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Premier League 15/16


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I tako, dok se vilozovija i filozofija macuju na topicu o Premiershipu, Rosicky se vratio u puni trening. :heart:


Klopp rek'o Pepu da u Engleskoj nece imati puno lufta za svoj tim od 35 igraca, Arsene rek'o da se Klopp ne zali na gust raspored kao uzrok ozljeda, Klopp na to odgovorio crnogorskim stihovima: "Ko ne vidjeo rasporeda gusta, svrsim mu u usta" etc, etc.


Arsen i uzrok ozljeda :lol:


Jednom je na fr tv-u pomenuo da se igraci sa duzom kosom (namazanom za vrijeme utakmice) manje povrjedjuju od ovih drugih. Imao je dosta uzoraka da napravi studiju.

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Vidi sad, a ja mislio da samo Murinjo gubi vreme na idiotsko napušavanje sa kolegama u EPL :o


Ma troluje Arlekino, ili čita samo naslove a ostalo sam sebi dočara.


Wenger: “You get that from everybody who comes to England at the start because you have to adapt to the English style. I was like that and I’m still in favour of a winter break – but without losing the traditions of English football. That is play over Christmas and maybe have a break in January.

“But I believe as well that we go a little bit overboard because today the English clubs are in a financial situation to have a squad of 25 top-level players. It’s not like it was 25 years ago, so we cannot always complain that we play too much because we have players who can rotate, players who want to play.

“I believe that for the Germans they are maybe more surprised as they have a good winter break.” Wenger also pointed out that Bundesliga clubs play only 34 league matches and have no League Cup competition.


Klopp:  “My respect has grown since I’m here. He’s done a brilliant job, one of the best managers in the world. It’s rare to do this over such a long period. It’s always a challenge to play against him and it is a challenge I’m looking forward to.

“Arsenal, together with Manchester City, are the two best teams at this moment in the Premier League. To stay in a good position against City they need all the points and they cannot decide where they get them. They will show us they are ambitious this season. They are in a good moment.”


Serdar<->Vojvoda :yawn2:

Edited by Weenie Pooh
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Ma troluje Arlekino, ili čita samo naslove a ostalo sam sebi dočara.


Wenger: “You get that from everybody who comes to England at the start because you have to adapt to the English style. I was like that and I’m still in favour of a winter break – but without losing the traditions of English football. That is play over Christmas and maybe have a break in January.

“But I believe as well that we go a little bit overboard because today the English clubs are in a financial situation to have a squad of 25 top-level players. It’s not like it was 25 years ago, so we cannot always complain that we play too much because we have players who can rotate, players who want to play.

“I believe that for the Germans they are maybe more surprised as they have a good winter break.” Wenger also pointed out that Bundesliga clubs play only 34 league matches and have no League Cup competition.


Klopp:  “My respect has grown since I’m here. He’s done a brilliant job, one of the best managers in the world. It’s rare to do this over such a long period. It’s always a challenge to play against him and it is a challenge I’m looking forward to.

“Arsenal, together with Manchester City, are the two best teams at this moment in the Premier League. To stay in a good position against City they need all the points and they cannot decide where they get them. They will show us they are ambitious this season. They are in a good moment.”


Serdar<->Vojvoda :yawn2:


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Посвађао се Волдемор прво са тренером, а онда и са навијачима. Аплаудирао је противнику када су испали из купа пре неки дан, па се пичкарао са гледаоцима. Добар је он играч и делује ми да је скроз кул тип, мислим да је тај аплауз био спортски, као што је и ред када те одува тим из четврте лиге, али реакција навијача након тога говори да је ту озбиљно пукло. Читам да он још није пристао на прелазак, можда чека некога ко се не бори за опстанак.


Прича се и да Клоп хоће да доведе Колкера из Кјупиара - на позајмицу.

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