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Premier League 15/16


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Nisam gledao, bio u vojsci tada :D


Nemam preterano dobar osecaj pred nedelju. Mnogo je veliki sok bio ovo protiv Olimpijakosa, dace sve od sebe da se operu protiv nas™

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Ali im mi™ nećemo dati


Pa ono, bar se za te meceve unapred zna kako ce teci. Oni napadaju, mi se branimo. Ako ne daju iz svojih sansi - mi uvaljamo. 

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Nisam gledao, bio u vojsci tada :D


Nemam preterano dobar osecaj pred nedelju. Mnogo je veliki sok bio ovo protiv Olimpijakosa, dace sve od sebe da se operu protiv nas™


Video sam kako su dali sve od sebe na Stamfordu posle Maksimira :fantom:

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Nemam preterano dobar osecaj pred nedelju. Mnogo je veliki sok bio ovo protiv Olimpijakosa, dace sve od sebe da se operu protiv nas™

Ma kakvi. Regularni Wengerov koncept poslije ovakvih poraza je nastojanje da se ne izgubi, slicno kao nakon petarde kod Liverpoola pretprosle sezone kad je Moyesov United dosao na Emirate. Koscielnyja nema, a Arsene nece srljati osim ako ne zeli gledati utrku Martial-Mertesacker. Primili smo™ 10 golova u zadnjih 5 utakmica, puno previse.


Ja bih ostavio Cazorlu na klupi i ubacio Ramseya u sredinu, a na krilo Oxa pa neka Unitedova odbrana lovi Oxa, Thea i Alexisa. Cech obavezno na gol, a Nacho umjesto Gibbsa.

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Dr Eva objašnjava™ zašto je FA 1 UEFA:


“I was surprised to learn that the FA was allegedly investigating the incident of 8 August via the press,” she said in a statement. “I was at no stage requested by the FA to make a statement. I wonder whether this might be the only formal investigation in this country where the evidence of the individuals involved in the incident was not considered relevant. Choosing to ignore some of the evidence will surely influence the outcome of the findings.


“Last season I had a similar experience at a game at West Ham FC, where I was subject to verbal abuse. Following complaints by the public, the FA produced a communication to the press saying there had been no sexist chanting during this game. At no time was I approached for a statement despite the fact that vile unacceptable, sexually explicit abuse was clearly heard. It is incidents such as these and the lack of support from the football authorities that make it so difficult for women in the game.”




Pritom Specijalni kaže samo: “For the past two months I didn’t open my mouth, and I’m going to keep it like this,” he said. “One day I will speak, but I will choose the day.” Dva meseca ćuti kao zaliven, nije hteo čak ni da kaže da je gladan...


Edited by Weenie Pooh
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Znaci, u nedjelju (i narednih nekoliko sedmica) nema Koscielnyja, a out su i Arteta i Flamini tako da Coq ide na United.


Znaci™ vraca se Gabriel. Da li poturiti Felu da ga isprovocira?! :whistle:

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Znaci™ vraca se Gabriel. Da li poturiti Felu da ga isprovocira?! :whistle:

Ako hoces reprizu Keownovog ataka na RvN-a... :fantom:


@Manc - jest, ali mi nekako bio ceif da kazem da Wenger ide sa Coqom na United. :D

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Dr Eva objašnjava™

Нека је отерао, и није за терен. Буни се због сексизма™ у окружењу које Ендију Гораму - након што је процурело да се лечи од шизофрене епизоде - скандира "There's only two Andy Gorams". Купио јој адвокат другу најмању виолину на свету да на њој изгуди вансудско поравнање са Челзијем. :puke:

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