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Ajd molim te da glasaš za Bernija. :D Meni bi bilo korisno da Berni pobedi, treba mi za akademsku studiju. Hajd, molim te!

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Kakvu studiju radiš? "Kubansku revoluciju"? 


Izgleda da cu i da glasam za Casicha sutra. To i za primary challengere ovih smradova Burra i McCroryja. Necu da se mesam u DEM fights, nek se krljaju sami, ionako cu za pobednike da glasam u novembru



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Feel the Bern! Kesicu nista ne znaci nijedna drzava sutra a da nije Ohajo.

Posted (edited)
Tech policy activists find Bernie Sanders is best bet – while Trump is the worst

Vermont senator gets top marks on issues including censorship, mass surveillance and net neutrality ... with the Republican frontrunner ranked last


The top candidate from the great state of the internet is Bernie Sanders, according to an analysis of the Democratic and Republican presidential candidates’ campaign platforms by tech policy activists at the Free Press Action Fund. The worst candidate on policy positions that affect citizens’ digital lives? Donald J Trump.

While nearly all the candidates have been a little light on policy so far, they have all opined on the internet. In October, for example, a video surfaced of Ted Cruz stammering through an answer about the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act(Cisa), a bill deplored by privacy advocates which passed the Senate less than a week later (like the rest of the Republican hopefuls in the Senate, Cruz did not vote on it).

Cruz admitted he hadn’t “studied” the bill – now it turns out he, along with all the other candidates for president, was being graded.


“We’ve been scouring the transcripts of the debates produced by the networks that host them,” said Tim Karr, senior director of strategy for Free Press Action Fund. “We’ve gone through the candidates’ websites to see if there’s anything that relates to the issues in their campaign platforms, and we’ve been bird-dogging.”

Indeed, the group’s staffers have been attending stump speeches, rallies and other public events to ask the specific policy questions that, across the board, the candidates don’t seem prepared to answer.

No candidate from either party has supported strong encryption.

The issues at hand are pressing: censorship, industry consolidation and mass surveillance are among policy positions Free Press opposes. The group is in favor of net neutrality, strong encryption, inexpensive internet access and local broadband competition.


 The candidates and their stances on government censorship of the internet. Photograph: Free Press Action Fund


Trump hasn’t weighed in at all on complex policy topics like cable provider consolidation or public programs to enable internet access, but everywhere he has offered comment, it’s been to the disappointment of Free Press analysts. He is generally against reforming the Patriot Act, in favor of censorship, opposed to Apple’s appeal of the FBI’s order to weaken iPhone security and has seemed to believe that net neutrality would “target conservative media”.

But simple ignorance is a problem that crosses party lines, said Karr, and it’s an acute one in a country where net neutrality and anti-surveillance activism have crossed those lines as well. “We think that there’s a constituency out there, what we call the internet voter, that has already demonstrated his or her passion on this issue,” Karr said.

“More than 10 million people got involved protesting the Pipa [the Preventing Real Online Threats to Economic Creativity and Theft of Intellectual Property Act] and Sopa [the Stop Online Piracy Act] legislation,” he said.

“The candidates by and large haven’t caught up with this new constituency.”


The encryption issue notwithstanding, Sanders is the major exception; Hillary Clinton got low marks on surveillance and censorship, though she is still preferable to all her Republican opponents, according to the group. “You’re going to hear all of the usual complaints, you know, freedom of speech, etc,” she is quoted as saying on the topic of censorship. “But if we truly are in a war ... we’ve got to shut off their means of communicating.”

There are scattered exceptions across the Republican spectrum: Cruz was one of just four US senators to support the rollback of surveillance measures in the Patriot Act, and Rubio backed legislation to expand internet access.

But overall, Karr said, he thought the Republican refusal to break ranks on tech policy was far out of step with the electorate. “Senators Cruz and Rubio both added their names to a bill that would rescind the Federal Communications Commission’s net neutrality ruling, but they tend to ignore polling data that shows that net neutrality has broad bipartisan support,” Karr said. “In fact, a majority of people who identify as Republican voters say they support the principles of net neutrality.


“There’s a difference between what these politicians are saying and what their voting base believes.”


Edited by bigvlada

S obzirom da gledaš takmičenje u verglanju, ne znam šta si očekivao. 




Nije kao da su oboje na vlasti sad pa se takmice ko ce sta da uradi.


docim baba svojim recima kreira Higgsove bozone i odmah omasovljuje ono sto izrekne.

oce to

mozda on tajno voli Drumpfa ali ga strah da prizna?



Pusti sad Arslanagica, nego sta da se radi sutra, ciji listic da uzmem, za/protiv koga da glasam? 

pa za dedu zaboga!

ako vec u novembru budes moro da glasas za babu, da sebi unapred olaksas savest...

Posted (edited)

Tramp dobio Severno Marijansko otočje sa 72,8% glasova (9 delegata)

Edited by Tutankamon
Posted (edited)

Pa ne znam, ako ga pitaju gde će naći novac za ukidanje tuition fees, da bude malo precizniji od I can assure you, we'll find the money

pride sto bi njegova ideja verovatno donela vise stete nego koristi. dodatno bi olaksalo ionako smesno lake osnovne studije, i urnisalo privatne univerzitete.


Hilari je u tome smislenija, sa olaksavanjem pristupa visim skolama. 

Edited by Gandalf
Posted (edited)

pride sto bi njegova ideja verovatno donela vise stete nego koristi. dodatno bi olaksalo ionako smesno lake osnovne studije, i urnisalo privatne univerzitete.


Hilari je u tome smislenija, sa olaksavanjem pristupa visim skolama. 


Za Bernija se slazem.


Za Hilari, nema tu nista smisleno, koliko shvatam to je more of the same, drugim recima nece tu da se petlja. Nema ona resenje za studentski dug koji je sada politicka tema.

Edited by Budja
Posted (edited)

Za Hilari, nema tu nista smisleno, koliko shvatam to je more of the same, drugim recima nece tu da se petlja.

pricala je kako bi vise skole bile besplatne. trenutno se placa - u proseku znatno manje od univerziteta i koledza, ali se placa.

Edited by Gandalf


Pravicemo mi svi Berija od blata, ne samo ameri, samo polako, dok zasednu trampika ili hilarika. 


pricala je kako bi vise skole bile besplatne. trenutno se placa - u proseku znatno manje od univerziteta i koledza, ali se placa.

ovo je vrlo bitno, siromasniji studenti prakticno pola drzavnog faksa zavrse preko jeftinije vise skole. 


Hal-baked solution kako bi se islo malo ulevo.

Zasto vise skole mogu da budu besplatne a univerziteti ne? Koja je logika?

Posted (edited)

Kada se pominje tzv. besplatno skolovanje na drzavnim koledzima koje predlaze Sanders, treba imati u vidu da on predlaze samo besplatnu skolarinu, dok sve ostali troskovi ostaju.  Ti troskovi su drasticno veci od skolarine.  Za rezidente drzave skolarina je relativno niska (manje od $2000 za godinu) dok je glavnina troskova vezana za troskove stanovanja, ishrane, osiguranja, i drugih obaveznih dazbina.  Za studente koji nemaju domicil u drzavi u kojoj studiraju, cene skolarine su mnogo vise.  Na primer, Univerzitet u Masacusecu, Amherst za rezidente skolarina za jednu godinu je $1740, dok je za one koji nisu rezident skolarina $9937.  Inace, ceo paket za jedna godinu studija za rezidente kosta $24882 a za onekoji nisu rezidenti $39598.  Stipendije koje student mogu da dobiju na osnovu kvaliteta (dobre ocene) su izmedju 1000 i 1800 godisnje (bez interesa). 

Edited by Dimitrije

Zasto vise skole mogu da budu besplatne a univerziteti ne?

Zato sto je realno da se problem resava u fazama. Vise skole su daleko jeftinije nego univerziteti, pa je i budzet lakse obezbediti.


Koja je logika?

Logika je ista kao i kod svemirskih letova. Prvo odemo na Mesec, pa onda planiramo odlazak na Mars.

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