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Premier League 15/16


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“At the same time, every team, except Maccabi Tel Aviv, is a team of giants. And if you don’t have a minimum of five tall players good in the air, you are dead in set-pieces. “When I play Azpilicueta on the right and Baba Rahman on the left and I don’t play Ivanovic, I have only three, not even four. So we have to think about all the details. And I think about all the details.”

jel nasao zigic angazman...zatrebace ako se povredi ivanovic.

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murinjo oduvijek jako obraca paznju na ovaj detalj.


inace, ovo je jos jedan prilog onoj tezi da engleski timovi lose prolaze u evropi zbog premier lige, zato sto su timovi pravljeni prije svega za tu ligu, ne ligu sampiona. sigurno ti za barcelonu ne treba pet visokih igraca da bi se uspjesno branio.

Edited by Timmi
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ma ovo je cisto proseravanje. kao treba da nam igra ivanovic da ne bi dobili gol posle prekida, nije problem sto za to vreme primimo 10 golova samo sa njegove strane od kojih je bar polovina njegova krivica.


ovo jos pokazuje da baba rahman bas i nije bio mourinhova zelja.

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Ne treba ti odavno ni za jedan tim iz PL osim eventualno pre-Hughes Stoka.

taj stoke je imao svih 11 preko 180 :D ima i sad ekipa koje su opasne u skok igri, evo prvi soton, s kojima su sad igrali, s pelleom, wanyamom i dva stopera.

Edited by Timmi
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ovo jos pokazuje da baba rahman bas i nije bio mourinhova zelja.


Prodaja Ceha nije njegova zelja, Rahman nije njegova zelja, Djilobodji nije njegova zelja, pa pita li se on ista u tom klubu? 

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Blic pise da Zeljko Buvac, Klopov pomocnik iz Dortmunda, potpisuje kao novi pomocni trener u Liverpulu.


Послато са Telenor_Smart_HD уз помоћ Тапатока

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Chelsea have offered manager Jose Mourinho and his squad a vote of confidence following their 3-1 defeat at home to Southampton in the Premier League on Saturday.

"As Jose has said himself, results have not been good enough and the team's performances must improve. However, we believe that we have the right manager to turn this season around and that he has the squad with which to do it."

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Top 20 citata dojučerašnjeg menadžera Liverpula:

20. “After that opening 10 or 15 minutes, when they had a bit too much space behind our midfield, it was the near-perfect away performance.” (After losing 2-0 to Zenit St Petersburg)

19. “The last 18 months we have been on a magic carpet ride of development but we still have a lot of growth to make.”

18. “When we lost at Stoke last season I got home on Boxing Day night and family and guests were all around the house. I went straight upstairs to my room and didn’t come out.”

17. “The problem with being a manager is it’s like trying to build an aircraft while it is flying.”

16. “Joe Allen is one of the most courageous players I’ve seen.”

15. “I am the same guy who nearly won us the league, but better. I think I have shown in the early stages of my management – without being arrogant – that with a talented group of players I can compete at the top end of the league.”

14. “I use a quote with the players, “Per aspera ad astra”, which is Latin for ‘through adversity to the stars’.”

13. “We play with 11 men, other teams play with 10 men and a goalkeeper.”

12. “I started coaching for one reason and that was to make a difference for people, not just as footballers but as human beings.”

11. “I will leave no stone unturned in my quest – and that quest will be relentless.”

10. “They don’t have to sell. (Southampton) have a choice. Maybe Southampton’s objectives have changed. They were looking to be a Champions League club, I believe.” (Made in August 2014, with Liverpool finishing two points above Saints come May)

9. “I always say a squad is like a good meal. I’m not a great cook, but a good meal takes a wee bit of time. But also, to offer a good meal you need good ingredients.”

8. “There are two points: the first is I don’t feel any pressure, I can honestly say that. I have never felt anything other than secure.” (Rodgers was sacked within an hour or so)

7. “I’ve always said that you can live without water for many days, but you can’t live for a second without hope.”

6. “I believe a young player will run through a barbed wire fence for you. An older player looks for a hole in the fence, he’ll try and get his way through it some way, but the young player will fight for you.”

5. “It’s not just about training players, it’s about educating players. You train dogs.”

4. “When you’ve got the ball 65-70% of the time, it’s a football death for the other team. We’re not at that stage yet, but that’s what we will get to. It’s death by football. You just suck the life out of them.”

3. “If you spend more than £100 million, you expect to be challenging for the league.” (On Spurs after they sold Gareth Bale in 2013, spent £103million and finished 6th. Liverpool sold Luis Suarez the next summer, spent £117million and finished 6th)

2. “I think there’s three players who will let us down this year — the cause, the fight, everything – and I have written them down already in these three envelopes. Make sure you are not in one of the envelopes.”

1. “My biggest mentor is myself because I’ve had to study and that’s been my biggest influence.”

Moji favoriti su #8, #3, i naravno #1.

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Ma covece, on je tada znao da ce biti otpusten., nego jbg, prosto...slede pregovori oko isplate ugovora. PR nista drugo. 


#1 je stvarno hit. Budala. 


Mislim, ima ist onaj trait ko i Moyes: puknes totalno, a posle pricas kako eto, jbg, samo d nije to, inace j bilo dobro, na momente i odlicno. Tako se gube i tim i navijaci.

Edited by MancMellow
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