Posted April 2, 20168 yr Evo, da otvorim topik pre svega posvećen noćašnjoj eskalaciji sukoba između Azerbejdžana i Jermenije u Nagorno Karabahu, ali i celokupnoj situaciji u celoj oblasti oko Kavkaza, koja je veliko potencijalno bure baruta. Ako se dobro sećam, NK je prva ex-SSSR oblast u kojoj su izbili ozbiljniji sukobi nakon sloma Varšavskog pakta i raspada SSSR-a (možda su Pridnjestrovlje ili Abhazija bili ranije, nisam siguran), i nekako imam osećaj da se mečka, koja ide od vrata do vrata i donosi nesreću istočnoj Evropi i Bliskom Istoku, vratila kući. U osnovi imam dve želje : - da ovaj topik ubrzo zamre zbog nedostatka materijala, odnosno da se u NK, ali i u Čečeniji, Abhaziji, Osetiji, Dagestanu i ostalim oblastima regiona ne dešava ništa vredno pažnje ; - da nam se nikada ne desi da ovaj topik objedinjujemo sa Sirijom, Petim oktobrom na Bliskom Istoku, Iranom, Mustafa Kemal Askerlerijem i ostalim topicima, na zajedničkoj temi o regionalnom ili , ne daj Bože, svetskom ratu (i da odsustvo tog objedinjavanja ne bude zbog kolapsa infrastrukture, već takođe zbog odsustva događaja vrednih pomena) ; Upravo je ova druga tačka glavno pitanje ovog topika - da li su sada samo izbili stari animoziteti pod novim okolnostima, ili postoje prsti Moskve, Ankare, Teherana, Vašingtona ... u celoj priči, kao i da li postoji direktna ili indirektna veza sa događajima u Siriji, Turskoj i širem regionu. Mali uvod : Mapa spornog područja : Istorija prvog sukoba : Analiza situacije : Oboreni azerbejdžanski Mi-24 : Doborovoljci u Jerevanu : Edited April 2, 20168 yr by Ayatollah
April 2, 20168 yr pa naravno, isto kao i tatari na krimu. a spomenik alijevu starijem u sred beograda.
April 2, 20168 yr ovo miriše na rusko-turski proksi rat, ne? U ovom trenutku je daleko od toga. Imaju Rusi dobre odnose sa Azerbejdžanskim vlastima. Plus su Azeri većinski Šiti. Meni ovo ne liči na pokušaj velikog napada kakav je bio rad 2008 u Osetiji već je došlo do više sporadičnih manjih incidenata. Smiriće se ovo.
April 2, 20168 yr zasto bas sad posle blistave ruske epizode u siriji? i posle toliko godina mira?? zbig rula i danas.onda daklem ajmo osude rusije. nece tj mozda ne moze zapad partnera
April 2, 20168 yr ...i nekako imam osećaj da se mečka, koja ide od vrata do vrata i donosi nesreću istočnoj Evropi i Bliskom Istoku, vratila kući. Ne stanuje ta mečka na Kavkazu, pogreshio si adredu. I nije mečka nego bizon.
April 2, 20168 yr Koliko se secam, nagorno karabah je eskalirao za vreme sovjetskog saveza npr 88 ili 89...
April 2, 20168 yr ovo miriše na rusko-turski proksi rat, ne? Dogodine i u Bosni.. U ovom trenutku je daleko od toga. Imaju Rusi dobre odnose sa Azerbejdžanskim vlastima. Plus su Azeri većinski Šiti. Meni ovo ne liči na pokušaj velikog napada kakav je bio rad 2008 u Osetiji već je došlo do više sporadičnih manjih incidenata. Smiriće se ovo. Azeri su turkijski narod, govore jezikom sličnim turskom i u Azerbejdžanu je turska 'meka sila' veoma jaka. To što su Rusi mislili da su prodajom modenizovanih S300 Bakuu rešili stvar, zajebali su se. Rusi su mislili da će kupiti i Turke gasom pa ono... Btw Nagorno Karabah su u Azerbejdžan inkorporirali boljševici baš da bi zadovoljili Turke Edited April 2, 20168 yr by dillinger
April 2, 20168 yr Iz gornje grafike ne deluje da je produbljenje sukoba u jermenskom interesu.Davutoglu zvanično podržao Alijeva: Prime Minister of the Republic of Turkey Ahmet Davutoglu made a phone call to President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev on April 2.The Turkish Prime Minister extended his condolences over the killing of Azerbaijani servicemen in latest events on the line of contact of the Azerbaijani and Armenian troops. He also offered his congratulations as the Armenian provocation was repulsed, and expressed his support.President Ilham Aliyev reiterated that the Azerbaijani armed forces resolutely repulsed the Armenian provocation on the line of contact and gave a decent response. Zvanične verzije obe strane - standardna žvaka: mi pobedili, druga strana prva počela i gađala civile, naših svega 10-20 mrtvih, njihovih na stotine, druga strana širi laži, blablabla... Jermeni: On the night of April 1-2, Azerbaijani armed forces initiated overt offensive operations in the southern, southeastern and northeastern directions of the line of contact with Nagorno Karabakh, using artillery, armored fighting vehicles and air force equipment among other weapons. Aside from the battles on the frontline, the rival has also carried out artillery strikes on civilian settlements and places of permanent deployment of several military units. The Nagorno Karabakh special forces on Saturday, April 2 identified an Azerbaijani subversive group near the Levonarkh settlement and threw the saboterus back to their positions. Armenian Defense Ministry strictly condemned Azerbaijani authorities’ aggressive and irresponsible decision to initiate military actions whose continuation could lead to unpredictable consequences for the Azerbaijani side. As many as 18 Karabakh servicemen were killed and 35 were wounded in the course of military operations with Azerbaijani army on April 1-2, Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan said at a Security Council meeting.During the session, the Armenian leader stressed that Azerbaijan has suffered major equipment and human losses. According to Sargsyan, it's time to "take a step forward." According to the Karabakh Defense Army reports, at least 30 Azeri special forces soldiers were killed in Talish direction alone, two tanks and two unmanned drones were destroyed in Martakert direction, and a helicopter was downed in the northern direction of the contact line....The Nagorno Karabakh Defense Army estimates suggest that the Azerbaijani armed forces suffered more than 200 human losses on April 1-2. Azeri: The provocation of the Armenians on the front line in the direction of Azerbaijan’s Aghdam district has been prevented, chairman of the Guzanli village municipality of the country’s Aghdam district Mehdi Mammadov told Trend Apr. 2.He said that on the night of Apr. 2, the Armenians fired at the villages of the Aghdam district located near the frontline using heavy artillery.On the night of Apr. 2, all frontier positions of Azerbaijan were exposed to heavy fire from large-caliber weapons, mortars, grenade launchers and guns. In addition, Azerbaijani settlements near the frontline densely populated by civilians were fired at.“The shelling lasted until morning,” Mammadov said. “The Armenians fired at the villages of Baharli and Khindiristan. One shell fell on the territory of the Baharli village, fortunately, no one died. In the morning, the enemy was silenced by response fire. The current situation in the territory of the Aghdam district is stable and under control.” The situation on the contact line between Azerbaijan and Armenia has remained tense as the Armenian Armed Forces shattered ceasefire a total of 127 times throughout the day, Azerbaijan`s Defense Ministry said. A breakthrough of the forefront defense line of the Armenian army has been achieved, several strategic heights and settlements released on Apr. 2, Azerbaijani defense ministry said in a statement.The breakthrough took place in the result of counter-attack of the Azerbaijani army on the frontline, according to the ministry.Six Armenian tanks, 15 gun mounts and reinforced engineering structures have been destroyed and more than 100 servicemen of the Armenian armed forces were wounded and killed during the fights, the ministry said.Twelve servicemen of the Azerbaijani armed forces heroically died, one Mi-24 helicopter was shot down and one tank damaged by a mine, according to the ministry. Armenians resort to every kind of falsification to hide their losses, head of the press service of the defense ministry of Azerbaijan Vagif Dargahli told Trend Apr. 2."This is not the first time, we have repeatedly witnessed this. The information spread by Armenian media throughout the day is a lie, it does not reflect the real situation", Dargahli said.It is reported that images of dead bodies of Azerbaijani soldiers and shot down drone of Azerbaijan, spread on the Armenian websites are fake. "You can see that the video is another falsification in order to cover their losses", he said."The soldiers depicted in the video are in summer clothes. Weather conditions currently do not allow to be in summer clothes, Azerbaijani army personnel dressed in winter uniform", said the head of the press service.
April 2, 20168 yr Ako su Jermeni solo onda im nije u interesu. Ali imaju prilično ozbiljno rusko vojno prisustvo koje je baš ovih dana trebalo da bude dodatno pojačano.
April 2, 20168 yr ja se nadam da nece potrajati, u suprotnom ce se na forumu opet pojaviti oni koji nabrajaju sela.
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