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ziveo putin ! ziveo trump!   :)


musolini uopste nije bio los vodja za gradjane italije i njihov prosperitet. jedino sto je bio fasista. 

A i gradjani Etiopije su ga voleli. K'o Nemca...

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Posted (edited)

Bila je teska odluka dal ici na bin ladena. Bilo je concerns ali Hilari je rekla moramo to da uradimo!

Edited by theanswer
Posted (edited)

Pa šta nije tačno?


Evo na DNC-u kvalitetan fear mongering, Tramp se divi Putinu, Sadamu i drugim okrutnim diktatorima, tu bi ti sa Musolinijem super upao. Eh zadnje vreme došlo kad demokrate igraju na national security

Ne radi se o tome da tu nesto nije tacno nego su to potpuno nebitne stvari. Mene interesuje odnos prema oruzju, ekonomiji, zdravstvenom osiguranju, medjunarodnim odnosima. A tu imamo Hillary sa manje ili vise ispravnim stavovima i tog umobolnika koji bi da zida zidove, zabranjuje muslimanima ulaz u zemlju, plus nema pojma sta mu je plan oko zdravstva, ekonomije, medjunarodne politike, politiku svodi na licne odnose. Sve u svemu jedan potpuni bolesnik i sve mi je jedno sto je u pravu kad kaze da su demokrate lose spinovale pricu sa uvlacenjem Rusa.


Bila je teska odluka dal ici na bin ladena. Bilo je concerns ali Hilari je rekla moramo to da uradimo!

Kudos za nju.

Edited by Eraserhead

Ne radi se o tome da tu nesto nije tacno nego su to potpuno nebitne stvari. Mene interesuje odnos prema oruzju, ekonomiji, zdravstvenom osiguranju, medjunarodnim odnosima. A tu imamo Hillary sa manje ili vise ispravnim stavovima i tog umobolnika koji bi da zida zidove, zabranjuje muslimanima ulaz u zemlju, plus nema pojma sta mu je plan oko zdravstva, ekonomije, medjunarodne politike, politiku svodi na licne odnose. Sve u svemu jedan potpuni bolesnik i sve mi je jedno sto je u pravu kad kaze da su demokrate lose spinovale pricu sa uvlacenjem Rusa.



Kudos za nju.


ti se stvarno lozis na te lovacke price o hrabroj babi?



Zar i ti sine 3opge??

Svaki put kad (ga/ih) neko citira meni propadne sav "ignore" trud...


Ili je to samo forum zabagov'o?? 


blumberg ovim govorom ni sebe nije ubedio da glasa za hilari.


kaine: "we all should feel the bern, and we all should not want to get burned by the other guy" 


Ko god da pobedi Obama ce faliti.


vodi ga kuci. nama amerikancima nece. 





The Siberian Candidate

Do the Democrats and the New York Times seem a bit paranoid?
Myron Magnet
July 26, 2016 Politics and law
This has been a weird election season, but this week it turned just plain crazy, with paranoia typical of Iraqi, Iranian, or Syrian politics. In those countries, every failure gets blamed on a plot. Crops fail, oil prices plummet, the economy tanks? It must be the fault of Israel, the Jews, the Americans. You, Ali, don’t succeed? Others have plotted against you. Heaven forbid that blame falls where it belongs—on the corrupt and incompetent government, the tyrannical monarch, on any definable individual.
So now America’s Democratic Party is in disarray over leaked e-mails showing that the Democratic National Committee actually did put a heavy thumb on candidate Hillary Clinton’s scale, conspiring against her opponent, Vermont socialist senator Bernie Sanders, to make doubly sure he didn’t win the nomination. Infuriated left-wing Democrats called for the head of party chairman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who had intended to resign after the nominating convention in Philadelphia. But, shouted down by enraged Bernie-ites, as if she were some conservative speaker at an Ivy League graduation ceremony, Congresswoman Schultz resigned her gavel there and then.
The Democrats then had to deal with the embarrassing truth that the national committee did indeed conspire against the septuagenarian socialist. They were even prepared to use his religion against him, though whether his Jewish birth or his purportedly atheist beliefs were disqualifying, the leaked documents don’t make clear. So, in good Middle Eastern style, the Democrats shifted the blame away from themselves—away from their own shady dealings—to . . . a plot! Why were the e-mails leaked? A plot! A plot to elect Republican Donald Trump. And, again in good Middle Eastern style, it was a plot orchestrated by malign foreign powers to harm America. Those nefarious Russians, our perennial adversary, had done the hacking, with the express intent of blocking Hillary Clinton’s election.
Worse, they had interfered thus in our presidential politics with the devilish purpose of electing Trump, who, the Democrats broadly hinted, was of course Russian dictator Vladimir Putin’s lapdog. “State actors,” pronounced Clinton campaign chairman Robby Mook, had engineered the spy-movie caper “with the purpose of helping Donald Trump,” because of his announced willingness to rethink the NATO alliance that has been the key to the Western democracies’ military defense against the Russians. After all, Democrats charged, didn’t Trump campaign chair Paul Manafort once advise Viktor Yanukovych, Russia’s Ukrainian puppet? And, judges one expert observer, Manafort was indeed trying to make a fast buck off the upheaval in Ukraine.
That’s a far cry, however, from the charge of California congressman Adam Schiff, a Democratic member of the House Intelligence Committee. “Given Donald Trump’s well-known admiration for Putin and his belittling of NATO, the Russians have both the means and the motive to engage in a hack of the D.N.C. and the dump of its e-mails prior to the Democratic convention,” Schiff insinuated. “That foreign actors may be trying to influence our election—let alone a powerful adversary like Russia—should concern all Americans of any party.”
That’s strong stuff, not the usual nastiness you hear in a campaign. An international conspiracy! Left unsaid, of course, is the fact that candidate Clinton maintained an illegal private e-mail server at her Chappaqua home, thorough which she sent and received Top Secret documents when she was secretary of state, “pressing the reset button with Russia,” as she put it—with the result that U.S.-Russian relations blew up. For an ordinary person, some poor slob like General David Petraeus, say, using such a server would be indictable. An even more ordinary American would go to jail for it. And no wonder, because intelligence agents well know that Russia, North Korea, China, the United States, and other governments continually hack one another’s sensitive computer networks, stealing valuable intelligence and business secrets. Nothing easier to hack than Mrs. Clinton’s little basement machine, and no doubt we’ll be reading leaks from it as the election approaches.
Allegations like Mook’s and Schiff’s are outrageous, but politicians are not in the truth business. What is more scandalous is that this story should have featured boldly on Page One of the New York Times for two days running. The Times even reported suspicions that Trump may be a “Siberian Candidate”—that is, a brainwashed agent of the Russians, as in the great 1962 movie The Manchurian Candidate, in which Laurence Harvey plays just such a brainwashed agent, this time of the Chinese. His mission is to assassinate his presidential-candidate stepfather, and his American controller is his mother, played brilliantly by Angela Lansbury, who uncannily reminds one of Mrs. Clinton. All Americans know that the press is partisan, and getting ever more so. But the Times’s partisanship borders on—dare we be so paranoid?—Pravda’s.
Myron Magnet, City Journal’s editor-at-large and its editor from 1994 through 2006, is a recipient of the National Humanities Medal. His latest book is The Founders at Home.

Uopste ne vidim da ima dilema oko toga da je ID delom proizisla iz bespotrebne i trapave okupacije Iraka. Ono gde se razlikujemo jeste to da ta intervencija nije jedini uzrok. Kad pominjete Abu graib i generalno ugnjetavanje sunita onda se to valjda moze primeniti i na slucaj Sirije gde su po istom principu zlocini Asadovih snaga doveli do radikalizacije sunita i jacanja ID. E sad kad dodjemo do tog dela odjednom svi imaju nesto prece o cemu bi pricali.

Anduril nije bas tako napisao. Slozio bih se sa tobom da nije jedini krivac ali da je glavni, to je po meni neosporivo. Kako god da okrenes ID je nastao u Iraku, u Iraku je osvojio najvise oruzija (uglavnom americkog) i onda se prelio na Siriju.


Ono sto je "zanimljivo", i siiti i kurdi su bili ugnjetivani (cak i gazirani) od strane Sadama (sunit) pa nisu stvorili neku njihovu ID. Abu Graib je postojao i za vrijeme Sadama i tamo su politicki protivnici (vecinom siiti i kurdi) bili muceni i ubijani.


Ne radi se o tome da tu nesto nije tacno nego su to potpuno nebitne stvari. Mene interesuje odnos prema oruzju, ekonomiji, zdravstvenom osiguranju, medjunarodnim odnosima. A tu imamo Hillary sa manje ili vise ispravnim stavovima i tog umobolnika koji bi da zida zidove, zabranjuje muslimanima ulaz u zemlju, plus nema pojma sta mu je plan oko zdravstva, ekonomije, medjunarodne politike, politiku svodi na licne odnose. Sve u svemu jedan potpuni bolesnik i sve mi je jedno sto je u pravu kad kaze da su demokrate lose spinovale pricu sa uvlacenjem Rusa.



Kudos za nju.

Jbt, pitas sta je tacno rekao, ja kazem sta je tacno rekao a ti onda nenene nije bitno to nego ono sto nije rekao. Wtf. A ovo kudos za nju mislim da se kvalitetno zajebavas.


Dobro je što imaju ponekog razumnog da im spočita ovo besramno skretanje pažnje retardiranih medija. "OK, jeste da smo navlačili za Babu protiv Dede, ali pogledajte ovamo, Tramp radi za Putina i Putin za Trampa i sve je to jedna velika zavera!"



Velika je to zemlja, čudo bi bilo da nemaju. Šteta samo što to čita jedno 2ipo promila građanstva...


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