September 18, 20159 yr 13:53 Nakon što je Milanović kazao da Hrvatska više neće popisivati izbjeglice, već će ih pustiti da idu gdje god žele, u Tovarniku i Belom Manastiru organizirani su besplatni autobusi koji prevoze izbjeglice do mađarskog graničnog prijelaza Beremend. jebote, zoki, kako si im pomogao, ostaće ti dužni za ovu pomoć, voziš ih autobusima pravo na mađarsku ogradu
September 18, 20159 yr Pa šta sad ti hoćeš, da im organizuje avio čartere direktno u Hamburg i Štutgart?
September 18, 20159 yr Meni je ovo skroz ok. Biće zanimljivo gledati reakcije na svađu dve UE zemlje.
September 18, 20159 yr Na horgošu tuga...Došao bus da ih vodi ka rumuniji ali njima ne pada na pamet da ulaze sumnjivo im... Ja još jirim Janoša Pandura. Kad priđeš žici vidiš buzdovane kako se cerekaju... Neka neka... poslato sa WC šolje by BVK
September 18, 20159 yr Milanović je sve uradio onako kako Manc kaže da treba. Mudar potez, u suštini. Orban nema vremena da podigne duplo dužu ogradu duž granice sa Hrvatskom u odnosu na ono što je podigao prema Srbiji a ni Slovenci neće baš biti u stanju da isti takav poduhvat izvedu na svojoj granici. Mogu samo da zatvore prelaze i bacaju suzavac na izbeglice koje krenu putevima, one što se opredele za kukuruzišta će već malo teže da zaustave. Faktički je obezbedio koridor kroz Hrvatsku, ako mu večeras ne stigne svilen gajtan iz Berlina ili odakle već prima naređenja. ja totalno kapiram tu pricu na moralnoj razini ali malo se plasim dogadjaja u narednih par dana. vraticu se na ono moje "neodgovorno" jel stvarno taj "izvanredni plan" to da se salju en masse hiljade ljudi madjarima da ih oni tuku i maltretiraju?
September 18, 20159 yr Pa ili to, ili da hrvatski žandari raspamećuju izbeglice na žicom zatvorenoj granici sa Srbijom. Iz hrvatskog ugla gledano, izbor je lak. Tu je i Slovenija koja će možda pokazati malo više ljudskosti.
September 18, 20159 yr Pa šta sad ti hoćeš, da im organizuje avio čartere direktno u Hamburg i Štutgart? šta ja hoću? hoću da ih voze na tromeđu hun slo cro gde je verovatno najlakše preći dravu/muru i gde nema jebenih ograda; ovako ih vozi pravo onim ludacima u zamku
September 18, 20159 yr A na tromedji na madjarskoj i slovenačkoj strani nema nikog, samo par prosutih kofa sa vodom?
September 18, 20159 yr Telo još jednog utopljenog deteta nađeno u TurskojTelo utopljene sirijske devojčice nađeno je na obali Egejskog mora u Turskoj, samo par nedelja nakon što su svet potresle fotografije utopljenog dečaka. Beživotno telo četvorogodišnje devojčice, čiji identitet još nije utvrđen, pronađeno je na plaži u gradu Česme u pokrajini Izmir
September 18, 20159 yr Sto pokusavam da dokucim odakle dolazi veca istocnoevropska ksenofobija od zapadne? Meni je to zanimljivo a ti zaobidji ako te nervira... Ovde se nudi deo odgovora (sa Nemačkom kao merom), više fokusiran na akutno stanje stvari i tekuće uticaje: Observing the different reaction to the refugee crisis and the obvious disparity between East and Western Europe in terms of solidarity and compassion for the people fleeing to Europe, a new discussion on the common understanding of European values has emerged amongst European opinion leaders. Is Eastern Europe really lacking behind in solidarity? Do comments by some politicians that their countries should only take Christian refugees pose a danger to Europe’s secular posture? Any why is the reaction in central and eastern Europe to the refugee crisis so different, particularly from the German Willkommenskultur. ... Germany’s experience with massive waves of migrants is nothing new. There have been major shifts in the (West) German population caused by the the movement of borders after world war two and the expulsion of millions of Germans from eastern Europe. Only Poland, being shifted westwards on Stalin’s demands, went through comparably dramatic experiences. But Germany, like most western European countries, also has a long record of receiving migrants from non-neighbourhood countries. Germany has a record of experience in dealing with immigrants from the Western Balkans, the post-Soviet Space, Turkey, the Levant (particularly Lebanon) and Iran. These communities not only provide a role model for how (and sometimes for how not) to integrate new arrivals, they also act as a local facilitator on a communal level. New migrants and refugees can easier attach to them. It provides a pool of translators, teachers and the like for the expanding voluntary service dealing with the refugees. And there are well established organisations taking care of the refugees, also politically speaking on their behalf. Such actors, organisations, or family support networks are entirely absent in eastern Europe, limiting their practical ability to absorb larger numbers of migrants at a time. And there are no representatives of non-European migrant communities in the political class in eastern Europe. In Germany on the other hand, they are very well established/ and provide a vivid example to the German population that other ethnic or religious groups can be well integrated in society. ... Moreover, there are well-established intellectual contacts between Germany, the Levant and North Africa. There are numerous of scholars to explain the political and humanitarian situations in Syria, Libya, Iraq, or Nigeria. News agencies have reporters on the ground, giving the German audience a vivid imagination about what people have to endure when confronted with IS or Boko Haram. Such access to first-hand news and analysis is limited for smaller post-communist countries. ... And last but not least, one should not forget that many states, especially in south east Europe, are simply overwhelmed with the burden of managing the influx of refugees. Being on the receiving end of a flow of refugees is not only a matter of the political climate. It is a burdensome administrative process (medical checks, issuing of preliminary documents, documenting the case, comparing the data with intelligence data) and financial and management effort (providing shelter, work or income, humane transportation) that simply is beyond the capacity of many states particularly in south east Europe. And this is especially true for states that are on the edge of being a failed state themselves like Greece or Macedonia. ... At the end, the populist outbursts of Victor Orban or Robert Fico might be deplorable, but they are not representative for all of eastern Europe. And while pointing fingers is easy, enhancing the capacity of eastern European societies and states to successfully cope with the current challenge will take some assistance, advice, and above all time. Edited September 18, 20159 yr by Prospero
September 18, 20159 yr neocekivan razvoj: MILANOVIĆEV 'PLAN B' PRORADIO? Izbjeglice stigle na mađarsku granicu, Mađari po njih poslali autobuse 15:33 Mađari poslali svoje autobuse po izbjeglice na granicuMađari su poslali svoje autobuse u koje će sada početi ukrcavanje migranata. Njih oko 1500 stoji na graničnom prijelazu Beremend. edit: 15:43 Autobusi s izbjeglicama Mađari voze na austrijsku granicuPrvi mađarski autobusi s imigrantima već su krenuli s prijelaza Beremend i sve će ih prevesti do granice s Austrijom. alealeee Edited September 18, 20159 yr by Krošek
September 18, 20159 yr zato sto postoji ograda milanovic je ocigledno dobrano šukno madjarima ovim potezom, nisu to ocekivali...znaci to je bio taj manevar, taj plan, misdirection kao idu u sloveniju povuci potegni KAD ONO genijalno u sustini skidam kapu hrvatima, ma znao sam da imaju nekog asa u rukavu
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