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Visegrad summit rejects migrant quotas


EurActiv.com, by Georgi Gotev,

10:36 updated: 13:52



The Visegrad Four leaders  Czech government



A summit of the “Visegrad Four” countries – the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Poland – held in Prague on 4 September rejected mandatory quotas for taking refugees, but said the group wanted to contribute to tackling the crisis and protect the Schengen border-free zone.


In the joint statement, the four countries call for “preserving the voluntary nature of EU solidarity measures” and state that “any proposal leading to introduction of mandatory and permanent quota for solidarity measures would be unacceptable”.


As Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker prepares to announce on 9 September a plan with a permanent mechanism based on mandatory quotas for countries to take in refugees, the four central European countries made it plain they would not adhere to the concept.


Polish Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz said refugee quotas would attract further refugees to the EU.

If the discussion on the migration crisis is limited to refugee redistribution, EU countries will meet once a month to negotiate about numbers, although the core of the problem is elsewhere, Kopacz said.


Czech Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka, who chaired the meeting, said discussions about refugee quotas did not go to the point. The core of the problem is the EU incapability to regulate migration and the situation in the countries like Syria and Libya, he argued.

"We agreed that the debate on quotas has only one purpose. It diverts attention from the real core of the problem. Europe lost capability to regulate migration," Sobotka said.


The joint statement from the four countries calls for a more active contribution to solving the situation in Libya, Syria and the Middle East, by “involving all relevant global players, including the United States of America and the Russian Federation”.


Austria's Interior Minister Johanna Mikl-Leitner has proposed cutting EU funding for member states that don't take in their fair share of migrants. Asked to comment about those calls, Sobotka said he considered such blackmail unacceptable.


As expected, Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico opposed the quotas. But he called for the EU's Schengen internal borders to remain open, saying closing them would be an enormous defeat for European politics.


The joint statement also says the countries have agreed to increase financial and material aid to the most vulnerable refugee groups and the countries with large refugee populations. They also agreed European policymakers should focus more attention on the Balkan migration route, and not just from the Mediterranean region.


Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orbán was reportedly offered assistance by the three other Visegrad countries for dealing with the unprecedented wave of migrants that have been crossing Hungary in recent months.


Sobotka said Orbán did not ask for any particular assistance but did not rule out coming back with a concrete proposal if the crisis continued.

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Visegrad summit rejects migrant quotas


EurActiv.com, by Georgi Gotev,

10:36 updated: 13:52



The Visegrad Four leaders  Czech government



A summit of the “Visegrad Four” countries – the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Poland – held in Prague on 4 September rejected mandatory quotas for taking refugees, but said the group wanted to contribute to tackling the crisis and protect the Schengen border-free zone.


In the joint statement, the four countries call for “preserving the voluntary nature of EU solidarity measures” and state that “any proposal leading to introduction of mandatory and permanent quota for solidarity measures would be unacceptable”.


As Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker prepares to announce on 9 September a plan with a permanent mechanism based on mandatory quotas for countries to take in refugees, the four central European countries made it plain they would not adhere to the concept.


Polish Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz said refugee quotas would attract further refugees to the EU.

If the discussion on the migration crisis is limited to refugee redistribution, EU countries will meet once a month to negotiate about numbers, although the core of the problem is elsewhere, Kopacz said.


Czech Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka, who chaired the meeting, said discussions about refugee quotas did not go to the point. The core of the problem is the EU incapability to regulate migration and the situation in the countries like Syria and Libya, he argued.

"We agreed that the debate on quotas has only one purpose. It diverts attention from the real core of the problem. Europe lost capability to regulate migration," Sobotka said.


The joint statement from the four countries calls for a more active contribution to solving the situation in Libya, Syria and the Middle East, by “involving all relevant global players, including the United States of America and the Russian Federation”.


Austria's Interior Minister Johanna Mikl-Leitner has proposed cutting EU funding for member states that don't take in their fair share of migrants. Asked to comment about those calls, Sobotka said he considered such blackmail unacceptable.


As expected, Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico opposed the quotas. But he called for the EU's Schengen internal borders to remain open, saying closing them would be an enormous defeat for European politics.


The joint statement also says the countries have agreed to increase financial and material aid to the most vulnerable refugee groups and the countries with large refugee populations. They also agreed European policymakers should focus more attention on the Balkan migration route, and not just from the Mediterranean region.


Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orbán was reportedly offered assistance by the three other Visegrad countries for dealing with the unprecedented wave of migrants that have been crossing Hungary in recent months.


Sobotka said Orbán did not ask for any particular assistance but did not rule out coming back with a concrete proposal if the crisis continued.


ovo je ona cuvena govnarska - ja usao, zatvaraj kapiju.


bilo bi fer da prime onoliko izbeglica koliko ih se raselilo u druge eu zemlje. pas mater govnarsku. 

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Neki misle da ce posle propasti EU biti mnogo bolje. Mozda ona Harperova ideja o neophodnom zidu prema kosovskim Albancima postane vodilja.

Mada, Orban je to vez preuzeo.


Bilo bi OK da pokusas da napravis razliku izmedju ozidjivanja od politickih orbanolikih i jos gorih projekata i ozidjivanja od ljudi koji beze od rata i u ocajnom su stanju. Jasno je meni da ti bez podmetanja ne umes da diskutujes ali cu te pre ili kasnije oterati u picku materinu bolesnu jer je pitanje koliko cu za degenerika tvog tipa imati strpljenja.

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Što ga sad psuješ, malo ti je spustio, ti ga napiči samo tako


Za impliciranje da bih pravio zid prema izbeglicama u realnom zivotu bih mu razbio smrdljivu njusku, ovako mogu samo da ga izvredjam.

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Ministar unutrašnjih poslova Nemačke Tomas de Mezijer izjavio je danas da je masovni ulazak izbeglica u Nemačku iz Mađarske bio izuzetak od pravila, prenose nemački mediji.

On je naglasio da je to dogovoreno sa mađarskom stranom i da je tokom vikenda oko 20.000 ljudi ušlo u Nemačku

Nemački političari ističu da je za izbegličku krizu potrebno jedno zajedničko, evropsko rešenje i zahtevaju solidardnost, a mediji navode da će tokom dana još do 11.000 izbeglica stići u Nemačku.

Minhen je ovog vikenda bio kapija za ulazak u Nemačku, gde su izbeglice dočekane aplauzom, a danas iz tog grada poručuju da su im kapaciteti za smeštaj ljudi popunjeni.


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Za impliciranje da bih pravio zid prema izbeglicama u realnom zivotu bih mu razbio smrdljivu njusku, ovako mogu samo da ga izvredjam.

a što se primaš na, je li, implikacije, kad je lik u više navrata prokenjavao o izbeglicama


ovdašnjim, of kors

Edited by rođeni
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a što se primaš na, je li, implikacije, kad je lik u više navrata prokenjavao o izbeglicama


ovdašnjim, of kors


Zato sto sam zahvaljujuci andurolikim govnarima worldwide koji su spremni da podrze svaku americku svinjariju, koliko god to zivota da odnese, pre 16 godina prolazio isto ovo sto ovi nesrecni ljudi prolaze ovih dana.

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Evropska komisija odredila je nove nacionalne kvote za prijem izbeglica, prema kojima će Nemačka zbrinuti ukupno 40.000 ljudi, a Francuska 30.000 od 160.000 azilanata koji će biti prebačeni iz Italije, Grčke i Mađarske, rekli su izvori u Briselu.

Najviše od dodatnih 120.000 izbeglica naći će utočište u Nemačkoj - njih 31.443, a u Francuskoj 24.031. Ovu informaciju za Francusku je potvrdio predsednik ove države Fransoa Oland.


List "Pais" preneo je da će Španija, prema novom planu, primiti 14.931 izbeglicu, Poljska 9.287,a Holandija 7.214. Po 4.500 izbeglica zbrinuće Belgija i Švajcarska, a Austrija 3.640.


Za Hrvatsku je određena kvota od 1.064 osobe, a za Sloveniju 631, navodi "Pais".


Izvor iz EU rekao je da Evropska komisija planira da proglasi Tursku i države zapadnog Balkana za bezbedne zemlje, čiji bi se državljani suočili sa ubrzanom deportacijom ako bi zatražili azil u EU.


Edited by Pontijak
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ovo je ona cuvena govnarska - ja usao, zatvaraj kapiju.


bilo bi fer da prime onoliko izbeglica koliko ih se raselilo u druge eu zemlje. pas mater govnarsku. 

ovde je manje više sve rečeno. iz pristojnost, ne bi bilo u redu da prokomentarišem sa "jebo vam pas mater" ili "dabog da vam........ štagod ali sve najgore". ovo četvoro i sve njihove vlade su potomci onih koji su doživeli '54 u pešti, '56 u varšavi i '68 u pragu i bratislavi. ne mogu za prva dva "termina", mogu za posledji kada sam gledao očaj pred ambasadom preko puta glavne pošte. a i ovo što kažeš a što sam boldovao.


postoje dve stvari koje su se desile a sa kojima ne mogu da se saglasim. smatram sluganskim i dupeuvlakačkim našu pograničnu saradnju sa mađarima, nemcima i austrijancija. neka sarađuju sa grcima i bugarima. no ovo ste već izdebatovali, verujem.


drugo, sa juniorom sam bio u nesaglasju oko (ne)objavljivanja fotografije tela malog dečka iz sirije. neko je na TV rekao sa su skandinavska i nemačka štampa (sem jednog izuzetka) smatrali da ne treba uznemiravati pučanstvo. dok pazari po šoping molovima, vikenduje uz roštilj ili cirka u restoranima. nije bilo uznemiravanje cele muslimanske javnosti onim karikaturama. to je bila "sloboda štampe". naravno da treba. treba da pokrije celu prvu stranu svih novina sveta. kako je krenulo, preobraćujem se iz evro fana u evroskeptika sa tendencijom anti EUropljanina.


no, sve ovo pišem sa zakašnjenjem, modem mi je ostao u gepratovoj.


ono od večeras. izašao sam u park sa lili i petkom, lili je bila puštena, pozvao sam je. u to, čuo sam dečje glasove koji ponavljeju lilino ime. video sam ženu i petoro dece, jedno drugom do uha. prišao sam im, izmazili su lili, popričao sam sa ženom. rekla je da je iz sirije, da su sva deca njena, da joj je muž u kuvajtu. tečan engleski, ona i deca pristupačni, razmišljam o muci koja je tera da sa petoro ide. najmlađi malac je možda godina onog starieg utopljenog. ovi su imali sreće. poželeo sam im sretan put.

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