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Mađarski zid: izbeglice sa Bliskog istoka i iz Afrike u Srbiji i regionu


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ej građanisti šta ove bule islamofobišu oće možda da pomislimo da su svi ovi likovi u zbegovima neke sise  :fantom:


Syrian men fleeing their war-torn home country are being criticised by the women 'left behind' to live in squalor in refugee camps.


When questioned about their feelings regarding the large number of men who have fled Syria for Europe without their wives and children, these women do not mince their words.


One woman accuse them of abandoning Syria in a time of crisis, while others stop short of calling them cowards by saying it is 'haram' - forbidden under Islam - to leave their country.


The women, interviewed by American video journalist Bilal Abdul Kareem, all live in a refugee camp in Syria, having left their home cities and villages during the four-year civil war.



A young woman sitting in one of the temporary buildings in the refugee camp sayts she is very upset about men leaving women and children behind in Syria.



One woman, who says she has fled her home in Homs, western Syria,says she will not abandon her home country even if 'European nations are better'.


“By Allah, it is wrong! Isn't this wrong? It is wrong to leave your country and your family.


'We[women] are bearing everything not to leave our country… it's harder than going to European countries, its hard.

Another adds: 'In my opinion it is haram [forbidden under Islamic law] to leave the country, they leave it when it is in a bad need.

'They [men] have to defend it.They have to stand by its people and not leave it and go just like that.'


She is then asked what she would say to the thousands of men who have fled Syria for Europe, to which she responds that she would call for them to come back and fight in the civil war to 'defend the motherland'.


Europe is struggling to cope with its worst migrant crisis since World War Two as hundreds of thousands flee war and persecution in Africa and the Middle East.


More than 500,000 have arrived in Europe across the Mediterranean so far this year, more than double the figure for 2014, according to the international Organisation for Migration.


German authorities, meanwhile, expect up to 1.5million refugees to come to the country this year, up from a previous estimate of 800,000 to one million.


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3263593/Syrian-wives-mothers-left-condemn-men-fled-country-ask-free-protect-wrong-leave-country.html#ixzz3nuE9MLqH
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Edited by Hella
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Erjavec je na Konferenciji o izbeglicama i migracionim tokovima istočnog Mediterana i zapadnog Balkana u Luksemburgu rekao da svoja očekivanja zasniva na podacima sa grčko-makedonske granice, koju je juče prešlo 10.000 izbeglica, prenosi agencija STA.
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malo se frljaju sa ciframa. ne prelazi poslednjih dana granice toliko ljudi i generalno je priliv na ostrva smanjen, narocito na lezbos. sve ide ka proceni za decembar od 20k za celi mesec, sada je negde na 50-60k pri ovakvom tempu.

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nije bas da ne dolaze - prodje 300-400 dnevno, ali se ne zadrzavaju pa su manje vidljivi.


to su ovi sto stizu sa bugarske granice. prespava ih stotinak, ni toliko.

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izgleda da ce uskoro morati da se prosiru naslov topika


Grabar-Kitarović: Moraćemo da dignemo ogradu

Predsednica Hrvatske Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović izjavila je da će Hrvatska morati da postavi ogradu na svoju granicu da bi se zaštitila.

Izvor: Beta sreda, 14.10.2015. | 10:30


"Ne želim da se Hrvatska nađe u poziciji da uđe veći broj ljudi (izbeglica i migranata), a da se zatvore granice susednih država. Mislim da će u budućnosti biti potrebna nekakva ograda ili fizička prepreka. Ali nemojte to zvati žicom. Nemojte to upoređivati s jednom Srebrenicom ili s koncentracionim logorima", rekla je Grabar-Kitarović u intervjuu za "Jutarnji list".



cudo jedno kako je morala da uzme primere iz inozemstva a ne iz perioda istorije cuvenog po koncetracionim logorima tj. primerima iz drugog svetskog rata, ne moraju ce cak ni u inozemstvu traziti primeri, eto u njihovom tuzemstvu je i jasenovac :fantom:

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mogla je recimo ovako da brani najavljeno podizanje hrvatskog zida™


Nemojte to upoređivati s jednim Jasenovcem ili s koncentracionim logorima



ali neeee, mora uvek neki primer iz inozemstva :fantom:

Edited by Pontijak
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