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A Bloomberg political reporter Jennifer Epstein asked Clinton if she thought the attacks in New York and New Jersey were orchestrated by “the Russians” to “drive votes to Donald Trump.”


deplorables  :(

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“Are you concerned that this weekend’s attacks or potential incidents in the coming weeks might be an attempt by ISIS or ISIS sympathizers, or really any other group, maybe the Russians, to influence the presidential race in some way and presumably try to drive votes to Donald Trump, who is, as you’ve said before, widely seen as perhaps being somebody who they would be more willing to — or see as an easier person to be against?”


Skandalozno! Rusi planiraju seriju napada širom US da spreče pobedu HC! (video)


Kasnite 2 stranice za mnom samo da konstatujem :fantom:




Love trumps hate  :lolol:


ajme... jel to stvarno neki novi slogan?


Kasnite 2 stranice za mnom samo da konstatujem :fantom:


editovao si taj post


Love trumps hate jeste novi slogan, koristi ga sad na kraju svakog govora. Kao Donald kad kaže na kraju We wil MAGA


Malo je problematicno jer moze da se cita i kao Love Trump's hate :fantom:


A ako mislis da je Klintonova potkupila CEO establisment, onda je americka demokratija u vecem kurcu nego sto sam mislio, ili su elite u bbulu potpuno delusional.

Sa'ce neki Snoudeni i Asanzi da ti objasne™, ako ti manjka podataka i/ili uvida u 'neke' cinjenice...

Posted (edited)
This is a rush transcript. Copy may not be in its final form.

AMY GOODMAN: Yes, this is Democracy Now!, democracynow.org, The War and Peace Report. I’m Amy Goodman. Our guest for the hour is Ralph Nader, consumer advocate, four-time presidential candidate. In July, former Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders formally endorsed Hillary Clinton. He has consistently argued against voting for a third-party candidate. In an interview with The Washington Post last week, Sanders said, quote, "This is not the time for a protest vote, in terms of a presidential campaign. I ran as a third-party candidate," he said. "I’m the longest-serving independent in the history of the United States Congress." He said, "I know more about third-party politics than anyone else in [the] Congress." In an interview with MSNBC’s Chris Hayes, Senator Sanders explained his opposition to a protest vote.


 All right, you disagree with Hillary Clinton on this or that, you may not like her on every respect, but look at the real issues that impact your lives, your children’s lives, the future of this country, and you will end up concluding that right now is not the time to be supporting a protest vote. Right now we have to make sure that Trump does not become president.

AMY GOODMAN: That is Senator Sanders. Ralph Nader, your response?

RALPH NADER: Well, it is the time for Senator Sanders to mobilize, as he can, all his supporters around the country with mass rallies to put the heat on both candidates. Is anything wrong with that? He should have a mass rally in the Mall and then spread it all over the country, so you have civic pressure, citizen pressure, coming in on all the candidates to further the just pathways of our society. Why doesn’t he do that? Because, you know, Bernie Sanders hasn’t returned a call from me in 18 years. He’s a lone ranger. He doesn’t like to be pushed into more progressive action than he is willing to adhere to. As a result, millions of his voters now are in disarray. They don’t know where to go. They’re cynical. Some will go Democrat. Some will support Libertarian, Green. Some will stay home. And so this huge, wonderful effort that he launched is now aborted. It’s dissipating. So, it isn’t a matter of either/or; it’s a matter of him cutting out from the accolades to Hillary, which he doesn’t like to do—he doesn’t like to be a robot or run around the country that way—and mobilize the citizenry, which will transcend the election and start something effective after the election.

Edited by 3opge

To je kampanja uglavnom. Piše dole, niti je Tramp rekao da su svi Meksikanci silovatelji niti je ostao pri tome da će zabraniti ulazak muslimanima. Nije da se ja sad slažem sa tom izjavom oko Meksikanaca ali kažem da je to kampanja koja mobiliše bazu a u ovom slučaju to tvoje "isteraćemo meksikance jer su neradnici i silovatelji" je tvoja hiperbola. Pod jedan, ako neko uđe ilegalno u državu on po zakonu treba da bude deportovan. Pitaj Obamu koliko je ljudi on deportovao. Druga stvar je potpuno suprotna od toga da su neradnici jer je ceo koncept da uzimaju poslove i da onda nema posla za ove druge mada je to po meni loš argument. ITD ITD ITD


Pazi meni je malo sokantno da uopste moramo da razgovaramo na temu toga da li je ono sto je Tramp govorio i ono na cemu je bazirao kampanju OK ili nije. Zamisli da se nesto slicno dogodilo negde u okruzenju. Recimo neko kaze da "Srbi u Hrvatskoj zele da razbiju drzavu. Eto ima ih i lojalnih ali..." I sad mi ovde pricamo da li je kada se kaze da je to sirenje mrznje hiperbola ili nije.





When Mexico sends its people they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you; they’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists, and some, I assume, are good people. But I speak to border guards and they tell us what we’re getting



Je zlo.


Ja uopste ne mislim da ilegalne imigrante treba automatski deportovati. Ovo je zemlja imigranata. Ja sam imao srecu da sam ovde ziveo kao mali i dobio papire tako da sam uvek mogao da biram da li cu da budem ovde ili u Srbiji. Bio bih potpuni smrad kada bih sada bio za to da se nekome uskrati sansa koju sam ja imao samo zato sto je bio kurate srece. Uostalom ovu zemlju su izgradili imigranti koji su bili spremni da grizu.



Stvarno ne znam šta bi Trampara sutra mogao bombardovati izuzev IS-a. Misliš možda Meksiko?


Sa druge strane imaš dokazanog liberalnog intervencionistu koja ima da utera demokratiju svima kojima je meki Obama gledao kroz prste.


Dozvolite da je makar van US dopušteno misliti da je ovo drugo triput opasnije po planetu jer vodi otvorenom nuklearnom obračunu sa barem dve zemlje


Sa Hillary se zna na cemu si i  moze se planirati. Ona ce biti malo veci hawk od Obame i to je to. Sa Trumpom se igra na slepo. Mozda je to samo ID a mozda je i bombardovanje neke zemlje u ovom ruskom stilu sa hiljadama poginulih. Mozda ce ludak kome se sve zasniva na licnim animozitetima okrenuti pricu i uci u nekakav latentni sukob sa Putinom. Jednostavno majmun ulazi u tenk i ostaje da se nadamo da nije mnogo lud.


I tako big vlada u jednom širokom potezu ruši taj truli nelogični stoljetni sistem primariesa, u kojem se kandidati jedne stranke međusobno natječu i nabacuju govnima, da bi onda na kraju shitfesta stali iza pobjednika. Samo je čudno kako to Amerima u bezmalo jedno stoljeće nije došlo do mozga. Glup neki narod...


Pa, još nisu dostigli staž apele, ali su ih dostigli po kvalitetu gluposti koje se mogu čuti. Nama nedržavljanima ostaje da se nadamo da će se smanjiti upotreba onomatopeje u cilju opstanka Homo Sapiensa. 



Da izadje na izbore, pomogne Trumpu i tako postane najomrzeniji covek medju progresivcima ikada. Sjajan plan. Zato se on bavi politikom a ti skrabas po forumu.


Aha, glasaj za manje zlotm. Manje je omražen među "progresivcima" ako ih navodi da glasaju za "neprogresivnu"? Odanost partijitm pre svega? 


Mogao je Bernie da se elegantno ogradi. Nesto kao: "I would like for my supporters to vote for whichever candidate they want, these are very important elections."  


Mada, nisam siguran da ima nameru da opet pokusa, pa je mozda hteo da kapitalizira na pokretu koji je izgradio... uprkos medijima i politickog establismenta. 

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