April 3, 20168 yr Naravno, opšte je poznato da putler ovo radi u dogovoru sa Alijevim i Erdoganom. To je jedino moguće objašnjenje. Moguce je da je ovo samo prelivanje sukoba dva pomahnitala kvazidiktatora.
April 3, 20168 yr Upravo. Sačuvaj bože da Azeri i Jermeni imaju nešto sa tim, sve im smeštaju dva ludaka kojima je očajnički potreban false flag.
April 3, 20168 yr @Tribun: Nije, vidim da tu ima i migova 29, ne samo spomenutih helikoptera. Inače, Jermeni danas potvrdili da su juče izgubili nešto teritorije, ali tvrde da su je (ili deo nje) vratili. Nagorno Karabakh Defense Army units took retaliatory measures and seized back the strategically important military base in Talish, occupied by the Azerbaijani forces the day before.http://www.panarmenian.net/eng/news/209491/ Evo šta su juče tvrdili Azeri: The most serious progress was achieved in the north of Karabakh, where the villages Seysulan, Talish and Madagiz were liberated.http://www.contact.az/docs/2016/Politics/040200151484en.htm Detaljna mapa Nagorno-Karabaha: (klik na sliku za uvećanje)Tališ i Madagiz (na mapi piše Mathagis) su u samom severoistočnom uglu zapadno od azerbejdžanskog grada Tertera, a Sejsulan, tj. Artsvašen više na istoku, južno od Tertera, a u pravcu E-NE od karabaškog grada Martakerta. Edited April 3, 20168 yr by vememah
April 3, 20168 yr @Tribun: Nije, vidim da tu ima i migova 29, ne samo spomenutih helikoptera. Helići se lako premeštaju u zonu dejstva i nikad ne idu bez pešadije, a migovi su tu da nikome ne bi padalo na pamet da diže avijaciju. Mada taj S-300PMU2 sa 200km dometa u azerskom inventaru nije zajebancija. TT tj. CZ M57
April 3, 20168 yr Ili mozda novim konfliktom Putin pokusava da uradi isto. U neku ruku ovo može biti i istina. Putinu, i Rusiji svakako ne odgovaraju etnički sukobi u buretu baruta kakav je Kavkaz, ali mu odgovara nered na području gde je planirano da se smesti više gasovoda kojima se nastoji zaobići Rusija. Južni i Turski tok su istorija, sad je TANAP u fokusu. Edited April 3, 20168 yr by dillinger
April 3, 20168 yr Azerbaijan said on Sunday (April 3) it would end fighting with Armenian-backed troops over the breakaway Nagorno-Karabakh region after two days of clashes which have killed dozens. “Having taken into account …appeals from international organisations, Azerbaijan has decided to unilaterally cease retaliatory military actions and will consolidate yesterday’s territory gains,” RIA news agency quoted the Azeri Defence Ministry as saying. Nagorno-Karabakh lies inside Azerbaijan but is controlled by ethnic Armenians. It has run its own affairs with heavy military and financial backing from Armenia since a separatist war ended in 1994. Armenia denounced the ceasefire announcement as hollow and said violence was continuing.
April 3, 20168 yr Posledice bombardovanja u Martakertu: I ovi iz Karabaha su spremni na primirje, ali samo ako se Azeri vrate na pozicije pre sukoba. Karabakh Defense Army has expressed readiness to discuss a possible truce “in the context of returning to the initial positions.” http://www.azatutyun.am/contentlive/liveblog/27650099.html Neko minobacačkom vatrom gađa iranska pogranična sela: Citing officials in Iran’s northwestern East Azarbaiajan province, the Fars news agency reported on Sunday that three mortar shells hit an Iranian village close to the “line of contact.” There was no word on casualties or material damage caused by them. http://www.azatutyun.am/content/article/27651836.html Edited April 3, 20168 yr by vememah
April 4, 20168 yr Par dana prije sukoba, Alijev je bio u posjeti SAD-u. On 30 March 2016, Hawaii became the seventh state to unanimously recognize Nagorno-Karabakh, the Hawaii House of Representatives placed bill H.R. 167 into effect despite pressure from Azerbaijani diplomats and Washington D.C.[80] On 30 March 2016, the US Embassy in Azerbaijan issued a declaration that US foreign state policy is determined at a federal government level, and that the United States does not recognize the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic.[81] This statement was delivered shortly after Azerbaijan's president, president Ilham Aliyev, arrived in Washington D.Cfor bilateral discussions.
April 4, 20168 yr Par dana prije sukoba, Alijev je bio u posjeti SAD-u. Normalno. Bilo se samo pitanje vremena kad ce da se nadje da je gledao americki film, slusao neku americku grupu ili mozda citao WSJ pa da sputnjik botovi krenu da izvlace svoje "zakljucke".
April 4, 20168 yr http://money.cnn.com/video/news/2016/01/28/azerbaijan-oil.cnnmoney/ January 28, 2016 Azerbaijan's decade-long boom is well and truly over.The oil producing central Asian country has been slammed by the oil price crash and is now considering asking for an international bailout. Experts from the International Monetary Fund arrived in the capital Baku on Thursday to find out just how bad the situation has become. "The team will discuss areas for technical assistance and assess possible financing needs," an IMF spokesperson told CNN. A senior Azerbaijani official told CNN the government is thinking about an emergency loan of $4 billion to help it cope with the collapse in global crude oil prices. Still, it may have other options. The country has about $30 billion dollars in its sovereign wealth fund -- money it saved for a rainy day, the official said. Azerbaijan is one of many oil producers brought down by collapsing prices. The oil sector alone makes up around 37% of Azerbaijan's GDP, and nearly 90% of its exports, World Bank data shows. It's currency, the manat, has lost 52% against the dollar in the last year. President Ilham Aliyev spoke about the situation at a CNN panel in Davos last week, calling the low oil prices "psychologically difficult." Edited April 4, 20168 yr by slow
April 4, 20168 yr Normalno. Bilo se samo pitanje vremena kad ce da se nadje da je gledao americki film, slusao neku americku grupu ili mozda citao WSJ pa da sputnjik botovi krenu da izvlace svoje "zakljucke". butthurtuješ Aj sad objasni kakav gdje je ovdje "zaključak"? Par dana prije sukoba, Alijev je bio u posjeti SAD-u. U čemu je jbni problem sa konstatacijom? Osim možda... Hawaii su USA?
April 4, 20168 yr Vazno da ti nisi bot sa vecitom pricom o Putinu. Sta ces, ne volim diktatore i ubice.
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