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Mađarski zid: izbeglice sa Bliskog istoka i iz Afrike u Srbiji i regionu


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još jedan dokaz da morate verovati mom njuhu sluhu i vidu je što npr nisam objavio ovu vest nego mudro čekao da se situacija razjasni jer s rusima nikad niste načisto :fantom:


Devojčica iz Berlina koja je tvrdila da ju je grupa migranata otela i brutalno silovala, nakon čega je antiizbeglička atmosfera u tom nemačkom gradu uzavrela do usijanja, priznala je da je izmislila čitavu priču. Otkriveno je da je za vreme navodne otmice 13-godišnja devojčica boravila kod jednog Nemca.




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još jedan dokaz da morate verovati mom njuhu sluhu i vidu je što npr nisam objavio ovu vest nego mudro čekao da se situacija razjasni jer s rusima nikad niste načisto :fantom:


ja se jos pitam kakvi sada rusi pa otvorim link kad ono


Devojčica, koja je članica ruske zajednice u Berlinu


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ne nije zajebancija neko je stvarno i ozbiljno seo smislio i uzeo pare za ovo :fantom:


dok se mi zajebavamo na forumu neki carevi zaista uzimaju pare za ovakve kretenluke od uradaka koji nicemu ne sluze pa se onda grohotom smeju u svoja 4 zida ili po fensi restoranima ili u avionima i kako gde vec ne


hajde forumasi, ovde ima kreativnih ljudi, organizujte se, evo prslin vec ima 1 radnu verziju scenarija, imamo i direktore fotografije, i rezisere, ma svih strucnjaka ima, pa pravite spotove sa ovakvim funkcijama ali mnogo bolje i uzimajte pare jer se otvara pipa za humanitarnost, grehota ja da se trziste preplavi ovakvim idiotlucima koje rade nekreativni, forum ume to mnogo kvalitetnije!

Edited by Pontijak
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Aj sto je uzeo pare, nego sto ce neko ko poslusa ove gore savete da nastrada. 
Inace spotova i resenja vec ima, i to od bas od onih koji imaju razumevanja i poznavanja odredjene kulture, npr idf-a  :fantom: 


i domaci primeri 
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1 tužna priča o tome kako je levičarsko ludilo uništilo miran švedski gradić :fantom:


EXCLUSIVE -The city destroyed by migration: Inside the Swedish town where armed gangs patrol the streets, crime has exploded and a beautiful social worker's murder has shocked Europe

Social worker Alexandra Mezher, 22, was murdered in Mölndal on Monday
Gothenburg suburb last year took in more unaccompanied refugee children than anywhere else in the country – 4,041 added to a population of 63,000
Received £22.6million to provide housing for unaccompanied minors – the most state funding per capita than any town or city in Sweden 
Crime figures reveal there were 222 criminal complaints linked to migrant centres – between 20 October 2015 and 8 January this year
MailOnline went inside lawless town where eyes of Europe have been watching since the senseless stabbing

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3422605/The-town-destroyed-migration-week-murder-beautiful-young-social-worker-sent-shockwaves-Europe-MailOnline-shines-spotlight-Molndal.html#ixzz3z7440hXU


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DW: Immigrants beyond the law


"I steal regularly so that I can have more," a young Bosnian woman flatly told police in a statement taken from her in November 2015 at the Essen central railway station. She and an accomplice had just been caught red-handed. Until recently, statistics on crime and nationality had not been linked to those on immigration and refugee status in Germany. Now, police in Cologne have begun doing just that: They are keeping statistics on the nationality of illegal immigrants that later become criminals.


Results show that a blanket prejudgement of refugees is unfair.


Of the more than 1,100 Syrians registered in Cologne, only five /~0.5 percent/ have been in trouble with the police.


It is a completely different story with immigrants from Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia though. "Activity quotas" for North Africans are no less than 40 percent. Asylum seekers from Bosnia-Herzegovina and Montenegro register similar numbers. These groups are very often involved in crimes related to thefts from automobiles, shoplifting and robbery.


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