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Mađarski zid: izbeglice sa Bliskog istoka i iz Afrike u Srbiji i regionu


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Svako od njih može reći da je kršćanin ali neće svako (moći) dobiti azil. Ima ih dosta u Siriji, verujem da ste to već u predhodnim stranicama obradili- Idem sad da prelistam, nadovezujem se samo na copypejstovan komentar 3 posta gore

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Zaebi yt, daj nešto razložnije i sofisticiranije. Ne, nije Politika:




If these people have been granted political asylum then they should be distributed across the EU. If they have not, why the hell are they in my continent? Anyone who has been to Italian cities recently will have noticed large groups of African men drifting through the street with no source of income other than crime and street selling. It is cruel to these people amd even more so to Europeans because it fuels the far-right and threatens the integration of our continent. Italy partly has itself to blame for not sending anyone arrivals straight back before processing their applications rather than letting them drift through the continent.


Solving the problem means not accept illegal migrants without documents and return to their places of origin. Most of these people should be repatriated immediately because they come from countries that are not at war and/or do not suffer any political persecution.

Therefore the UN treaty on refugees does not have here any application and a temporary suspension of acceptance and requests for asylum because of the emergency flows can be enacted. No one can accuse Italy of any violation and these easy steps altogether can stop this wave which will destroy all Italy's services and structures in the long run.

This is the policy to be adopted, instead of welcoming all illegal immigrants who are looking for the European country of their choice, based on the amount of the subsidies they will be granted.

It sounds harsh, but there is no easy way out if Italy, and per extension Europe, does not want to be invaded.


You are implying that we should solve Africa's problems. All countries in Africa are sovereign states, with their own governments. They do not like to be told what to do, especially not by the west. That being the case, African countries by their own admission want to resolve their own problems, so the migrants from Africa should be sent back so that their respective governments solve their problems. Simple


Is Italy at war ? Are we in World War two all of a sudden ? Are they running from the Stuka dive bombing, is it Blitzkrieg up in the sky ? Is the whole of Italy on the move to seek asylum in the France ? Is every one fed up with Pasta and Pizzas ?

Why do these migrants want to go to France, is the food more their liking? Italy is a great place, many people actually go their on holiday there Milan and Rome are the two must see places in the world but migrants are not interested ? Why is it not good enough for these migrants ,it is full of very nice Italians , what is wrong with Italians ? These do seem to be very choosy economic migrants ?

The problem is not the EU standing together but the whole concept that international borders can be ignored not only in the middle east and North Africa cannot and does not work . The whole concept is flawed, we cannot reward people who are flouting international laws border controls ,and travel documentation .

Where is your documentation , I do not need any I am an economic migrant who is very economic with his details ? Try using it next time you pass through an airport ? You will not get very far !

One feels sorry for Italy as they are on the sharp end , so particularly is Greece, their tourist industry is being decimated but it is they and only they who can deal with this problem on their own shores. France is kicking back and Italy must now also !

These people have to be sent back to the cultural areas they came from in due course, with humanity and after a health check , a few jabs ,a few good days and nights rest and a hearty meal ! if not we are rewarding people who are flouting the very laws we all abide by, that are essential for security and safety and health of our own citizens .

And we are also rewarding the smugglers and we will never break this never ending cycle where our morality and human rights standards are being used as weapon against us, and they are laughing at us ,all the way to the bank ! !


The only solution is the Australian one. It is the only one that has worked.

Transfer them to a third country (with financial inducements to its government) and pay for their upkeep while processing their refugee status applications.

They are not wanted on European soil. Calling for them to be admitted en masse is either preening hypocrisy (unless you are going personally to provide them with education, accommodation and a job) or feel-good sanctimonious naivety bordering on lunacy.

The EU in general, and Britain in particular, has enough problems of its own without adding to them by opening its borders to uneducated illegal economic migrants.



Evo ga i Anduril:

open borders in europe does not mean open borders to the world these people need to be returned to their home countries and apply for assylum from there
if all these migrants were sent back it would send a message loud and clear to smugglers the game is over
if these migrant ships keep coming it will de stabilize european countries and lead to hostility and conflict



I šampion:


What a mistake it has been to murder Saddam Hussein and Muammar Qaddafi ! It turns out there were the most important persons for the safety of the western world ... :0.6: 



Edited by dillinger
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Pismeni kao i ovi naši imači mišljenja:



if these migrant ships keep coming it will de stabilize european countries and lead to hostility and conflict



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Vučić je rekao da će država pomoći i Kanjiži, kao što je uradila u slučaju Preševa, ali da ne smatra da su svi u Kanjiži nezadovoljni zbog dolaska velikog broja migranata.

"Nisu svi u Kanjiži protiv toga, pogotovo ako pitate ljude koji imaju biznis lokale, svi će vam reći da je situacija obrnuta. Pomoći ćemo Kanjiži kao što činimo u Preševu. Beograd ima veći priliv migranata, pa se snalazi", rekao je Vučić.

Vučić je ukazao da su zabeležena samo dva incidenta u kojima su učestvovali migranti, i to između sebe.

"Da uzmete dva najmirnija sela u Srbiji ne možete da nađete takav procenat", naveo je Vučić.

Premijer Srbije je kazao da će država uraditi šta može po tom pitanju, da će tražiti od Evrope pomoć, ali da nije siguran da li ćemo moći i da je dobijemo.

"Sad da plačemo kao da se suočavamo sa najvećom kataklizmom, neću u tome da učestvujem, to su ljudi. Ja u kampanji protiv migranata neću da učestvujem, naši ljudi su prolazili kroz istu patnju i nesreću", kazao je Vučić

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"Sad da plačemo kao da se suočavamo sa najvećom kataklizmom, neću u tome da učestvujem, to su ljudi. Ja u kampanji protiv migranata neću da učestvujem, naši ljudi su prolazili kroz istu patnju i nesreću", kazao je Vučić



Jbt ni Chedaj ne bi bolje srocio :fantom:

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On naravno ne misli niti jedno slovo od izrečenog ali ajde, bar nešto korisno da izadje od tog njegovog PR tima.

Ne bih se bavio njegovim mislima (a ni ovih drugih-trećih) no delima.

Da vidimo šta će uraditi.

Izjava je dobra, lepo usmerena ka pućanstvu i stvaranju veće empatije.

Armija botova i partijskih vojnika ima zadatak - pomoć izbeglicama.

Da vidimo...

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ali, onda se stavljaš u sličnu situaciju kao i ovi migranti, razlika je u tome što imaš pasoš i više novca

Edited by Marcus Wulffings
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Imam pasos ali i dve kartice platne koje su cesto u minusu, dakle nemam novca. Dalje, stanimo ovde sa zlonamernim komentarima, iz ove kuce upravo u Mikser ide drugi paket pomoci izbeglicama. Nemojmo srozavati diskusiju na dobre PC ljude i lose nazi zivotinje, nije mi do prepucavanja.


Sa jedne strane imamo madjarskog fasistu koji uz blagoslov evrope stavlja ogradu na srpsku granicu, sa druge noz-zica aktivistu koji takodje uz blagoslov evrope vice u megafon "i emigranti su ljudi". Dakle dva potpuno razlicita pristupa iz iste kuhinje gde je Vucic ocigledno isposlovao nesto (za sebe, ne za srbiju)


rezultat: imacemo Vucica jos dugo na celu ove rupe od drzave, imacemo nesrecnike koji ce zimi da ratuju oko drva za potpalu, juznjake sa 15 000 dinara plate u proseku gde svaka treca kuca ima oruzje i kokosku kojom ce neki ocajni Sirijac da pokusa da nahrani gladno dete. Bure baruta jednom recju koje ce, kada ga uslika dobronamerni CNN izgledati kao Boshove sike iz zlatnog perioda.

Edited by Caligula
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