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Mađarski zid: izbeglice sa Bliskog istoka i iz Afrike u Srbiji i regionu


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mislim da je izvesno da ce slovenci pustiti sirijce ali vrlo je moguce da nece uopste pustiti ne-sirijce. sta ce hrvati s njima je vazno pitanje, ali jos uvek nije goruce jer nema mnogo ljudi.


vracali su slovenci grupu afganistanaca i iranaca madjarima. madjari se za razliku od nekidan nisu protivili jer su prilozeni dokazi da su dosli iz madjarske. pravna drzava :fantom:


Slovenija 21 Irancev in Afganistancev vrnila Madžarom

V Dolgi vasi so slovenski policisti madžarskim kolegom predali 21 v soboto v Šentilju zadržanih beguncev.


Inšpektor Policijske uprave Maribor Miran Horvat je povedal, da so madžarski varnostni organi begunce prevzeli, ker je naša policija pri njih našla dokaze, da so bili obravnavani že na Madžarskem. Madžarska policija jih je odpeljala s tremi kombiji.

Edited by Krošek
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sa gardijana:


Muslim refugees are being repeatedly offered pork by the Hungarian authorities, according to the aid agency Muntada Aid.

Kabir Miah, overseas manager at the charity, emailed this testimony, after visiting the treatment of refugees at Hungary’s border with Serbia.

  • What we witnessed at Roszke shocked us. We saw women, children, babies and elderly people being herded into an open field where they were kept for days without shelter exposed to the cold and rain.

    On Monday night it was raining and the refugees burned anything they could find including wet blanket to keep themselves warm. Children were suffering asthma attacks from inhaling the smoke. Diabetics were having fits as no insulin was available. One person was coughing blood. There were no doctors.

    When we arrived three volunteers told us that an Afghan refugee came to them asking them to look at a sandwich he was given by the Hungarian police. He wanted to know if was not pork. They confirmed it tasted like pork. The sandwiches were returned to the police, who were informed that the refugees were Muslim and therefore prohibited from eating pork.

    The next morning police again brought eight baskets of sandwiches, all containing pork salami. Again they were returned, and the police were asked not to bring pork. By the evening more sandwiches arrived also containing pork. When one of the volunteers complained a police officer said the refugees should just remove the pork and eat the bread. He said it felt as though the police were mocking them.

    This is shocking and offensive to Muslims. The authorities are aware the refugees were Muslim. But don’t seem to care


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