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Teroristički napad u Parizu

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Gunmen have opened fire in several places in the French capital, Paris, causing several casualties, French media report.

At least one man opened fire with an automatic gun at the Cambodge restaurant in the 11th district.

Liberation newspaper reports four deaths. It also reports shootings near the Bataclan arts centre.

An explosion is also reported to have targeted a bar near Stade de France, where France were hosting Germany.

Reports say President Francois Hollande was watching the match and has been evacuated.

A BBC journalist at the Cambodge restaurant says he can see 10 people on the road either dead or seriously injured.

He says police have now arrived.


Малопре поставих на Воцап: У Паризу експлозије и пуцњава. За сада нема детаља, једино сам ово нашао:


"Two explosions have reportedly been heard from the Stade de France.

French President François Hollande has been evacuated from the stadium,which was hosting an international friendly between France and Germany, according to Le Figaro newspaper."


Изгледа да није било на утакмици већ у ресторану близу стадиона.


"man armed with a Kalashnikov fatally shot several people and wounded seven others at a restaurant in central Paris late Friday, BFMTV reported."

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Edited by Nesh

Bila je i pucnjava i eksplozija. 

Na 4 lokacije, navodno vec 18 mrtvih je pobrojano


TT via LG G3

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Sad na CNNu pominju, ako sam dobro cuo, da ima i talaca.

Da, u koncertnoj sali Bataclan


TT via LG G3

Naši mediji su isti kao ova tema, čak je ova tema informisanija

Kaze da su Olanda evakuisali sa stadiona, danas igra FRA-DE

Bataclan, jebote.


A tekma se odigra do kraja

Bataclan, Stade de France i Restoran u 10. arodismanu.

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