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The Leftovers

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gde je be ovo, podseća na Australiju ili neki Meksiko, kako su tamo završili

Edited by jiraiya

Znaš kad se u International Assassinu, Kevin Garvey ubije, pa završi u čistilištu? Sve vreme mu televizor u hotelu isputa čudne zvuke, pali se/gasi, dok pred kraj ne saznamo da to ustvari otac pokušava da ga kontaktira iz Australije?



E, pa ovo na slici su njih dvojica, sad u Australiji.

aha, sećam se te scene i epizode ali ne i tog detalja  :thumbsup:

Ima u EW interesantan ćlanak o poslednjoj sezoni:





Why Australia? HBO’s uniquely apocalyptic drama The Leftovers spent its debut season in upstate New York, then moved the beleaguered Garvey family to a Texas town for season 2, and now in its third-and-final outing, Kevin (Justin Theroux) makes another sudden departure by trekking all the way down to Oz.

“Australia is the end of the world geographically and our show is about the end-of-the-world emotionally,” showrunner Damon Lindelof explains. “And there’s also something about Australian cinema — it’s primal, ancient and spiritual — that felt like it fit The Leftovers, whether it’s Mad Max movies or Walkabout, or Waking Fright or Peter Weir movies.”

Lindelof is closely guarding the secrets of the final episodes, but the showrunner tells us that Kevin initially plans a rather brief visit down under along with certain other characters — as you’d expect from a show about a rapture-like event, not everybody gets to take the trip (“This is not like The Bradys going to Hawaii,” Lindelof says).

But once he arrives, Kevin’s troubled father (Scott Glenn), who may or may not be hearing messages from God, pulls him into a rather unexpected situation. “It’s like The Godfather,” Lindelof says. “Marlon Brando keeps telling his son Michael, ‘I don’t want this business for you,’ but every time the sh– hits the fan, Michael is in the room. So Senior is mixed up in something and pulls Kevin into it.”

Even though there are only eight episodes in the final run, you can still expect installments that drill down on telling a story focusing on a single character. The season’s pacing, Lindelof adds, will also feel like the show is building toward a final act. “Though there are some big crazy ideas in the third-and-final season, we wanted to feel like we were building toward something conclusive,” he says. “I wanted to take full advantage of the fact that when the audience watches the first episode of season 3 that they know it’s the beginning of the end. You don’t want to feel like an epilogue, but a climax.”

Having said that, The Leftovers fans know by now to not expect a list of answers to the drama’s many mysteries. Lindelof’s last series was ABC’s Lost, and before The Leftovers even premiered he was cautioning potential viewers not to watch this existential drama (whose first season was based on Tom Perrotta’s novel) if they wanted traditional cause-and-effect storytelling. Still, the writer-producer also doesn’t want his show’s loyal viewers to be left feeling perturbed. “It’s a very careful storytelling process because you don’t want to frustrate the audience,” Lindelof says. “It’s one thing to say, ‘I’m giving you this box with a present inside and you’re never going to open it’ — who’s going to accept that gift? We’re constantly trying to modulate and fulfill the promises we’ve made. And it’s not enough to say that all we care about is the characters and not the mythology. But I do think with The Leftovers the word ‘mythology’ doesn’t necessarily apply the way it does to Lost or Westworld or Stranger Things or True Detective. Those shows have clearly defined mythologies. We don’t want to frustrate the audience but The Leftovers plays by its own set of rules and will continue to do so.”

For more on The Leftovers, The Americans, and more, pick up Entertainment Weekly’s First Look Issue, on stands Friday, and subscribe for more exclusive interviews and photos, only in EW.

The Leftovers will return in April.

  • 3 months later...
prvu sezonu ispratio kad je isla na hbo pre par godina i jedva cekao da zavrsi zbog redovne nelagode u stomaku nakon gledanja maltene svake epizode. pre svega zbog konstantne manipulacije osecanjima u raznim, sto potpuno scenarijski nategnutim, sto potencijalno realisticnim momentima - setiti se npr. samo one uzasne scene kamenovanja.


djavo mi nije dao mira pre par meseci, rekoh daj da pogledam drugu sezonu... i vec nakon zlokobnog antrfilea (majka/beba/zmija, dakle jos jedne klasicne manipulacije) mi je doslo da oteram lindelofa i perotu u 3 lepe. elem, skroz zaboravim na seriju otad, a onda pre neki dan, u nedostatku inspiracije za bilo sta drugo, nastavim i izbindzujem preostalih 9 epizoda u par dana - kakav pogodak!


dakle, moj utisak je da je druga sezona za klasu bolja od prve - i dalje stoji taj neki mucan utisak dobrim delom iste (kapiram da je to jedna od glavnih poruka autora - to je zivot), al' je prica postala mnogo sadrzajnija znacajnim smanjivanjem prostora (scenarijski namerno) retardiranim pusacima, te fokusom na core team iz prve sezone. teru je, iznenadjujuce, sjajan, dok su mi najbolji utisak, iako u epizodnim ulogama, ostavile ann dowd (patty levin) i regina king.


glede nekih scenarijskih minijatura, odlicna mi je recimo bila transformacija lika peti levin, malo misticnih momenata s matorim shamanom i lincovski hotel purgatory. (a mogli su i malo vise da izeksploatisu liv :naughty: umesto terua npr...)


da ne zaboravim fenomenalan soundtrack - malopre vidim tip okacio na youtube playlist ost za kompletnu drugu sezonu ;-)


u svakom slucaju, s nestrpljenjem se ceka treca sezona.

  • 1 month later...

3 ovakve epizode i jos nema komentara...

Eh, da je samo to, nego me je čak neko na drugoj temi kritikovao što sam uopšte preporučio ovu seriju.




Fenomenalna treća epizoda btw, od covera Personal Jesus, preko patetičnog pokušaja Kevinovog oca da pojede sopstveni totem, pa do neočekivanog objašnjenja završetka druge epizode. Dva put odgledao u jednom danu (izmedju dve epizode Twin Peaksa), mislim da bolje preporuke nema.

Edited by Jeremija

Pola radnje u Leftovers S03E02 kao preslikani Fargo S03E03.  :)

  • 2 weeks later...

Pola radnje u Leftovers S03E05 preslikano prvo poglavlje Barnsove "Istorije sveta u 10 1/2 poglavlja" :D

Edited by Malvo

  • 3 weeks later...

Sinoc maestralno finale jedne od najboljih serija ikada snimljenih.

o je


kako dobra serija, kraj gotovo savršen i fala nebesima da su izbegli pile u kučine


Carrie Coon briljantna   clapping.gif    




  • 3 weeks later...

Izuvanje od serije :Hail: ljubim u kurac osobu koka je ubacila Robin Trowerovu I'm Out To Get You u poslednju epizodu

  • 2 months later...

Krenuo sinoć, dobar pilot, jedva čekam da nastavim, serija ima čudnu i poprilično neodovoljivu atmosferu.

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