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Premier League 15/16


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neke cifre vezane za ugovor

Mitrara i zvanicno u Newcastleu.


Anderlecht will receive 16.5m euros (£11.5m) plus bonuses if Mitrovic reaches certain landmarks.

Of that 16.5m euros, Partizan Belgrade will receive 2.3m euros (£1.6m), which is their 20% sell-on clause agreed when Anderlecht paid them 5m euros for the striker.

Anderlecht will also receive 5% of any subsequent sale of Mitrovic by Newcastle.

Mitrovic would receive 2.4m euros (£1.7m basic pay – £33,000 a week)

Elsewhere in the Belgian media, it is also reported that there will be big performance related bonuses to clinch the deal on top of his basic wage.

Mitrovic will be paid 23,500 euros (£16,000) for each Newcastle win and 11,700 euros (£8,000) for each draw.

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To je zato što mu osnovica nije nešto spektakularna (dobra jeste ali nije top) a zlobnici bi rekli i da tih pobeda za pola plate neće biti previše :wicked:  Mislim, daju mu 25% bonusa za nerešeno, recimo ako padne neka zakucana nula u kojoj on 90 minuta ne šutne na gol :lol:

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Van Gaal said: 'We have brought Darmian for the second position behind Valencia and now already because of injury, (Paddy) McNair has to play there.'




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Na Bosforu se šuška™ da Flamini potpisuje za Galatu danas ili sutra.


Postoji realna opasnost da po prvi put u karijeri ostvari transfer sa odštetom.

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To se računa za utakmice u kojima je igrao ili kako? 4 utakmice mesečno, jedna nerešena, jedna pobeda, nije loše..


Za novu godinu gomila utakmica, ali i troškovi su veliki, taman da se zakrpi do februara

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beš mi mater on je ili lud ili genije, ili pak, najverovatnije malo genije, a mnogo lud. Realno uzdržavam se od previše prozivanja jer 1) znam da nema svrhe, tj ostajesto posto 2) inače sam mislio da se neke malo bolje procene ipak mogu napraviti tek na kraju ove sezone. Ali više apsolutno nemam blagu ideju kako ćemo završiti iduću sezonu tj šta će njumu pasti na pamet da iznenadi protivnika, nas sve ostale, ali možda i samog sebe.

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On the latest transfer rumours:

"It is a process. Maybe Mr Ramos is in the process. You never know."


On the possibility of a surprise signing, the Dutchman added: "He is in the process. It is not a striker that the media has written but you have to wait and see."


On whether he is worried Rooney is risking injury playing for Everton against Villarreal in Duncan Ferguson's testimonial on 2 August:

"He can also fall off the stairs."


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lepa fotka :)


i da, dobro je izabrao

Колико ја капирам екипу из тог краја има да га обожавају, ако да десетину комада у првој сезони.

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