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Mađarski zid: izbeglice sa Bliskog istoka i iz Afrike u Srbiji i regionu


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SMRT MIGRANTA U SUBOTICI Pokušao ilegalno da pređe granicu, popeo se na vagon i UBILA GA STRUJA


Do nesreće je došlo na jednom od vagona koji su se nalazi između glavne Železničke stanice u Subotici i Majšanskog mosta.

On se popeo na teretni voz koji je krenuo ka granici sa Mađarskom. Ušao je u zonu opasnosti, na 2,5 metara visine, gde je napon od 25.000 volti, saopšteno je iz Železnica Srbije.

Pretpostavlja se da je migrant na ovaj način planirao ilegalno da pređe granicu.



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On se popeo na teretni voz koji je krenuo ka granici sa Mađarskom. Ušao je u zonu opasnosti, na 2,5 metara visine, gde je napon od 25.000 volti, saopšteno je iz Železnica Srbije.


Ovo se relativno cesto dogadja tamo (mislim, ne sa migrantima), znam za dosta slucajeva gde su se pojedinci ili grupe u izmenjenim stanjima svesti penjali na vagone i prolazili sa manje ili vise ozbiljnim posledicama od samo dobrog drmanja bez fizickih povreda do smrti. Pruga je zadnjih godina bolje obezbedjena (izgradjena je nova ograda) ali eto ocigledno jos uvek ne dovoljno dobro.

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Pretpostavljam da će ovo uslediti za 3 meseca, kada istekne rok Grčkoj da ojača svoju granicu.
Mada, to je jako dug rok, već se znatno pojačava priliv izbeglica.

Edited by Аврам Гојић
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Ajd nek neko prevede "is poised" na neki stepen verovatnoće? 50:50; 80:20, sigurno?

Cipras je kriv :fantom:

BRUSSELS (AP) — European Union countries are poised to restrict passport-free travel by invoking an emergency rule to impose controls at several borders for two more years because of the migration crisis, according to EU documents seen by The Associated Press.

The switch will reverse a decades-old trend of expanding passport-free travel in Europe.

Since 1995, people have been able to cross borders among Schengen Area member countries without document checks. Each of the current 26 countries in the Schengen Area is allowed to unilaterally put up border controls for a maximum of six months, but that time limit can be extended for up to two years if a member is found to be failing to protect its borders.

The documents show that EU policy makers are preparing to make unprecedented use of an emergency provision by declaring that Greece is failing to sufficiently protect it border. Some 2,000 people are still arriving daily on Greek islands in smugglers' boats from Turkey, most of them keen to move deeper into Europe to wealthier countries like Germany and Sweden.

A European official showed the documents to the AP on condition of anonymity because the documents are confidential. Greek government officials declined to comment on the content of documents not made public.

In Brussels on Friday, EU nations acknowledged that the overall functioning of Schengen "is at serious risk" and said Greece must make further efforts to deal with the migrant crisis at its source.

European inspectors visited Greek border sites in November and gave Athens until early May to upgrade the border management on its islands. Two draft assessments forwarded to the Greek government in early January indicated Athens was making progress, although they noted "important shortcomings" in handling migrant flows.

But with asylum-seekers still coming at a pace ten times that of January 2015, European countries are reluctant to dismantle their emergency border controls. And if they keep them in place without authorization, EU officials fear the entire concept of the open-travel zone could be brought down.

A summary written by an official in the EU's Dutch presidency for a meeting of EU justice and home affairs ministers last month showed they decided that declaring Greece to have failed in its upgrade was "the only way" for Europe to extend the time for border checks. The official said they agreed to invoke the two-year rule under Article 26 of the open-travel agreement.

"With no decrease in migratory pressure and time running out, our ministers agreed ... that the only way to continue beyond the maximum time limit during which these border controls may be carried out is to adopt a (European) Council recommendation under Article 26 of the Schengen Border Code," the official wrote in an email seen by the AP.

The assessments of Greece became notably more negative.

In a Jan. 27 report seen by the AP, marked "restricted," the EU Commission cited "serious deficiencies in the carrying out of external border controls," adding that "Greece is seriously neglecting its obligations."

In Friday's statement too, the EU told Greece "that given the scale of the situation, further efforts are needed."
The EU wants Athens to improve screening and disembarkation procedures for those arriving by boat, and to increase its capacity to document and house asylum-seekers and build detention facilities for those facing deportation.

Greece says it has already addressed many of the European concerns. It has promised to complete new screening centers on four Greek islands and build two new transit camps within the next week, with the help of the country's armed forces.

With a sense of compromise, Friday's EU statement acknowledged the vast challenge facing Greece, saying "the very large number of arrivals is such that the external border controls of any member state would be placed under severe pressure."

But it stressed, first and foremost, that the concept of Schengen needed to be preserved. "The difficulties faced by Greece have an impact on the EU as a whole, and have to be resolved collectively."

So far, six Schengen members have imposed border checks, and many of those would have to dismantle them starting in mid-May under Schengen rules. Germany has until May 13, and has made clear that it does not want to relinquish the checks. The other countries are France, Austria, Denmark, and Norway.


Edited by Prospero
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- Janos Lazar kaze da je vlada Madjarske dvostruko pritisnuta povodom migrantske krize jer pored ocekivanog porasta broja ilegalnih imigranata na prolece mora da se bori i protiv briselskih nametnutih kvota za naseljavanje migranata. Kaze da se za to treba vec sada spremiti a najbolji nacin je gradnjom ograde na granici prema Rumuniji.


- NATO planira mornaricke manevre u Egeju u blizini grcko-turske granice, uvezbavace se akcije protiv sverca ljudi. U isto vreme turski predsednik Erdogan upozorava da bi Turska mogla jednostavno da otvori svoje granice za sve izbeglice koje bi a krenu put Evrope, da je strpljenje na izmaku. Druge zemlje se prepiru oko prihvata sto-dvesto-petsto-hiljadu migranata, dok su u Turskoj milioni. Do sada ih je Turska zadrzavala kod Jedrena na granici ali ce doci dan kada ce ih sve propustati i samo im pozeleti srecan put. Po Erdoganu, potrebno je naci takvo resenje koje ce migrante da zadrzi jos u Siriji.


- Rusija predlaze prekid vatre u Siriji pocev od 1. marta.


- Madjarsko ministarstvo spoljnih zahteva da se Grcka pridrzava odredbi Sengena.


- Fidesz optuzuje Jobbikovce za korupciju


- Silvester Pocik ekspert sa Drzavnog Kriminoloskog Instituta kaze da se bombasi-samoubice ne radjaju sami od sebe i da danas salafizam predstavlja treci veliki talas totalitarizma nakon nacizma i komunizma.

Eto, Radoye se izlečio i tovari pučanstvo ppp glupostima. Ja, zaista ne mogu da verujem da se ovo dešava :frust:


Primera radi: Neki Janoš iz Jelounajfa (Yellowknife) citira Večernje Novosti, Blic i ostale režimske dnevne novine na dnevnoj bazi. Alo,

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Neka piše on svoje, šta ti smeta toliko?


a o brojkama AP uopšte ne piše napamet. na UNHCR sajtu stoji brojka od 80.000 prelazaka morem od Nove godine. Deset puta više nego prošle godine u isto vreme.

Edited by Аврам Гојић
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Neka piše on svoje, šta ti smeta toliko?



Avrame, uopšte  nije korektno to što Radoye radi.


Meni bi isto smetalo da Madjari, tj. madjarski mediji govore ružne stvari o  komsijama.

Edited by djekson
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Ne govori on o Mađarima ništa loše. Daj nemoj ponovo tu priču da vrtiš, niko te nije ovlastio da cenzurišeš topik. Ako imaš neku konkretnu primedbu, daj da vidimo.

Edited by Аврам Гојић
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