namenski Posted March 23, 2016 Posted March 23, 2016 Slaba sam ja klisurina - ipak je ovo forum - sto se ne bi eksperimentisalo sa stavovima.Naravno, tu spora nema, tako i treba.Ali: nije svaka kritika Amerike - antiamerikanizam i udaranje u temelje svekolike civilizacije. Nije svaka osuda uletanja u drugu drzavu - antiintervencionizam. Nisu bas sve NGO andjeli, evo ja licno se gadim onog bradatog manekena koji proganja japanske kitolovce, na njihovom mestu bih ga zgazio da ne trepnem... Nije svaka pohvala Rusiji rusofilija i uvlacenje Putinu... Nisu apsolutni suverenitet i integritet crvena slova, ali ipak... A sto se populizma tice, znas kako je, nekad se to nije tako zvalo, barem ne uvek, i - znalo je da posluzi, ponekad i u OK svrhe...
Budja Posted March 23, 2016 Posted March 23, 2016 Mozda je vecina tu pre 15-20-25 godina imala drugacije stavove, ali, znas kako je, sa godinama politicki stavovi obicno postaju konzervativniji, autoritarniji i cinicni. Naravno, pa smo tako od 1 libertarijanca Andurila dobili vatrenog zagovornika real-politike i status quo-a.* * Osim kad real-politika i status-quo znace "anti-amerikanizam".
ravena Posted March 23, 2016 Posted March 23, 2016 u GOP taboru samo Trump moze da trijumfuje bez "brokered convention". hoce li se Kasich povuci, sta kazu?
Ariel Posted March 23, 2016 Posted March 23, 2016 Da, koji je sad Kasiću račun da uopšte ostaje u trci? Nada se brokered conventionu i tome da će on izroniti kao kandidat koji makar ima neki legitimitet na osnovu osvojenih delegata nasuprot tome da sada npr iz bulje opet izvuku Romnija ili tako nešto? Čisto sumnjam da mu je rezon kao Bernijev "da gura svoju priču i stvori pokret" :D
hazard Posted March 23, 2016 Posted March 23, 2016 Trenutne ankete predviđaju da bi Deda razvalio Trampa jače nego Baba: ANALYSIS Donald Trump persuading Republicans, but would lose to Hillary Clinton, polls suggest Republican front-runner could lose big to a Democrat,wi th Bernie Sanders even stronger than Clinton By Éric Grenier, for CBC News Posted: Mar 23, 2016 9:43 AM ET Last Updated: Mar 23, 2016 9:43 AM ET As the Donald Trump train continues to roll after winning Arizona and all of its delegates on Tuesday, the question of how Trump might fare against the Democrats becomes more and more relevant. The answer? Not very well. In fact, a Trump candidacy in November could result in some very red (Republican) states turning reluctantly blue (Democratic). Trump trails Clinton, Sanders in pollsTrump's victory in Arizona gave him the majority of delegates up for grabs on Tuesday, keeping him on track for the Republican nomination. But matters may get more difficult if he gets it, since Trump is polling poorly against both Clinton and Sanders. General election polling conducted before parties have even selected their candidates has its limitations. But at this time in 2012, Barack Obama was beating Mitt Romney in the polls by about five points. He won the election by four. In 2008, however, Obama was in a near tie with John McCain at this stage of the campaign. He won by seven points later that year. With these caveats in mind, the latest averages from RealClearPolitics suggest support for Clinton in a head-to-head match against Trump would be about 49 per cent, giving her a 10-point lead over the potential Republican nominee. Clinton's lead has grown to its greatest extent since Trump's campaign first began to take off. But Sanders polls even better — he'd beat Trump in a snap election by a margin of 54 to 38 per cent. That would be the largest margin of victory since 1984, when Ronald Reagan defeated Walter Mondale in 49 states. Trump's poor polling numbers seem to be his own, rather than those of the Republican Party. Cruz would be running against Clinton in a nearly neck-and-neck race, while Kasich would beat Clinton by five points. Sanders would see his advantage shrink to nine points against Cruz and to just one point against Kasich. That Sanders does so well isn't particularly surprising. Huffington Post's Pollster suggests that Sanders's average favourability rating is 51 per cent, against 40 per cent holding an unfavourable view. Clinton's ratings are almost the opposite of that — poor numbers for a candidate running for president. Still, Trump's are even worse: just 32.5 per cent of Americans, on average, hold a favourable view of him. Painting the town blueThe impact of these numbers on the electoral map could be dramatic in November. Arizona, for instance, would be a toss-up between Clinton and Trump according to a recent poll. This is a state that Romney won by nine points in 2012. Normally competitive states like Pennsylvania and Virginia could be easy victories for the Democrats. Most striking, however, might be the example of Utah. The state voted for Romney, a Mormon, over Obama by a margin of 48 points, and chose McCain in 2008 by a margin of 28 points. However, with Donald Trump as the Republican nominee, one recent poll suggested this reddest of red states would lean toward Clinton by a margin of two points. Sanders would beat Trump by 11. Cruz, who appeals to evangelical voters, would retain the state comfortably for the Republicans. The general election polls suggest Cruz would be more of a traditional Republican presidential nominee in terms of his geographic support. But the potential for a shakeup to the electoral map in a race between Clinton and Trump is significant. Swinging the 2012 election results according to the general election polls today puts states like Arizona, Georgia, Mississippi, Missouri, and South Carolina in play. These states voted for McCain in 2008 and Romney in 2012. Based on this swing, Clinton would likely win between 347 and 416 electoral college votes against Trump. She would need 270 to become the next president. Against Sanders, the list of unlikely swing states would expand to include the likes of Alaska, Montana, South Dakota and, if Sanders picked up the southern support he has lacked in the Democratic primaries, potentially Louisiana and Texas too. In terms of the electoral college, that could potentially give Sanders the biggest win since that 1984 landslide. A lot remains to be decided, of course, including the results of both nomination contests. And even if the field is winnowed down to just Clinton and Trump, there is little chance that the way Americans feel about the two candidates today will be completely unchanged by November. Without a major shift in American public opinion, the White House is increasingly looking like one piece of real estate that Donald Trump will not get to stamp his name on.
Weenie Pooh Posted March 23, 2016 Posted March 23, 2016 Trenutne ankete predviđaju da bi Deda razvalio Trampa jače nego Baba: Trenutne? Od početka su svi match-ups pokazivali da Sanders bolje nego HRC stoji protiv svih kandidata sa druge strane. Koliko je pouzdano ne znam, verovatno nimalo, ali super je što se uporno tvrdi da je upravo Baba više electable - iako jedini pokazatelji tvrde sasvim suprotno. Večeras TYT pokazuju Sandersu CNN anketu koja pokazuje da on bolje stoji protiv Trampa nego ona, i direktno za tim Andersona Kupera kako svoju anketu komotno ignoriše i lupa kako će se birači odlučiti za nju zato što očekuju da lakše pobedi Trampa. Deda se smeje, ali deluje blago do umerano iznervirano.
Budja Posted March 23, 2016 Posted March 23, 2016 Аха. Те анкете су кано оне Вучићеве. Zapravo, bas su Sandersovi simpatizeri pisali clanke da su head-to-head iz Aprila pouzdan pokazatelj retulstat u novembru u smislu da je Berni more electable nego Hilari. Pretpostavljam da tvoje misljenje nije bazirano na Hilari-Berni razlici, vec na tome da su GOPeri, a narocito Tramp potcenjeni. Pre mesec dana Tramp je head-to-head bio poravnat sa Hilari (gubio je od Bernija), sada se to promenilo, do Aprila ce se situacija verovatno rascistiti i te ankete ce biti pouzdanije.
Eraserhead Posted March 24, 2016 Posted March 24, 2016 Smesno je to sto kandidat ako ima vece sanse da pobedi na izborima ima manje sanse da dobije nominaciju.
Dr Arslanagić Posted March 24, 2016 Posted March 24, 2016 To je zato što dve partije moraju da pokriju celokupan ideološko-političko-ekonomsko-društveni spektar. To je nemoguće.
Eraserhead Posted March 24, 2016 Posted March 24, 2016 To je zato što dve partije moraju da pokriju celokupan ideološko-političko-ekonomsko-društveni spektar. To je nemoguće. Delom je to a delom je i to sto su partije pre svega GOP otisle u ekstrem. Ipak je vecina populacije negde na centru a kod GOPa mahom pobedjuju ludaci poput Trumpa ili tea party psiho slucajevi poput Cruza
porucnik vasic Posted March 24, 2016 Posted March 24, 2016 Pretpostavljam da tvoje misljenje nije bazirano na Hilari-Berni razlici, vec na tome da su GOPeri, a narocito Tramp potcenjeni. Дебело.
freakns Posted March 24, 2016 Posted March 24, 2016 Trenutne? Od početka su svi match-ups pokazivali da Sanders bolje nego HRC stoji protiv svih kandidata sa druge strane. Koliko je pouzdano ne znam, verovatno nimalo, ali super je što se uporno tvrdi da je upravo Baba više electable - iako jedini pokazatelji tvrde sasvim suprotno. Večeras TYT pokazuju Sandersu CNN anketu koja pokazuje da on bolje stoji protiv Trampa nego ona, i direktno za tim Andersona Kupera kako svoju anketu komotno ignoriše i lupa kako će se birači odlučiti za nju zato što očekuju da lakše pobedi Trampa. Deda se smeje, ali deluje blago do umerano iznervirano. pa i ja bih se iznervirao kad bi mi pustili Anderson Coopera ... bio deda dobar kod Cenka, umeren koliko je god moguce. izbegao da kaze sta zapravo misli o babi, na moje veliko razocaranje :( znam da bi ga to kostalo glasova, ali nije da ima neke sanse da je dobije... Delom je to a delom je i to sto su partije pre svega GOP otisle u ekstrem. Ipak je vecina populacije negde na centru a kod GOPa mahom pobedjuju ludaci poput Trumpa ili tea party psiho slucajevi poput Cruza onda bi baba trebala da izdominira h2h protiv Trumpa ili Cruza, a svi pokazatelji su da je baba vs Cruz tied... razlog za to je sto je pola deokrata(a baba tu prednjaci) otislo do zla boga udesno, pa se liberali bas ne utrkuju da glasaju za nju.
Lord Protector Posted March 24, 2016 Posted March 24, 2016 Jedno pitanje, koliko podrška neokonzervativaca može da utiče na pobedu HRC nad Trampom? Vidim dosta tekstova gde se neokonzervativci dovode u vezu sa HRC.
Ariel Posted March 24, 2016 Posted March 24, 2016 Dumdsej scenario - teško da će se dogoditi iako je zapravo iznenađujuće lako da se izvede, ako postoji volja u GOP establišmentu. It’s hidden there in plain sight, even if it hasn’t happened since the election of 1825: The people will not pick the next president, Congress will. We wrote about this last week on Medium, and now the story is beginning to flesh out. Politico reports that leading conservatives will meet on Thursday to plot out a third-party spoiler plan to beat presumed nominee Donald Trump. With Marco Rubio suspending his campaign after losing the Florida primary and it is beginning to appear he will reverse his previous words to support a nominee Trump. Because there will be a third party candidate — and their name will likely be Mitt with a Kasich or a Rubio on the same ticket. Michael Bloomberg practically left a breadcrumb for this theory in plain sight when he declared that he would not be running for President this cycle. While pundits focused on why the math wouldn’t work out for Bloomberg against Trump or Hillary Clinton, the former mayor of New York City buried this interesting analysis in his op-ed this week. In a three-way race, it’s unlikely any candidate would win a majority of electoral votes, and then the power to choose the president would be taken out of the hands of the American people and thrown to Congress. The fact is, even if I were to receive the most popular votes and the most electoral votes, victory would be highly unlikely, because most members of Congress would vote for their party’s nominee. Party loyalists in Congress — not the American people or the Electoral College — would determine the next president.
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