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Mađarski zid: izbeglice sa Bliskog istoka i iz Afrike u Srbiji i regionu


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Danas sam na Toploj (Herceg Novi) video petoricu izbeglica, prepoznao ih sa sto metara (pošto ih od proleća gledam u mom kraju u Beogradu), čisti, pristojni, nadrndana garderoba, nauljena frizura, šticovana bradica.


Izgleda da je ovo nova ruta, sa zadovoljstvom ću im pokazati put preko Orjena za Hrvatsku, ukoliko me nekad neko od njih bude pitao.

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Solidaran porez svima za izbeglice

Predsednik Privredne komore austrijske pokrajine Tirol Jirgen Bodenzeer traži uvođenje solidarnog poreza kako bi se pokrili troškovi za integraciju izbeglica.


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Ako Mađarska zatvori granicu, Hrvatska će...

Mađarski ministar unutarnjih poslova Sandor Pinter rekao je da "datum za zatvaranje mađarske granice sa Hrvatskom još nije određen”, piše "Jutarnji list". 

U slučaju da Mađarska zaista zatvori granicu Hrvatska bi, prema informacijama ovog lista, otvorila koridor za prebacivanje izbeglica preko Slovenije. Kako list saznaje, u ovom trenutku postoji dogovor sa Slovenijom i Austrijom na najvišem političkom nivou da se u slučaju radikalnog mađarskog poteza izbeglice preusmere na Sloveniju. 


U tom slučaju Hrvatska bi povremeno zatvarala granicu prema Srbiji kako bi usporila ulazak izbeglica i na taj način usporila njihov dolazak u Sloveniju kako se ta zemlja ne bi našla u problemima vezanim za njihov prihvat i daljnji transfer. Zatvaranje granice prema Srbiji znači zatvaranje graničnih prelaza i postavljanje većeg broja pripadnika policije na “zelenu granicu” koji bi pokušali da spreče što više izbeglica u ilegalnom prelasku granice. Reč je o zaštiti nekih četrdesetak kilometara kopnene granice, dok je preostali deo granice reka Dunav, koja se može nadzirati policijskim plovilima. 






1. Hrvatska organizirano prebacuje izbjeglice u Sloveniju i povremeno zatvara granicu sa Srbijom

2. Srbija usmjerava izbjeglice u Bosnu i Hercegovinu; izbjeglice nekontrolirano ulaze u Hrvatsku

3. Izbjeglice brodovima dolaze na jug Hrvatske

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ha ha da li će to proći?


sumnjam da ce to kod austrijanaca proci ali kada ovaj nas ovo cuje, mozda to prodje kod nas, bar ovaj nas ima iskustva sa razrezivanjem solidarnog poreza

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Bog na nebu, Dzordz Soros na zemlji!


The European Union needs to accept responsibility for the lack of a common asylum policy, which has transformed this year’s growing influx of refugees from a manageable problem into yet another political crisis. Each member state has selfishly focused on its own interests, often acting against the interests of others. This precipitated panic among asylum seekers, the general public, and the authorities responsible for law and order. Asylum seekers have been the main victims.


The EU needs a comprehensive plan to respond to the crisis, one that reasserts effective governance over the flows of asylum-seekers so that they take place in a safe, orderly way, and at a pace that reflects Europe’s capacity to absorb them. To be comprehensive, the plan has to extend beyond the borders of Europe. It is less disruptive and much less expensive to maintain potential asylum-seekers in or close to their present location.

Read more at https://www.project-syndicate.org/commentary/rebuilding-refugee-asylum-system-by-george-soros-2015-09#dA7fHIqldibGPuOu.99




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Sijjarto u UN rekao kako bez resenja konflikta u Siriji nema ni resenja za migrantsku krizu u EU i predlozio globalne kvote za raspored migranta - da se oni rasporedjuju u sve drzave clanice UN, ne samo u EU.

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Berlin agrees steps to curb migrants as Merkel faces backlash


Stefan Wagstyl in Berlin



Berlin on Tuesday agreed measures aimed at curbing an unprecedented surge in migrants, including cuts to cash payments, as a backlash grew over the German government’s handling of the refugee crisis.


The new laws are aimed at lifting some of the pressures on overworked local officials and reassuring voters that the government is in control of the migrant problem. Berlin wants the laws to take effect as soon as November.

Chancellor Angela Merkel has come under mounting pressure, including from within her own CDU/CSU coalition, since she pledged to set “no upper limit” on the right to asylum and promised to accept all refugees from Syria. Officials expects 800,000 refugees this year, four times more than 2014.



In a surprise development, Joachim Gauck, German president, who is widely viewed as a liberal, on Sunday launched a thinly veiled attack on Ms Merkel’s handling of the crisis, saying: “Our reception capacity is limited even when it has not yet been worked out where these limits lie.”


Cash handouts of €143 a month for a single person are seen as making Germany more desirable for migrants than other European states. Refugees will instead receive non-cash benefits, such as food vouchers. Cash payments for living expenses will largely be stopped for asylum-seekers living in official reception centres.


Berlin will also add Kosovo, Albania and Montenegro to a list of countries where would-be refugees can be safely returned in an attempt to staunch inflows of economic migrants from the western Balkans. Failed asylum-seekers will face more rapid removal procedures and big cuts in financial support.


However, successful applicants will have quicker access to language courses to improve integration into society and the jobs market. Berlin pledged to double its refugee-linked support for regional and local authorities to €2bn this year, rising to about €4bn in 2016, assuming refugee inflows of 800,000 annually.


Pro-refugee groups protested that the new rules would impose more stresses on overburdened refugee centres, where fights have broken out between different ethnic and religious groups. One incident in Kassel, western Germany, left 14 injured after a brawl involving 370.


The Migration Council, a refugee-orientated umbrella body, said the government was basing its policies on “frightening off and shutting away” migrants.

Thomas Strobl, a parliamentary group deputy leader from Ms Merkel’s CDU party, urged migrants to think before leaving their homelands.

“The message is: don’t sell your house or your car because you will be back where you came from in a very short time.”


CDU MPs said their constituents did not necessarily support the public welcome given to refugees at Munich railway station where they have arrived in Germany.


Opinion polls are showing weakening support for the CDU/CSU bloc, with a survey for Bild, the top-selling newspaper, on Tuesday showing a 1 percentage point fall to 38.5 per cent, after a 0.5 percentage point drop the previous week.


Support for the CDU/CSU it at its lowest level since the height of the Ukraine crisis, although this still leaves the conservatives well ahead of the social democrats, their coalition partners, on 23.5 per cent. But among CDU/CSU MPs anything below 40 per cent prompts grumbles.

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Polako, da se plen smiri, pa kreće hvatanje i deportacija.

Kao u onom filmu "Kenedi se vraća kući", u 3 ujutru sa psima, pakuj sve što imaš, imovina na doboš, i ćao zdravo. "Sonderflug", "posebni letovi" itd.

Kuku i lele.

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Pa onaj han kad je dosao da da 1 podrsku nama protiv hrvata rekao je da velike nade polaze u konferenciju o migrantskoj krizi koja ce biti odrzana u...aprilu 2016

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- Vlada Madjarske smatra da se problemi na evropskom trzistu rada ne mogu resavati kratkorocno primanjem ekonomskih migranata. Sve vise pohvala sa severa Evrope stize Madjarskoj za njeno postupanje povodom migrantske krize. Neophodno je obezbediti dodatna sredstva za zbrinjavanje dece u nacionalnom programu zastite dece zbog velikog priliva osoba iz inostranstva. Ne ocekuje se u skorije vreme smanjenje imigracionog pritiska. Pocinje sa radom jos jedan novouspostavljeni specijalni sud za ekspresno resavanje slucajeva ilegalne imigracije. Razbijena jos jedna organizovana grupa za sverc ljudi - 10 osoba uhapseno u Mohacu i Budimpesti, jos daljih 13 saslusano. Dva Nigerijca, dva Sirijca, Sudanac, i Senegalac medju uhapsenima, zaplenjeno vise desetina mobilnih telefona, laptopa i memorijskih USB stikova. U utorak 6644 osoba uhvaceno u ilegalnom prelasku granice. Protiv troje pokrenut postupak zbog falsifikovanja putnih isprava. Jednoj osobi odredjena trogodisnja uslovna zatvorska kazna po ubrzanom postupku pred specijalnim sudom u Segedinu zbog transporta migranata - osudjeni je 2. septembra pokupio grupu od 6 sirijskih drzavljana na benzinskoj pumpi u blizini Reske i dogovorio se za cenu od 20 hiljada forinti da ih preveze do Budimpeste ali ga je u tome sprecila policija zaustavivsi njegovo vozilo na autoputu M5. Osudjeni je takodje dobio i zabranu prilaska na 10 km od srpsko-madjarske granice u naredne dve godine.


- Nemacka ponovo postrozuje imigracione zakone. Afganistanski izbeglica star 110 godina stigao u Nemacku u pratnji 8 clanova svoje porodice. Masovna tuca meju mirantima u Atini. Policijske kontrole na italijansko-francuskoj granici. SAD spremne da prime dodatnih 15 hiljada izbeglica.


- Sijjarto u UN: sporazum Rusije i SAD o vojnom angazovanju u Siriji korak u dobrom pravcu - uspostavljeni neposredni kanali komunikacije izmedju ruske i americke vojske. Francuska pokrece sudski proces protiv Asada zbog zlocina protiv covecnosti.

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