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7 minutes ago, dunja said:

treba imati u vidu i to da žene žive duže od muškaraca, u proseku (globalno) nekih 5 godina.


Btw, ne znam da li je neko naišao, ali na internetu ima nešto što se zove GBD Compare, što je svojevrsni atlas bolesti, povreda, uzroka smrti, faktora rizika, tj. prikaz "burden of disease" (kod nas je to valjda breme bolesti?)


Ko voli da se igra i ima vremena, na sajtu se može napraviti mnogo baš zanimljivih vizuelizacija. Inače, institut koji ga radi (Institut for Health Metrics and Evaluation, Uni. of Washington) sedi na najsveobuhvatnijoj bazi podataka ovog tipa ikada. I redovno je ažurira, naravno.


Inače, projekat sa vrlo zanimljivom instorijom, a pogodite ko ga finansira.

Tako moj kum zatekao kevu, tetku i dve komsinice, kako kukaju, boli streca ovo, ono - 'kako vas bre nije sramota, sve ste saranili svoje muzeve' :D

  • Haha 4
Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Lancia said:

Tako moj kum zatekao kevu, tetku i dve komsinice, kako kukaju, boli streca ovo, ono - 'kako vas bre nije sramota, sve ste saranili svoje muzeve' :D

Moj otac je imao 9 braća i sestara, bio je najmlađi... četvoro je umrlo do puberteta...


Od njih 6 ostalih tata mi je otputovao™ sa 47 godina, ostalih 5 su još živi, stariji stric ima 90, tetke 88, 86 i 83, i mlađi stric i moj omiljni rođak, 76...


Sve tetke kukaju poslednjih 25 godina, samo što nisu umrle, sve su sahranile svoje muževe, naravno... :D

Edited by radisa
  • Haha 3
11 minutes ago, radisa said:



Sve tetke kukaju poslednjih 25 godina, samo što nisu umrle, sve su sahranile svoje muževe, naravno... :D


Nemaju kome da gundjaju i kenjaju..pa ih to muci

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  • Vojvodo,serdare 1
2 hours ago, dunja said:

treba imati u vidu i to da žene žive duže od muškaraca, u proseku (globalno) nekih 5 godina.



To je zato što nemaju žene...

  • Haha 3
  • Vojvodo,serdare 3

Why do women outlive men?


Around the world, women live longer than men [Ortiz-Ospina & Beltekian 2018]. This is true not only for humans, but also for many other mammalian species [Xirocostas et al. 2020]. The higher life expectancy of women is often attributed to the fact that women generally eat healthier and pay more attention to their health. On average, women visit the doctor earlier and more often than men, generally drink less alcohol, use less tobacco and pay more attention to a healthy diet [Griswold et al. 2018, Oksuzyan et al. 2014]. Life expectancy statistics also include suicide, which is significantly more common in men than in women [Kiely et al. 2019, Miranda-Mendizabal et al. 2019].


However, there may also be a genetic component that makes women live longer. The advantage for women may be the double X chromosome [Xirocostas et al. 2020]. While women have two X chromosomes, men have one X chromosome and one Y chromosome. Important genetic information on the X chromosome is therefore duplicated in women and can compensate for possible gene mutations and defects on the other X chromosome. This is not the case in men and is responsible, for example, for the colour blindness that is much more common in men. A key factor in ageing may be that the X chromosome also contains gene segments that influence the body's immune system [Libert et al. 2010]. If these gene segments are defective in men, they cannot be compensated for by a second, defect-free X chromosome. In addition to the different sex chromosomes, the influence of sex-specific hormones on the ageing process is also being discussed. For example, the hormone testosterone has been linked to risk-taking behaviour and an increased incidence of cardiovascular disease in men [Roberts et al. 2004, Stanton et al. 2011].


Bugarski san je biti taksista :kecman:

  • Haha 8

AHAHAHAHAH Nemačka - profesor :ziga:


Italijani fitnes treneri :D

Bugari i Zambija najjaci!

  • Haha 1
Posted (edited)

DJ je onaj sto pusta muziku? Samo neka je veselo… :D. Jedino bi komsije da programiraju..

Edited by Moonwalker
2 hours ago, Stela said:

Bugari i Zambija najjaci!

otprilike jedini sa nogama na zemlji


a siroti papuanci odoše u pisce i pesnike

  • Haha 3

Norveška električar? :)


Sumnjivi su mi Česi i Mađari. Očekovao bih tu neku zvezdu šveckih akcionih... 

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