakav “državni udar”, već jednostavno se traži rešenje koje bi odgovaralo većini u parlamentu. 1
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