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Mađarski zid: izbeglice sa Bliskog istoka i iz Afrike u Srbiji i regionu


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Ali "pro mass migration volunteer"  :s_d:  :isuse:


Priče su fenomenalne. Recimo one za bazene. Počelo je od toga kako emigranti idu na bazene i tamo se ponašaju - vrište, skaču u vodu i prskaju druge itd. Onda se to proširilo da kradu po bazenima, pa da lascivno gledaju žene & samozadovoljavaju se i na kraju da siluju po bazenima. Kao zaključak da je zabrana ulaska na bazen ljudima koji izgledaju kao stranci najmanje šta se moglo uraditi. Naravno, nema zvaničnih vesti o tome, ali prepričavaju ljudi jedni drugima uz logorsku vatru.

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Merkelova izjavila danas da svi koji dolaze ovamo treba da budu svesni da im je boravak ovde privremen. Čim se smiri situacija u Siriji/Iraku i ID bude uklonjena, izbegli (koji će biti primljeni) će se vratiti nazad. Istovremeno portparolka AfD-a je izjavila da granice treba skroz zatvoriti i policija po potrebi na granici otvoriti vatru, na šta su skočile ostale stranke i sama policija.

Edited by Razzmatazz
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Privremen boravak. Price za malu djecu koju dobro znamo svi mi iz ex yu. Ko se to jos vratio na svoja ognjista 20 godina poslije zavrsetka rata? (u fr imas primjere vijetnamaca, libanaca i nas)

U Le Monde-u imaju nekoliko prica izbjeglica, kako su se domogli evrope i njihov zivot u novoj sredini. Nijedan od tih izbjeglica nije pomenuo povratak u Siriju poslije rata (ne bih ni ja naravno).

Edited by borris_
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za veliki procenat dece bez pratnje koja su u nekom momentu bila evidentirana drzave ne znaju gde se nalaze. za dobar deo njih se veruje da su bezbedni ali i ako je relativno mali procenat od tog procenta zrtva nekakve eksploatacije to je opet teska tragedija i jos jedna od indikacija toga koliko je neodgovorno ponasanje nemacke i eu.


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angela se predomislila, kako sad to!?!?!?!





FlüchtlingskriseMerkel an Flüchtlinge: "Erwarten, dass sie wieder in ihre Heimat zurückkehren"  



Die Bundeskanzlerin erwartet, dass viele Flüchtlinge nur auf Zeit bleiben. Angela Merkel hofft auf einen Effekt wie nach dem Krieg in Jugoslawien. Bis dahin setzt sie nicht auf die von der CSU geforderten Obergrenzen, sondern zwei andere Maßnahmen.

BundeskanzlerinAngela Merkelfordert von Flüchtlingen, dass sie mittelfristigin deren Heimatländer zurückkehren. Bei allem, was an Integration zu leisten sei, müsse den Betroffenen auch klar gemacht werden, dass es sich um einen temporären Aufenthaltsstatus handele. "Wir erwarten, dass, wenn wieder Friedenin Syrienist und wenn der ISim Irakbesiegt ist, dass Ihr auch wieder, mit dem Wissen, was Ihr jetzt bei uns bekommen habt, in Eure Heimat zurückgeht", sagte Merkel am Samstag in Neubrandenburg auf dem Landesparteitagder CDUMecklenburg-Vorpommerns.


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tzv izbeglice stavljaju švabama do znanja ko je novi gazda nemačke :fantom:


Shocking footage claims to show a group of migrant men 'attacking two pensioners who stood up for a woman they were harassing on the Munich subway'

    Video is said to have been recorded in the middle of the day on busy Metro
    Filmed moments after German woman spurned asylum seeker's advances
    Claims to catch the moment 'Arab' men grapple with elderly commuters
    One bald man can be seen held by the arms while another grabbed by neck



Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3426947/Shocking-footage-claims-group-migrant-men-attacking-two-pensioners-stood-woman-harassing-Munich-subway.html#ixzz3yxB6nQdw


flopski 5 hours ago
The racist old man should have stayed an arm length away from the peaceful visitors
· 150
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tzv izbeglice stavljaju švabama do znanja ko je novi gazda nemačke :fantom:


cekaj polako, jeste da su nemci posle dva izgubljena svetska rata postali tako fini i njanjavi ali ne bas svi i ne bas do kraja :fashisto:


Sefica desničarske Alternative za Nemačku (AfD) Frauke Petri šokirala je svet svojom nedavnom indirektnom porukom kojom je praktično tražila da se puca na izbeglice. Nemačka štampa je osudila Petrijevu, nazvavši AfD"nacističkom partijom skrivenom iza maske građanske pristojnosti“, prenosi "Dojče vele".


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Syria fund to help keep refugees in Macedonia and Serbia

EurActiv.com by Georgi Gotev



Migrants at the Greece-Macedonia border. [Dnevnik, the EurActiv partner in Bulgaria]



The Syria trust fund, used to help Syrian refugees and overstretched host communities in Lebanon, Turkey, Jordan and Iraq, will also be used to help keep in place the migrants who made it to Macedonia and Serbia, an EU official said on Monday (1 February).

EU officials briefed the Brussels press ahead of the Supporting Syria and the Region conference to be held in London on 4 February.

“The European Union will be playing a major role in this conference, because we can, and because we need to”, an EU official told the press. He pointed out that the Syrian war had affected the EU both with the refugee crisis and with terrorist attacks.

An official said that the so-called EU Regional Trust Fund in Response to the Syrian Crisis, also known as Madad fund, which the EU established in December 2014, would also help keep refugees in Macedonia and Serbia. The Arabic name of the Trust Fund 'Madad' broadly means providing aid and help jointly with others.



‘Keeping them where they are’

“The fund has a total firepower of €650 million, and money is used to finance the resilience of the refugees, meaning keeping them where they are, mainly in Jordan and Lebanon”, the official explained, adding:

“But we will start operating also in the Western Balkans, for those refugees that made it to FYROM [Former Yugoslav Repubic of Macedonia] and to Serbia for instance”, he said, using the politically-correct acronym to designate Macedonia.

Last October Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker called a Western Balkan mini-summit with the aim of slowing down the flux of refugees along the “Balkan route” through Macedonia and Serbia.


The final communiqué of this summit mentioned a Greek commitment to increase to 30,000 by the end of 2016 the number of places it hosts. A further 20,000 people should be sheltered in private accommodation in Greece, the statement said, while another 50,000 places should be available in countries further north. The names of the countries are not mentioned.

It is the first time that an EU official has spokean about “keeping refugees where they are”, referring to Macedonia and Serbia. These countries do not want to become a buffer zone, and moreover, most of the migrants have no intention of settling there, instead usually trying to cross these countries as fast as they can, on their way to wealthier countries such as Austria and Germany.

European governments and EU institutions in Brussels are seeking to respond to a call by Britain, Germany and Norway, which are hosting the conference in London along with the United Nations and Kuwait, to double humanitarian aid to the region.

The London conference roughly coincides with the fifth anniversary since the Syrian crisis started. The event will build on three previous conferences hosted in Kuwait.

The European Union is set to promise some €2.2 billion at the conference, journalists were told. The 2016 UN inter-agency appeals for the Syria crisis are an estimated US$7.73 billion.

The conference will also set itself goals on education and economic opportunities to transform the lives of refugees caught up in the Syrian crisis – and to support the countries hosting them, with an emphasis on Lebanon and Jordan.

Most of Syria's pre-war population have been forced out of their homes by the war - five million as refugees who have fled abroad and 6.5 million displaced within the country.

EU officials said that in Lebanon there were already more than one million Syrian refugees, representing nearly 25% of the population.

“In Jordan, there are 600,000, 700,000 or 800,000 refugees, which again is around 25% of the country’s population, and Turkey has two million Syrian refugees”, an official said. The objective, he added, was to stabilise these countries and “avoid contagion from the Syrian situation".


Since 2011 the EU has committed more than €5 billion to deal with the Syrian crisis. Slightly more than the half, namely €2.6 billion, has been provided by EU institutions, and the rest from the member countries. And 95% of this €2.6 billion has been provided in the form of grants, he said.

The longer the crisis drags on, the more the EU needs to mobilise other instruments than the humanitarian response, an official explained.

“One of the important features of the conference in London will be to look into the livelihoods of refugees, to look into the possibilities for them to work legally, to have a more dignified life," he said.

Out of the €2.6 billion, one billon was humanitarian aid, and €1.6 billion was development assistance. From the various budget lines that were used, he also mentioned the pre-accession funds for Turkey.

“The ambition of the five hosts of London conference is first to pledge much more money, the UK and Germany have already announced they want to double their own financial commitment, and this is for us in the EU institutions some sort of benchmark,” he said.


Thinking long-term

But more importantly, the goal was to agree for multi-annual financing between now and 2020, the official said. According to experience, refugees stay in the host countries from 13 to 18 years, he went on. Even with a political solution to the crisis, this does not mean that all refugees will be immediately resettled to Syria, a destroyed country, the official explained.

Roughly 50% of the regional trust fund money goes for education, partly as a measure against radicalisation, an official said. Next comes water and sanitation, especially in areas in Jordan and Lebanon where the concentration of refugees is of one per inhabitant.

The focus is on Jordan and Lebanon, because these countries do not have the same kind of economic power, organisational skills and resilience in economic terms Turkey has, journalists were told. The focus is to stabilise these countries, even politically, an official said.

He also explained that this money was given on top of what Jordan and Lebanon receive as development assistance.

“We don’t want Jordan or Lebanon to fear, that because they are massively welcoming refugees, they have to pay with what we give them for their normal development”, he said.

"We need to ensure that all Syria's neighbours are supported," an EU official said, referring to Jordan, Lebanon and Iraq. "Inside Syria, London needs to demonstrate that the EU and others are ready to provide humanitarian access to all areas as soon as a ceasefire is agreed," the official added, although some aid would also be delivered inside the country.

The effort follows a decision of EU leaders of last November to provide €3 billion to Turkey, the country from which shores the biggest number of migrants have been arriving to the Greek islands in recent months.

Member states, however, have not been able so far to reach an agreement to disburse their national contributions to this €3-billion fund. At the time the decision to provide the €3 billion was taken, critical voices said EU leaders had overlooked Jordan and Lebanon, who proportionally bear a much bigger burden than Turkey.


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kako ono bilo prosle godine, humanitarci™ falafelisti™ su optuzivali za rasizam, fasizam i ko zna sta jos sve one koji su se pitali a sta ako deo ljudi iz seobe naroda ostane ovde sve bacakajuci se i govoreci da je to idiotizam, da je to paranoja rasista i fasista i da nema veze sa stvarnoscu


Brisel -- Sredstva iz Fonda EU za odgovor na sirijsku krizu biće korišćena i kako bi se izbeglice "zadržale" u Srbiji i Makedoniji, prenosi Euraktiv.


Neimenovani zvaničnik EU je potvrdio da će deo novca iz fonda koji je EU osnovala 2014. godine "pomoći da se izbeglice koje su stigle do Srbije i Makedonije zadrže tamo".

"Fond raspolaže sa 650 miliona evra i tako osnažujemo izbeglice, odnosno pomažemo im da ostanu tamo gde jesu, uglavnom u Libanu i Jordanu, ali počinjemo sa radom i na Balkanu", rekao je zvaničnik.


Evropski funkcioneri su, kako se navodi, brifovali novinare uoči konferencije o podršci Siriji i regionu 4. februara u Londonu.


U zvaničnom saopštenju sa tog samita navedeno je da je Grčka obećala da će do kraja 2016. godine povećati broj mesta za smeštaj izbeglica na 30,000. Još 20,000 ljudi bi trebalo da budu u privatnom smeštaju, a još 50,000 mesta obezedjeno u zemljama dalje na severu, navedeno je u tom saopštenju bez pominjanja o kojim se zemljama radi, podseća Euraktiv.


Ovo je prvi put da je jedan funkcioner EU govorio o "zadržavanju izbeglica tamo gde su" a da je pri tom govorio o Makedoniji i Srbiji, navodi taj portal.



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građanisti se i dalje prave toše umesto da veruju mojim predviđanjima


ala će biti veselo kad par miliona stranaca kulturno obogati kulovgrad pa kad za par godina krene međuverski dijalog ko u njihovim superiornim kulturama


doduše pošto su u pitanju ovejani licemeri i lažovi neće im pasti teško da maste po forumu dok u rl druga priča :fantom:



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