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Mađarski zid: izbeglice sa Bliskog istoka i iz Afrike u Srbiji i regionu


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Kraj. Posle ovoga mi se firca k**** za njihovu sudbinu.

Dao bih im rajsflešuse da ne troše vreme na svakom prelazu.

Tolko od mog saossećanja za njiovu gastarbajtersku sudbinu.


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Srpske bezbednosne službe otkrile su da je palestinski ambasador Mohamed Nabhan koristeći svoje veze u vrhu vlasti u Beogradu migrantima sa Bliskog Istoka obezbeđivao srpske vize po ceni od 5.000 evra.
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Malo mi je čudno da daju tolike pare za vizu u tranzitnoj zemlji ali ajde, možda stvarno hoće da se otisnu u izbeglištvo prvom klasom...

Edited by beowl
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Možda su to oni koji su se naselili u Bg. Pričali smo o tome već ovde, ima jedna već uočljiva kolonija u Braće Jerković, gde se nalazi i neka arapska škola.


Što se njih tiče mislim da se broj smanjio. Ili ih ja prosto više ne primećujem. 

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pa pokušavaju to nama da serviraju kao mučeništvo



pa dobro, navikli ljudi da takav vid protesta za medije uvek pali kod tananih evropskih dusa


ili si mislio da je prezderavanje i oblokavanje na slavama 1 vrsta mucenistva za hriscansku veru?


Problem sa njihovim pristupom je da su se na Balkanu ljudi nagledali, naslušali i načitali daleko gorih stvari i to ako posmatramo samo poslednjih par decenija.  I da se njih 100 samospali na granici to bi ovde bila vest u jednom dnevniku, eventualno par dana u tabloidima ako budu slikali ugljenisane leševe. Tanane evropske duše su ovde retkost.  

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Problem sa njihovim pristupom je da su se na Balkanu ljudi nagledali, naslušali i načitali daleko gorih stvari i to ako posmatramo samo poslednjih par decenija.  I da se njih 100 samospali na granici to bi ovde bila vest u jednom dnevniku, eventualno par dana u tabloidima ako budu slikali ugljenisane leševe. Tanane evropske duše su ovde retkost.  


eto, nisu upoznati sa lokalnim mentalitetom, njima i balkan i svedska i nemacka isto, sve je to za njih evropa :fantom:  mada ipak mislim da taj performans nije za balkanske gledaoce vec sa nezne evropske oci


kazem ja, bezveze se samopovredjuju u propagandne svrhe, stiropol™ je efektniji na ovu ladnocu a i efikasan je, eto stiropolista™ postade i predsednik

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November 24, 2015 5:57 pm


Sweden cracks down on immigration


Richard Milne, Nordic Correspondent




Sweden — long regarded as Europe’s most welcoming country for migrants — is embarking on an immigration crackdown amid public anxiety over record inflows of refugees.


In a policy shift that reduced Sweden’s deputy prime minister to tears, the centre-left government said it needed to act as 190,000 asylum seekers are due to arrive this year, double the previous record, to the Nordic country of 10m people.


“The current situation is unsustainable so we must drastically reduce the number of asylum seekers coming to Sweden,” Stefan Löfven, the prime minister, told a news conference.


The crackdown represents a humiliating failure for many Swedes, who regard their country as a humanitarian superpower. The Nordic country already takes in more refugees per capita than any other European country.


Sweden’s politics have been shaken by the rapid rise of the anti-immigration, populist Sweden Democrats party, which is leading in several opinion polls. Successive right and leftwing governments have each refused to deal with the party and instead maintained generous asylum policies that, for instance, offered permanent residency to Iraqis and then Syrians.


Under the measures announced on Tuesday, Sweden will severely restrict the right to family reunification and limit residence permits to an initial three-year period.


Sweden will also introduce identification controls on bus and train passengers entering the country, after recently imposing border checks and implementing controls on ferries.


The government admitted it was forced to act after complaints from overstretched municipalities led the Civil Contingencies Agency to warn that crucial social functions, such as healthcare and education, were being put at risk. “It is an untenable situation,” Mr Löfven conceded.


Sweden’s government continued to insist that a Europe-wide agreement must be found to distribute refugees more fairly between EU member states.


The EU has been struggling to cope with a surge in refugees this year from war-torn and economically deprived lands in the Middle East and Africa that has put pressure on its open-border policies and sparked tension between national governments over the redistribution of thousands of people.


“Sweden had in the worst refugee crisis since World War 2 taken greater responsibility than any other western county,” the government said in a statement released on Tuesday. “We are a small country making a huge effort and the Swedish people are showing great solidarity at this difficult time.”


The move is particularly bitter for the junior government partner, the Greens, who were instrumental in pushing Sweden to take so many refugees. Asa Romson, leader of the Green party and deputy prime minister, cried as she announced the new measures.


Norway also introduced border controls on Tuesday night. Erna Solberg, the prime minister, said: “We can’t wait until the same thing happens in Norway [as Sweden].”


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Ja sam zaguzvan na poslu pa slabije imam vremena za bavljenje ovom temom, no ajde ovako na brzinu:




- Vest o obaranju ruskog aviona na granici Sirije i Turske, sa proruskin spinom. Vasington potvrdio da je avion pogodjen nad Sirijom, Lavrov kaze da je obaranje unapred planirana provokacija, Medveev kaze da je Ankara saveznik ISISa i tako dalje, na kraju se zakljucuje da bi u ovoj svadji izmedju Rusije i Turske (NATO) Asad mogao biti onaj treci koji ce se na kraju smejati.






- Novouspostavljeni madjarski Antiteroristicki Centar TEK sprecio ozbiljno krivicno delo. Zaplenjene vece kolicine automatskog oruzja i eksploziva, nema dokaza za vezu sa radikalnim islamom / dzihadistima / ISISom. Djurcanjev DK kritikuje TEK i kaze da je ovaj "pao na ispitu"  a Fidesz optuzuje DK da su za "sirenje terorizma".






- Merkelova kaze da je za opstanak Sengena neophodno rasporedjivanje izbeglica po kvotama, sa cime se slaze i austrijski kancelar. Ban Ki Mun kritikuje balkanske zemlje i kaze da se izbeglice ne smeju filtrirati prema zemlji porekla. Sijjarto kaze da se bez saradnje NATO i Rusije ne moze resiti migrantska kriza.






- Portparol Fidesza Bence Tuzon kaze da Madjarska nije u stanju da prihvati i smesti broj migranata koji bi joj sledovao prema obaveznim kvotama. Lajos Kosa, lider poslanicke grupe Fidesza u parlamentu Madjarske optuzuje opoziciju da bi da uvedu "policiju misli".

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The left has given up on the idea of an alternative to capitalism, or even any significant mitigation of its worst excesses. Thus left and liberal parties are complicit in the racist reaction that they both denounce and indulge. If it weren’t for the racism of the right, mainstream liberals would have nothing to run against. Think of the fact that we are supposed to vote for Hillary not because of her positive program (which is to the right of Obama’s already very conservative agenda), but because she (unlike Bernie Sanders, whose agenda is more appealing to most on the left) will defeat the racist horror that is Trump. As that example illustrates, the situation has gotten much worse since the mid-90s, when Tarrying was published.


The basic dynamic here is that ostensibly left-wing parties have put the right wing in the driver’s seat and have no strategy other than to denounce the very right-wing racism that their preferred policies actually stoke. The refugee article aims to unmask a similar dynamic in more radical leftist circles. Among leftist commentators, academics, and online activists as well, there is an abdication of any responsible policy-making that takes actual-existing reality into account. In its place, we find only empty rhetoric aimed at guaranteeing the speaker’s ideological purity.


Some remarks that have been especially singled out for denunciation include generalizations about the differences between Western and Islamic culture. I will submit that, broadly speaking, there are important differences that may make it difficult for people of those cultures to live together in close quarters. I hope everyone would be better than that, but people are people. Placing a conservative white family from Indiana in an apartment above a gay bar would not be fun for either party involved. It is not racist to point out that the same observation would hold equally for a conservative Muslim family. Public policy is made on the level of generality, and taking the refugees’ cultural norms as a starting point is the only sensible path. Yes, the rural Hoosiers may turn out to have a gay son, just as the Muslim family may have a liberal-minded daughter who wants to reject the hijab—and Žižek insists that the refugee communities will have to accept that some of their members will take advantage of Western freedoms to rebel against their inherited cultural norms.


It is precisely Žižek’s invocation of these “Western freedoms” that has proven so “problematic” to many. To understand what he is doing here, we need to recall that much of Žižek’s political commentary centers on attempting to reclaim master-signifiers. This is where his strategy of overidentification is clearest. You think we should embrace the European heritage? Žižek agrees—so long as we recognize that the true European heritage is the heritage of egalitarianism and revolution.


....The fact that the responses to these articles become a referendum on what we think of Žižek—i.e., whether he needs to be denounced—proves his implicit point. For all their faults, Žižek’s articles on this issue are about what could actually be done to accommodate the refugees. He may be right or wrong about any of his suggestions, but they are at least arguable. More to the point, he is talking about the kind of questions that any left-wing governing party would have to consider if it were to actually take power. Now taking power within the existing institutional structure obviously imposes serious limitations, but the only alternative is revolution—though when Žižek talks about how past revolutions have played out, he’s denounced as an apologist for the worst excesses of Stalinism...


Kritika kritike Žižeka



Edited by FERNOUX H
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To je i moj utisak teksta. Žižek je pozvao levicu da nešto radi i da ne sere u prazno. I ljute se ne zato jer im se ne sviđa njegov predlog već zato jer vole da uživaju u komfori i potpisivaju motori.   


Žižek je kralj.

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