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hilari okupila bogatune, manjine, demokrate, republikance, sandersa, obamu, medije... tramp valja bisere svakodnevno, otkazuju mu finansije, razvaljuju kritikama i analizama. i trenutni rezultat je ovakav  :fantom:




jeste li primetili kako hilari, sto je starija, sve vise lici na madlen olbrajt. slucajno, a?


Opinion: America's parallel societies

Trump has been condemned after recent verbal attacks on the Muslim parents of a fallen soldier. But many of his followers barely notice any of it, says DW's Ines Pohl.



The Washington Post speaks of an outrage; the New York Times went as far as calling it an extreme crisis. Even liberal TV channels such as MSNBC and CNN seem to focus only on one main issue these days: how could Donald Trump have dared to insult the parents of an American soldier who had died in combat in Iraq?


Without prejudice, Trump's total lack of respect and empathy appear to be taking on exceptional facets in this instance - even by his very own standards. This might be down to the fact that the Muslim couple really managed to hit the Republican presidential candidate hard, lashing out at him directly during the Democratic National Convention for never having sacrificed anything for the United States. They juxtaposed Donald Trump and his recurring rhetoric demanding a categorical ban on Muslims entering the US with the ultimate sacrifice they and many other Muslim and other immigrant families have had to endure: the life of their beloved child.


Criticism among his own ranks


Trump's aggressive response goes to prove that there is no reflection or self-control to his remarks when he feels like he's being pushed into a corner. His dangerously thin-skinned behavior was mainly highlighted by his tweets, which even seem to have gone too far for many top-ranking Republican politicians. The list of leading Republican lawmakers coming out in support of the Khan family (and therefore against Trump) is long and impressive: from the Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, to former Florida governor Jeb Bush to former Republican presidential candidate John McCain. Not to mention incumbent US President Barack Obama, who was surely not going to miss out on such a good opportunity to criticize his political contender.


Donald Trump's tactless comments coincided with another series of statements he had made on the same weekend, which exposed his utter ignorance when it comes to foreign policy issues. In a television interview with ABC news, Trump had said: "Putin is not going into Ukraine, just so you understand. You can mark it down. You can put it down."


Oblivious as he seems to be, one could easily feel embarrassed for him.


Sending shockwaves across the GOP


Not only was the political establishment in Washington alarmed by Trump's clueless remarks, but leading Republicans were also forced to acknowledge who this man trying to get into the White House under their banner really is.


However, none of this is likely to change attitudes among Donald Trump's loyal supporters - mainly because the vast majority of voters will never hear a word of these blunders. The media landscape in the United States is too compartmentalized for such news to reach the audiences that matter most:

In television, there is the far-right news channel Fox News, which has given the Khan family minimal coverage, and which seems to deliberately position itself as the polar opposite to all other news outlets. In radio, there's the strongly left-liberal news network NPR, which also seems to be juxtaposed to most other radio stations in its own way. Newspapers meanwhile are either facing extinction or managing to only reach their target audiences of the educated elite, with liberal publications such as the New York Times and the Washington Post leading the way. Only few among them are likely to vote for Trump anyway.


An echo-chamber of self-reference


Meanwhile social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and others only provide a microcosm that reflects the user's own chosen beliefs, where hopes and fears and their corresponding assessments are never questioned but rather multiplied in an endless echo-chamber of self-reference. There is no space to critically evaluate one's own convictions in such a place.


This election year in the US is beginning to show what happens to a country when it reduces itself to a loose association of parallel worlds where there are no shared platforms left to address political differences and conflicts anymore. Whatever little is left seems to be far more interested in scandalizing the nation's differences rather than looking for any sort of lasting solutions.


Posted (edited)

jeste li primetili kako hilari, sto je starija, sve vise lici na madlen olbrajt. slucajno, a?



Edited by slow
Posted (edited)


Ok, ovo je možda agitprop s obzirom na izvor (MSNBC) ali ima (navodno) detalj kada na sastanku sa stručnjacima Tramp tri puta pita "zašto ne možemo da upotrebimo nuklearno oružje kad ga već imamo?" 



Edited by Prospero

Ok, ovo je možda agitprop s obzirom na izvor (MSNBC) ali ima (navodno) detalj kada na sastanku sa stručnjacima Tramp tri puta pita "zašto ne možemo da upotrebimo nuklearno oružje kad ga već imamo?" 




Sta sad, jel i Albrajt rekla "what's the point of having the world's best military if you're not going to use it", ovo ti je samo to dignuto na sledeci stepen :fantom:


No, Hilari izgleda bezi Trampu:





Hillary Clinton gets convention bump and a little help from Donald Trump
Margin between 2 presidential candidates swings by almost 9 points in post-convention polls
By Éric Grenier, CBC News Posted: Aug 02, 2016 3:48 PM ET Last Updated: Aug 02, 2016 6:09 PM ET



Hillary Clinton is coming out of last week's Democratic National Convention with soaring poll numbers just as Donald Trump's campaign is hobbled by one self-inflicted wound after another.
In less than a week, Trump has managed to claim that the upcoming election will be "rigged", attack the father of a slain Muslim American soldier, and claim that Russia is not involved in Ukraine. And these are just a few examples of what has made the last few days a tough one for the Republican nominee.
There is no doubt that Trump made some gains in the wake of the Republican National Convention and the naming of Indiana Gov. Mike Pence as his vice-presidential running mate. But if his convention bump was typical, it is beginning to look small compared to Clinton's convention boost.
Based on polls from six polling firms conducted at least partially after the end of the Democratic convention, it appears that Clinton's campaign has received a boost of almost nine points. Support for her candidacy has increased by about 4.5 points, on average, while Trump's has slipped by 4.3 points.
Though convention boosts occur in almost every U.S. election campaign, this one is on the higher side. It might fade quickly, but recent days have not suggested that Trump is on pace to make gains.
Clinton's favourability ratings have also improved, increasing by an average of four points to 41 per cent in recent polls. Her unfavourability remains greater, at an average of 53 per cent, but that is down four points from the pre-convention period.
This has restored her numbers to where they were before the two conventions, when Trump was the more unpopular candidate of the two. But from an average favourability of 38 per cent after the end of the Republican event in Cleveland, Ohio, Trump's favourability has now slipped again to just 34 per cent. An average of 59 per cent of Americans say they hold an unfavourable view of the Republican nominee.
Clinton advantage widens
The Presidential Poll Tracker, which reacts to swings in polling more slowly at this stage of the campaign than it will as the election approaches, has shown an improvement in Clinton's standings.
She is pegged to have the support of 45.7 per cent of decided voters, compared to 41.9 per cent for Trump. 
At the height of Trump's post-convention surge, he trailed the Democratic nominee by just two points. But that gap has widened once again to about four points — virtually identical to where it stood on July 17, before the Republican convention kicked off.
Support for third party candidates stands at 12.4 per cent. Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson has averaged 7.5 per cent support in the last week of polling, while Green candidate Jill Stein has averaged three per cent.
Based on where the two major candidates stand at the state level, where the election will be decided, Clinton is currently projected to win between 256 and 363 electoral college votes. Trump is projected to win between 175 and 282 votes. A total of 270 votes are required to win the presidency.\\
Clinton leads in most battleground states
The Presidential Poll Tracker model considers eight states to be virtual toss-ups at this stage. Clinton leads in six of them (Florida, Iowa, Nevada, North Carolina, Ohio, and Virginia). Trump is ahead in two others (Georgia and New Hampshire).
Georgia is not normally a swing state. It has not voted for a Democrat since Bill Clinton in 1992, but now might be trending towards another Clinton in this election cycle. In a state Trump should be winning by seven points (based on the margin between the two candidates nationwide), two polls by Landmark Communications have put Trump up by one point or in a tie. Another poll by SurveyUSA had Trump ahead by just four points.
On the other hand, New Hampshire and Nevada are trending more towards Trump. In New Hampshire, one recent poll put Clinton and Trump in a tie while another put Trump up by 10 points. Going by national numbers, this is a state that Clinton should be winning by six points.
Nevada, another state Clinton should be winning by six points, has seen one recent poll by Monmouth University giving her an edge of five points, while two polls by Rasmussen have put her ahead by just one point or behind by five.
But the most important battleground states — Florida, North Carolina, Ohio, and Virginia, along with Pennsylvania — are currently leaning towards Clinton. If she continues to see her poll numbers improve in the wake of last week's convention in Philadelphia, her advantage in these battleground states will widen as well.
And if Clinton manages to hold on to most of her over-sized convention bounce in the coming weeks, Trump may have too much ground to make up. 

off topic ali moram da pitam:

kako rangiras ludake sa FOXa po ludosti?


Sinoc je ludilo podignuto na jos veci stepen.  Prvo je ono govedo Lewandowski koga CNN placa da bude Trumpov galamdzija kod njih na grandiozno vratio birther-ism na scenu, a posle jedna iz Trumpove Bimbo Brigade uspela da okrivi Sec of State HRC i predsednika Obamu i njihovu politiku za pogibiju kapetana Khana, pogibiju koja se inace desila 2004.  :isuse:


trump je zavrsio karijeru i bice cudo ako izgubi od babe sa manje od 10% razlike.

sada ga vec i voditelji na PBS radiju otvoreno nazivaju manijakom.

pored toga nikada u istoriji US aktuelni predsednik nije toliko trashovao jednog od kandidata kao Obama sada trumpa.

baba slobodno moze da legne u hamok i da ispija koktele.


baba slobodno moze da legne u hamok i da ispija koktele.


Pa ne. Ako to uradi, postoji dobra sansa da izgubi.


Setimo se recimo Srbije i manicnog i panicnog Vucicevog i Tominog vukljanja dzakova, pa onda u 2. krugu opet pobedi Toma. Ljudi su mislili da su prsli, i nisu izasli na izbore. To ti je tako kada ti je motivacija da glasas protiv a ne za. Ako se Demokrate ususkaju i uljuljkaju, postoji opasnost da masa njihovih glasaca, koja inace i ne mirise nesto preterano Hilari kao sto i vidimo, ostane kod kuce. A onda Tramp ima sansu da pobedi.


Bezveze je graditi izborne projekcije razlike na osnovu dnvenog life cycle news. Tu ce biti volatilnosti, ali kao sto je Prospero linkova rec je o dva sveta.


Stoga bih se ja iznenadio da bude vise od 5% za babu.


No, ono sto Tramp radi odjebavajuci republikance (danas kaze da jos nije siguran da li da podrzi Rajanov reizbor) je novi realignment americke politike.


Tramp stvarno da ubije čoveka on bi ostao da bude kandidat i dobio bi priličan broj glasova, glupost republikanske elite i njihova nesposobnost da vide bilo šta je zapanjujuća.

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