September 20, 20204 yr da ponovo imam 16, opet bih slušao mogwai. mala noćna post-rock muzika, radio dramu za repertoar trećeg programa radio beograda. [Call 1: Will Simon, Stuart Braithwaite] Will: We gotta, we gotta do something about this Stuart: When do you think you could make it over here? How long? Will: I could try and get there, about 25 minutes maybe Stuart: Right Will: I'll try Stuart: Okay Will: But we got to sort this out Stuart: Okay. I'm just gonna go, I'm going to head off just now and just try to speak to some people about this Will: Well, we've got to do something Stuart: Yeah Will: Cause if we don't take care of this then...I don't even want to think about it [Call 2: Colin Hardie, Martin Bulloch] Colin: Hello Martin: Hi, Colin Colin: Hi, umm... Martin: It's Martin Colin: Hi Martin Martin: I'm sorry to bother you Colin: Fine Martin: But we've got a bit of a sketch going on here Colin: What? What? Martin: Well, it's pretty hard to explain Colin: So tell us. What? Martin: Right. We were down at Vic's and Stuart and Dominic got into a bit of a row Colin: Hmm hmm Martin: And Stuart was getting a bit stroppy with Dominic and it ended up with Dominic punching Stuart and walking out-- Colin: Hmm hmm Martin: --Saying he's not coming back. Stuart's saying that he's out and stuff like that Colin: Right Martin: Stuart's away as well Colin: Where's Stuart away to? Martin: He just phoned his dad and left Colin: And is John still there? Martin: No he went away with Stuart for some reason. To try and calm him down or something. It was a full bloody sketch man. I don't know what to do. We've this thing on Tuesday Colin: Right. Kind of limited to what I can do, right? Martin: Yeah, but me and Paul are here, totally. We don't know what to do, man. Me and Paul are sitting here and we don't know what to do Colin: Carry on mixing Martin: Yeah? Colin: This sort of stuff happened before, you know Martin: It's pretty bad Colin: It's just a fucking sketch Martin: It's pretty bad [?] Colin: Erm, right, well, if you could give Stuart a phone. Erm, we can sort something out, we'll just work around Martin: We'll find out what it's about. I think Dominic's just gone to get wasted Colin: Uh huh Martin: Yeah, but I don't know where he went, he just left, just went in the car and went Colin: Okay, well, I'll speak to Stuart, but then I'll get him to phone Dominic Martin: Right, okay, Fine, right. Colin, well, sorry you got down with this tonight Colin: Fine, I'll soon phone you back Martin: Okay, no problem Colin: See you's Martin: Right Colin: Bye, later Martin: Bye
September 23, 20204 yr noćni program trećeg programa radio parapsihopatologije predstavlja Ekpyrosis Inc. 8 years ago Made me cry urine and eat my own hands.
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