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Teroristički napad u Parizu


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Security services round up suspected jihadis across Europe

Raids in France, Belgium and Germany in battle to break up terror cells



Security services have rounded up suspected jihadis in raids across France, Belgium and Germany, as they battle to dismantle Europe’s sprawling terrorist cells after Tuesday’s assault on Brussels.

Both France and the US insisted that the scale of such international efforts against Isis were finally turning the tide against the Islamist terror organisation, only days after it unleashed a triple suicide bombing in Brussels, killing 31 people.


In a visit to Brussels on Friday, John Kerry, US secretary of state, argued that Isis was launching strikes outside the Middle East because its self-styled “caliphate is collapsing before their eyes” — with shrinking territory and dwindling revenues. He vowed that Washington and its allies would not rest until the group was eliminated.


François Hollande, French president, declared that progress was being made and suggested that the cell behind the attacks in Brussels and the November assaults in Paris was on the verge of being destroyed.

“We’ve had results in finding the terrorists and in Brussels as well as in Paris, there have been a number of arrests,” Mr Hollande said. But he added: “We know there are other networks. Even if [the network] that committed the Paris and the Brussels attacks is about to be annihilated, there’s still a threat. We’re conscious of the threat that we must deal with.”


In response to the attacks on Brussels airport and Maalbeek metro station, Belgian prosecutors said on Friday that they had arrested a man identified only as Fayçal C, one of six people detained on Thursday night, at least three of whom were later released.


In a parallel investigation, Bernard Cazeneuve, France’s interior minister, said that Paris had thwarted an advanced terror plot “to strike our country” by arresting a previously convicted, fugitive jihadi called Reda Kriket in the Paris suburb of Argenteuil.


Belgium then arrested three people suspected of links to Kriket, making a dramatic intervention in which marksmen shot and wounded a man near a busy transport hub in the heart of Brussels.


Mr Cazeneuve said there was “at this stage no tangible evidence” linking the Kriket plot to November’s attacks in Paris, which killed 130, and this week’s suicide bombings in Brussels. But Kriket has known ties to the authors of those atrocities, including Abdelhamid Abaaoud, ringleader of the Paris attacks killed in a shootout with French police a few days later.


In Germany, prosecutors confirmed on Friday that a 28-year-old man with radical Islamist links had been arrested on Thursday evening.


The man was arrested on suspicion of involvement in gang robbery, according to a spokesman for the prosecutors office in Düsseldorf, but officials are also investigating whether he was involved in “preparing a violent act that could endanger the state”.

It was not immediately clear whether any of those detained in Brussels was the apparently lone survivor of the attackers at Zaventem airport, captured on CCTV wearing a white jacket and a hat.


Security experts are also speculating about the identity of another fugitive, who is believed to have accompanied suicide bomber Khalid El Bakraoui into Maalbeek metro, but then fled before the explosion.

In pursuit of Kriket’s associates, Belgian police paralysed traffic and trams around Place Meiser in the heart of the city, as balaclava-wearing officers closed in on a man at a tram stop. His rucksack aroused suspicion and he refused to obey commands from the police.


Footage shot by witnesses showed marksmen approaching the man, who was lying amid the broken glass of a tram stop shelter, after they had shot him in the leg. In a confused series of events, they then encouraged a young girl, who had been with him, to join them. They then retreated and a robot searched the scene for explosives.


ljudska prava i slobode su za familiju i prijatelje.



na jednog sto tako uhapse i nepravedno osude dodje njih 50 novih pobunjenika, za ove sto pravedno osude stize zamena od 100.




...poslato sa prinudnog...


Belgija: Ubijen čuvar nuklearke, ukradena kartica

Dva dana nakon terorističkog napada u Briselu ubijen je oficir za bezbednost nuklearne elektrane u belgijskom gradu Šarlroa, javljaju lokalni mediji.

Mediji dodaju, pozivajući se na izvore iz policije, da je identifikaciona kartica ubijenog ukradena.

Čuvar nuklearke je ubijen u četvrtak uveče dok je šetao psa, a njegova identifikaciona kartica za ulazak je ukradena, što je alarmiralo istražitelje jer je zaposlen u nuklearnoj elektrani.

Mediji su ranije javili da su bombaši samoubice braća Ibrahim i Halid el Bakraui planirali napade na belgijske nuklearne elektrane i da je hapšenje teroriste Salaha Abdeslama ubrzalo planove terorista.

Grad Šarlroa je udaljen oko 50 kilometara od Brisela.

Braća su, kako stoji u tekstu belgijskog lista, postavila skrivenu kameru ispred kuće direktora belgijskog programa za nuklearno istraživanje.

Snimak koji traje "više desetina sati", a na kojem je zabeleženo kretanje šefa belgijskog nuklearnog programa, zaplenjen je tokom antiterorističke racije u stanu još jednog osumnjičenog, koji pripada istoj terorističkoj ćeliji, Muhameda Bakalija.

Prema informacijama istražitelja, do kojih je briselski dnevnik "Dernijer er" došao, braća El Bakraui su bili jedini osumnjičeni za postavljanje kamere.

Nakon što su analizirali video-snimak, istražitelji su zaključili da je cilj terorista bio da "ugroze nacionalnu bezbednost kao nikada do sada", navodi belgijski list.

Dokazi do kojih su vlasti došle pokazuju da ista teroristička ćelija stoji iza napada u Parizu, u kojima je 13. novembra ubijeno 130 ljudi, i iza bombaških napada na aerodromu i stanici metroa u Briselu u utorak u kojima je 31 osoba ubijena, a 270 ih je ranjeno, dodaje list.

Mediji su u utorak, posle napada u Briselu, javili da je toga dana evakuisana nuklearna elektrana Tianž, koja se nalazi u mestu Ui, na sat vremena vožnje od belgijske prestonice.



... diletanti.


ko? belgijske vlasti ili braca sledbenici religije mira™ stp bi rekao hella?


Pa ovi sto ubiju coveka da bi ukrali bezvrednu karticu. Ni u filmovima se ne ulazi tako u nuklearku


Bogami ovi su ozbiljni bili u planiranju...


...shit has hit the fan...


ako su stvarno imali šanse da izazovu novi černobilj onda su teroristi zaista neprevaziđeni dunsteri, razneli su se i sa sobom odveli 30 nevernika a mogli su da učine trećinu belgije zonom u kojoj nilo ne može da živi a belgija nije ukrajina da može sebi da dozvoli gubitak tolikog životnog prostora


ako su stvarno imali šanse da izazovu novi černobilj onda su teroristi zaista neprevaziđeni dunsteri, razneli su se i sa sobom odveli 30 nevernika a mogli su da učine trećinu belgije zonom u kojoj nilo ne može da živi a belgija nije ukrajina da može sebi da dozvoli gubitak tolikog životnog prostora

Pa pitanje je kako su se pripreme odvijale o šta ih je poremetilo.

Mene zabrinjava sam način i ciljevi priprema...


Pa ovi sto ubiju coveka da bi ukrali bezvrednu karticu. Ni u filmovima se ne ulazi tako u nuklearku

Ne treba zanemariti efekat™ straha, dodatnog opterećenja obaveštajno-bezbednosnih resursa i sl.

Veverice ili ne, uzeli su neki poen.


Nisu imali nikakve šanse da raznesu nuklearku, to je tipično ludjenje tzv. medija. Ali ono što zabrinjava je ta njihova priprema™, u smislu da imaju podatke o zaposlenima i onda ih targetiraju i nadziru.


jedan od komentara


Ovog su ubili da bi sledeci dobrovoljno predao karticu i cutao. Inace, kartica se blokira sa par pokreta misa.


- u filmovima obično negativci otmu porodicu ovakvih likova i tako ih nateraju da ih puste u banku ili negde drugde....


Pa i da su ušli u elektranu, nije to železnička stanica, pa da bilogde aktiviraš bombu i to izazove katastrofu. A dok ne bi stigli do mesta sa kog nešto mogu, bili bi verovatno već mrtvi...

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