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Mađarski zid: izbeglice sa Bliskog istoka i iz Afrike u Srbiji i regionu


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Gevgelija is sometimes referred to as “the Macedonian Las Vegas” for the casinos that have sprung up just across the border from northern Greece.

But if EU leaders have their way, it may soon be known as the front line in their increasingly determined effort to staunch an inflow of migrants that totalled more than 1m last year and is unsettling politics as far away as Sweden and Denmark.

Macedonia, not a member of the EU, confirmed on Monday that it is holding talks with EU officials to work out the operational details of a joint deployment of police forces along its southern border with Greece. The plan is to seal off what has become a main corridor for migrants trying to reach Germany, Sweden and other, more prosperous parts of the continent.

Already, some migrants are finding that what was once a main thoroughfare to Europe is turning into a chokepoint.

“I left on January 9 when I heard the way to Europe was open,” said Hassan, a 27-year-old migrant from Morocco, who has been trapped on the Greek side of the border. “I had no idea we would face these kinds of problems.”

Experts from Frontex, the EU’s external border agency, visited Skopje last week to examine conditions on the ground. Meanwhile, Macedonia’s foreign minister said on Monday that Skopje would welcome EU support in securing its border against irregular migration, possibly including hundreds of European police officers.

“There is no upper limit on the additional resources we would welcome,” said Nikola Poposki, the foreign minister.

Eighty police officers from EU member states are already working alongside Macedonian police and military to patrol the country’s 228km border with Greece but the government said it needs additional assistance to stem unpredictable migrant flows.

Some of the migrants they are seeking to contain are just 7km south of Gevgelija, where hundreds of people are massed at a makeshift camp on the flat plain of Greece’s Kilkis province. Their wood fires dot the fields surrounding an Eko petrol station. Most have arrived by bus from Athens to join a human backlog from the official border-crossing at the Greek town of Idomeni.

Only Syrians, Afghans and Iraqis who state their intention to seek asylum in Austria or Germany are allowed past the border controls into Macedonia. Technically, Macedonia can refuse entry to anyone not planning to claim asylum in the country — a legal fact that Jean-Claude Juncker, the European Commission president, reiterated on Monday.

At times, thousands of Moroccans, Iranians and Pakistanis have been trapped in the Idomeni camp, where more than 5,000 people have slept in heated tents designed to host 1,500 at most.

Greek police have now begun busing rejected migrants back to camps in Athens. But some reappear days later in search of people smugglers offering passage to Macedonia, according to aid workers. Others find their smuggler at nearby hotels just south of the Macedonian border, frequently used as staging posts for late-night crossings.

Frontex, the EU border agency, is not legally allowed to manage borders in non-EU countries — although the commission is seeking to change this. Any joint EU-Macedonia operation to harden the border would face several legal and political challenges — not least, Greek anger.

“To base a full-scale Frontex operation within a third country, as a kind of forward-line defence of EU borders, would be unprecedented,” said Leonhard Den Hertog, a migration researcher at the Centre for European Policy Studies, a Brussels think-tank.

But Mr Poposki expressed hope that a legal means could be found to deploy joint European forces at the frontier.

“It doesn’t matter for us if it is Frontex or bilateral — the important thing is to have some assistance in managing the situation,” he said.

Skopje has already received razor wire fencing donated by Hungary and night vision security cameras to detect irregular migrants. But the country does not yet have access to the EU’s common database on asylum seekers, even though it has become a major transit country for the thousands of migrants arriving in Europe each day.

Some of those come from Nadoor, Hassan’s town in north-east Morocco, which he says has seen 17,000 people leave for Europe in the past four months alone. Two weeks ago, he flew to Turkey, where he was granted a tourist visa, and then joined the trail of refugees — first across the Aegean Sea and then overland through the western Balkans.

With his chances of crossing into Macedonia legally now in doubt, Hassan is considering paying a smuggler €500 to deliver him over the border at nightfall — but fears being robbed or beaten up by the traffickers.

“Now I don’t know what I will do,” he said. ”Perhaps return to Morocco.”

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Stockholm (AFP) - A young asylum seeker on Monday allegedly stabbed and killed a female employee of the refugee centre for unaccompanied minors where he was staying in western Sweden, police said.

The 22-year-old victim was rushed to a nearby hospital but died of her wounds, police said. Police would not comment on the identity or nationality of the alleged attacker, except to say that he was a young man who was a resident of the centre for 14 to 17-year-olds.

He was under arrest for murder.

"These kinds of calls are becoming more and more common. We're dealing with more incidents like these since the arrival of so many more refugees from abroad," police spokesman Thomas Fuxborg said.



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većina njih su po pet godina stariji nego em nemaju dokumenta em su neuhranjeni pa im naivčine poveruju

no nije sve tako crno :fantom:


The conditions in German refugee shelters are so bad that some refugees would rather return to the homes they fled than stay where they are.



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Sweden 'to expel up to 80,000 failed asylum-seekers'






The authorities in Sweden are making plans to expel as many as 80,000 failed asylum-seekers, the interior minister has been quoted as saying.


Anders Ygeman said charter aircraft would be used to deport the migrants but it would take several years.


Some 163,000 migrants applied for asylum in Sweden in 2015, the highest per capita number in Europe.


The numbers have fallen significantly since Sweden imposed tighter border controls this year.


Along with Germany, the Scandinavian country is a prime destination for refugees and other migrants entering the EU illegally.


Of the approximately 58,800 asylum cases processed in Sweden last year, 55% were accepted.


Of those facing expulsion, Mr Ygeman was quoted in Swedish media as saying: "We are talking about 60,000 people but the number could climb to 80,000."


But he later tweeted to say he had not taken a position on how many migrants had grounds for asylum, it being a matter for the authorities and the courts.


Sweden earlier this week became the latest of a number of European nations to see tensions over migrants heightened by violence. A 15-year-old asylum seeker was arrested in Molndal, near Gothenburg, after a 22-year-old asylum centre employee was stabbed to death.





by Tapatalk

Edited by Prospero
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Najmanje 12 izbeglica, među kojima osmoro dece, poginulo je kada se njihov čamac prevrnuo kod istočnog grčkog ostrva Samos, saopštila je obalska straža.



Nova tragedija, prosla je bila samo dan ranije.

Edited by Аврам Гојић
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a sada malo spinovanja, izvor: srna


RAZOČARANI IRAČANI "U Nemačkoj smo potrošili 11 hiljada dolara, a dobili parče hladnog hleba"


Sve više Iračana vraća se kući iz Nemačke zbog dugog procesa obrade prijave za azil, slabe ishrane i loših uslova u prihvatnim centrima. Potroše svu životnu ušteđevinu, a zauzvrat ne dobiju ništa.

- Mom mužu se dopala ideja da odemo tamo. Video je kako drugi idu, pa je poželeo da ih oponaša - rekla je jedna kurdska žena iz Iraka.


Ona je dodala da je sitacija u Nemačkoj bila "mnogo gora" nego u Iraku, preneo je "Juronjuz".


- Nismo dobili ništa. Hrana je bila loša i nije je bilo dovoljno. Davali su nam parče hladnog hleba, sir i komad krastavca. Kako da preživite hladnu zimu na takvoj hrani? Naša deca su plakala zbog gladi. Potrošili smo 11.000 dolara i vratili se praznih ruku - rekla je ova žena.


Broj povratnika počeo je da raste u poslednjim mjesecima 2015. godine. U decembru se u Irak vratilo 200 ljudi.


Zbog sve većeg interesovanja za putovanja u ovom pravcu, kompanija "Iraki ervejz" počela je da leti tri puta nedeljno iz Berlina, Diseldorfa i Frankfurta.


Službenica ovog avio-prevoznika Andeša Karim kaže da je broj povratnika počeo da raste u septembru i da put Iraka krene oko 100 izbeglica nedeljno.


Mnogi kažu da se vraćaju sa manje novca nego što su imali kada su stigli u Nemačku. Žale se da ih Nemačkoj "prevare i uzmu im ušteđevinu", a zauzvrat im ne daju ništa. Međunarodna agencija za migracije pruža finansijsku pomoć onima koji ne mogu da priušte troškove putovanja avionom.


Ambasada Iraka izdaje putne isprave za putovanje u jednom pravcu mnogima koji žele da se vrate kući.

Edited by Pontijak
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zasto je to spinovanje? istinita prica sa pravim ljudima koji svedoce o svom nesvakidasnjem iskustvu. takodje se logicno nadovezuje na uvek aktuelno 'izbeglice vs migranti'. kada bi svaka pojedinacna prica koja se odnosi na nesto sire bila spinovanje onda ne bi bilo prakticno nicega sto mediji rade sto nije spinovanje.


to sto ce neko na osnovu ove price i njoj slicnih da zakljuci da su "svi oni (umetni po volji)" je njegov problem.

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