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David Bowie: "Had Seu Jorge not recorded my songs in Portuguese I would never have heard this new level of beauty which he has imbued them with."http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UvhGvxuOREwhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ghqwwQXeNTAhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ykghg4E9nzwhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOvxLUmkNr8http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDWGSzOfXEg

Edited by Jimmy Kowalski
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David Bowie: "Had Seu Jorge not recorded my songs in Portuguese I would never have heard this new level of beauty which he has imbued them with."
Jos 1 glas za Brazilcehttp://youtu.be/0yPMdWxSxUg
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kako je nekako karaokasta ova obrada bekova. sve vreme imam u glavi sliku japancica i japanaca tinedjzera, ali i ponekog u odelu, kako u lobiju hotela poskakuju iz mikforon. ali nekako mi simpaticno. ostale obrade su mi nekako bezmude, narocito heroin.http://youtu.be/XepyhNKnhGk

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:0.6:Indy, povratak u velikom stilu!Edit: Da se nadovežem, (izvinjavajte ako je bilo).http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jGNkm-SFsAY

Edited by Syme
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