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Mađarski zid: izbeglice sa Bliskog istoka i iz Afrike u Srbiji i regionu


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nego, nisam ispratio - je l' daju i pemzije ovima sto su sluzili™ pod Hortijem??  


nema to veze sa ovom temom, drzimo se mi teme! dakle, sta ce biti sa medjedima?

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nema to veze sa ovom temom, drzimo se mi teme! dakle, sta ce biti sa medjedima?

ta se prica uvek zavrsi sa "usvojila ih grupa bosanskih kepeca"...

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ta se prica uvek zavrsi sa "usvojila ih grupa bosanskih kepeca"...


mnogo si neozbiljan! sela su nam opustela i to je dobro jer se ponovo uspostavlja prirodna ravnoteza, dolaze opet medjedi i vukovi a ovo podizanje zida ce spreciti slobodnu migraciju medjeda + sto bi naseljavanje pustih srpskih sela afganistanskim gorstacima i pakistanskim varosanima ponovo oteralo medjede!

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Novi zidovi u Evropi su sramota kolevke civilizacije čovečanstva, izjavio je danas gradonačelnik Severne Mitrovice Goran Rakić koji je mađarskim vlastima preporučio da umesto novog zida postave parkove mira.




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Krenuo ovaj novi voz na liniji Beograd - Novi Sad - Subotica.... izuzetna popunjenost, bar ljudi putuju u stilu i u novom.
Sa druge strane pre neki dan je isplovio iz Italije deo pojačane flote Evropske unije prema novom mandatu izglasanom u EU krajem aprila. Operiše se pod imenom "EUNAVFOR Med", i cilj je kontrola mora ispred Libije. Učestvuje 12 EU zemalja tj. ratnih mornarica (učestvuje i polovina slovenačke), a sve je vrlo slično po opreativnosti onom kontigentu ispred obala Somalije što juri pirate jer je zapravo ista 'formacija' u pitanju.

Tamo pirate, ovde će migrante tj. brodove sa njima a trenutno je u toku 'faza 1'.


Phase 1 of the European operation officially aims to collect accurate information on the smugglers, their strategy, their means and their "business model". "We already know a lot about networks, but not enough to achieve all of our targets " said a European diplomat.

EUNAVFOR Med will be conducted in conjunction with NATO - which pursues its Active Endeavour in the Mediterranean anti-terrorism mission, launched in 2001 - and various UN agencies, the European agency Frontex, etc. A collaboration with the African Union and various Arab countries is also mentioned in the manner not specified at this stage.

Controlled from a European headquarters established in Rome, the operation will involve, initially, twelve EU Member States, "North and South". Ten provides equipment for the launch - within days - of the operation. She initially include five warships and three reconnaissance aircraft and patrol, three helicopters, two submarines and two drones. The command ship is Italian but do not carry combat aircraft. "At least initially; for the rest, we'll see, " says a diplomatic source.

The launch of the operation will be done "in a complex environment," says the same source, indicating that two merchant ships sailing off the coast of Libya have been shot recently, from the ground and air. Traffickers have, on the other hand, threatened the boats came to the rescue of migrants.

Leaders of EUNAVFOR Med believe it will be fully operational within a month. The following? A possible transition to Phase 2. Namely the high seas interceptions, and in Libyan waters in the event of resolution of the UN Security Council and agreement of the Libyan authorities. This would require a new Council decision. As for a possible move to phase 3, to decommission boats smugglers in Libya.

At this stage, European leaders prefer to avoid questions about these possible developments. And they vehemently deny wanting to get involved in anti-terrorist operations, although a significant part of the Libyan coastline is under the control of the Islamic state. "We will conduct an initial assessment in a month and then we will study the implementation possible steps 2 and 3 " , said a military source, who says that thinking about the result of the operation is not yet committed.



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Ovo je tolika svinjarija da je zapravo super sto ste istrolovali do maksimuma. Sto se mene tice, dok se potpuno ne promeni vlast, mene to fasisticko parce ravnice videti nece, cak ni u tranzitu.


Naravno pozivam sve da dodju na protest, uskoro ce se znati detaljnije

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Ima li uopšte precizna kalkulacija koliko će taj zid da košta i koliko će trajati njegova izdradnja?

Koliko ljudi, dodatno, će čuvati zid?

Jbt nije to Japan, nego Mađarska.

Meni je to i dalje vantaziranje ali dobro...

Edited by wall
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Dao bog ima da ih košta samo tako... Nego jel se meni čini pa ovaj naš sinoć nije stigao i to da prokomentariše?


Poslato sa WC šolje by BVK

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