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Premier League 15/16


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U mančesterskom Sitiju ništa, imaju oni podružnicu u Australiji pa su ga za njih uzeli da bi kao bio pozajmljen igrač (jer kod njih valjda nema međusobne prodaje dok je sezona u toku). 

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Klopp očajnički pokušava da se umili Koltrejnu: Sir Alex Ferguson is the John Lennon of football.


"I had a few really good moments with Sir Alex. It’s a big honour to talk to Sir Alex. For a manager it’s nearly the best thing you can do, to sit there and listen. I needed 10 minutes to understand what he was saying and then it was OK.

“Maybe he is the greatest ever, the John Lennon of football or something like this. From my side there is a big amount of respect. What he did in his life as a manager is not easy for someone else to do it."


Ali očekujem da JC ostane srca kamenoga.

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Nisam nesto pratio prelazni rok, pa da pitam: pominje li se neka rekonstrukcija u Celziju? Ne vidim zasto ne bi pokusali trampe ala americki sport za vecinu najboljih igraca. Kakvi su pacovi da su, verovatno i dalje ima dosta zainteresovanih klubova. Verovatno bi za Azara mogli da iskukaju Benzemu ili Kavanija ili Matuidija, za Fabregasa Kondogbiju (znam da se pominjao Inter), mozda bi i Atletiko bio spreman da u sklopu dogovora za Grizmana uzme nazad Kostu... Nisu im potrebne pare i potrebna im je nova osovina, posle onih zvizduka i jebavanja majki nema ovima povratka na staro.

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Klopp očajnički pokušava da se umili Koltrejnu: Sir Alex Ferguson is the John Lennon of football.


"I had a few really good moments with Sir Alex. It’s a big honour to talk to Sir Alex. For a manager it’s nearly the best thing you can do, to sit there and listen. I needed 10 minutes to understand what he was saying and then it was OK.

“Maybe he is the greatest ever, the John Lennon of football or something like this. From my side there is a big amount of respect. What he did in his life as a manager is not easy for someone else to do it."


Ali očekujem da JC ostane srca kamenoga.


Maybe he is the greatest ever, the John Lennon of football or something like this


Weenie brate,  kako posle ovoga da omeksam?!

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Maybe he is the greatest ever, the John Lennon of football or something like this


Weenie brate,  kako posle ovoga da omeksam?!




Ma znam da mu je džabe, ti si čovek od principa. Da je slučajno došao na Old Trafford umesto na Anfield ne bi ti omekšao do kraja sezone, kladim se.

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Napisao neko od Skauzera na Twitteru: "Liverpool Alex Ferguson Airport?" :D


Klopp bi vjerovatno i za mene rekao da sam mu reinkarnacija Nurije Pozderca. Krenulo ga.

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Možda ga je Klop na finjaka zavukao Fergiju jer je Lenon bio težak šupak?


Нигде није поменуо Пола, но Џона...



Ma znam da mu je džabe, ti si čovek od principa. Da je slučajno došao na Old Trafford umesto na Anfield ne bi ti omekšao do kraja sezone, kladim se.


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Ma znam da mu je džabe, ti si čovek od principa. Da je slučajno došao na Old Trafford umesto na Anfield ne bi ti omekšao do kraja sezone, kladim se.


A da si citao Bundes temu video bi sta stvarno mislim o Klopari -_-

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Нигде није поменуо Пола, но Џона...



Pa pazi, actually se poklapa. Džon je bio težak licemer i narcis i bio je vrlo arogantan. Reklo bi se da je Klopara tačno znao šta priča :lol:

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