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Mađarski zid: izbeglice sa Bliskog istoka i iz Afrike u Srbiji i regionu


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Samo da kažem nešto. Da smo mi nešto ovako uradili ka Mađarskoj, tj. bacali suzavac preko granične linije i pucali šok bombama na ljude koji stoje na granici, sada bi cela NATO alijansa bila podignuta na najviši borbeni nivo, i verovatno upućena da nas pregazi.

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Samo da kažem nešto. Da smo mi nešto ovako uradili ka Mađarskoj, tj. bacali suzavac preko granične linije i pucali šok bombama na ljude koji stoje na granici, sada bi cela NATO alijansa bila podignuta na najviši borbeni nivo, i verovatno upućena da nas pregazi.



Ok, aj da ne preterujemo.

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Rumuni pljuju Mađare, opozvali ambasadora iz Budimpešte zbog najave produžetka ograde ka Rumuniji :


The divisions across Europe were reflected in comments by Romania's Prime Minister Victor Ponta, who said Hungary's actions evoked the continent's darkest era. "Fences, dogs, cops and guns, this looks like Europe in the 1930s," he said. "And did we solve the refugee problem with this? No, we didn't."Erecting a fence only throws the problem into Serbia, into Croatia, into Romania."


Hungary plans to extend its fence towards Romania - prompting the latter to summon the Hungary ambassador.


EDIT : OK, nije mi jasno da li su opozvali svog ambasadora ili su zvali mađarskog da im objasni o čemu se radi.

Edited by Ayatollah
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Nema potrebe za panikom, sad ce Brisel da posalje Liberalno-principijelnu brigadu i Evropskovrednosnu diviziju da zaspe izbeglice memorandumima, gajdlajnsima i prodzektpropozalima pa ce se sve lepo dovesti u red.

Edited by harper
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Rumuni pljuju Mađare, opozvali ambasadora iz Budimpešte zbog najave produžetka ograde ka Rumuniji :



EDIT : OK, nije mi jasno da li su opozvali svog ambasadora ili su zvali mađarskog da im objasni o čemu se radi.


Zvali mađarskog na razgovor, u Bukureštu.

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OK, nije mi jasno da li su opozvali svog ambasadora ili su zvali mađarskog da im objasni o čemu se radi.


iz teksta se cita da su ga zvali na konsultacije sto je blaze od protesta ali izrazava nezadovoljstvo

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Hrvatska o Mađarskoj isto kao i Rumunija, neće praviti probleme izbeglicama :


The migrants, who were intercepted near Tovarnik, by the Serbian border, were taken to a registration center outside Zagreb, where they could get treatment and assistance.

There, the migrants received a far friendlier reception than the one in Hungary. A CNN crew witnessed a Croatian police officer greeting migrants by saying, "Come on guys, don't be scared," before they climbed into a waiting police van.

In a tweet, Croatian Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic said his country was "ready to accept people."

"It doesn't matter what religion or nationality they are or the country where they would like to go to," read the tweet.

"These people are here, they want to work, to create. They don't want to come to Croatia nor Hungary, but they will be able to pass through Croatia."

The Croatian government said it has been preparing for refugees for weeks, even conducting simulations on how to handle thousands of people.

Milanovic, who is set to meet Thursday with Austrian Chancellor Werner Faymann to discuss a response to the unfolding crisis, also had harsh words for the Hungarian government and its blockage of migrants:

"I believe the policy in Budapest of raising walls is dangerous and cruel," he said, according to the Croatian government's tweet. "Wire in Europe in the 21st century isn't the answer but rather a threat."


Edited by Ayatollah
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Google pomaže konkretno :


Google to match aid donations


With the world facing its biggest migrant crisis since World War II, Google announced it will match the first $5.5 million donated globally to help migrants, up to a combined $11 million.

The tech giant said the funds will go to Network for Good, which will then distribute the money as needed to Doctors Without Borders, the International Rescue Committee, Save the Children and the U.N. refugee agency.


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Realno mađari su napadnuti sa teritorije Srbije i oni bi trebali uložiti protestnu notu


Realno, trebalo bi. Fašisti najpre muče i maltretiraju ljude a onda ulože protestnu notu kada ovi prsnu pa bace poneki kamen na njih. Koliko god da zvuči groteskno to je pravi potez u ovoj situaciji, treba do kraja demistifikovati sve te kao fol vrednosti na kojima počiva ova skrnava EU.

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