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Premier League 15/16


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Smarali su me u onoj sezoni kada su uzeli titulu u poslednjim sekundama, to je bilo bukvalno na silu i na jednog i po igrača.

Uh, tad su bas razbijali u prvom delu sezone.

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Smarali su me u onoj sezoni kada su uzeli titulu u poslednjim sekundama, to je bilo bukvalno na silu i na jednog i po igrača. Sada je drugačije, sada oni deluju kao mašina.


Te godine su osvojili titulu na gol-razliku, i to zahvaljujući međusobnom omjeru protiv Uniteda (6:1, 1:0). Dobili su Tottenham 5:1 na WHL (4 gola Džeke), trpali su Balotelli, Kun, Džeko i, u samom finišu, Tevez.

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Ман Сити U14 - Ман Јунајтед U14



Ман Сити U15 - Liverpool U15



Ман Сити U18 пет победа у пет утакмица.


Лондонски Рус можда зна да хвата кривине потребне за транге-франге, али Арапи знају да су деца највеће богатство. ;)

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Da nastavimo onu pricu o bonusu.

Danas je L'Equipe izbacio svoju pricu. Ni BBC ni RMC po ovoj prici nisu bili u pravu.


Prva klauzula: postici 25 golova za MU => Ovo bi trebao da postigne (Ako je Saha uspio, uspjece i on valjda)

Druga: imati 25 nastupa za reprezentaciju => Loïc Remy ih ima 30 

Treca: biti u prvih deset na izboru za zlatnu loptu => ovo je vec malo teze (od 2005. samo cetiri igraca MU su se nasla u tom drustvu, Rooney, Ronaldo, VP i ADM. Ovaj zadnji je to postigao zahvaljujuci Realu a ne MU) 

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Nećemo. Nego 



Meanwhile, former Arsenal midfielder Ray Parlour has questioned whether Anthony Martial can be a success at United.

Speaking on Sky Sports, he said: “Will Martial succeed? I look forward to seeing him play, but I think it’s going to be a miss, because the money they’ve spent is an unbelievable amount.

“For a 19-year-old kid, he’s not proven.

“If he proves to be like a Thierry Henry, which is what a lot of people are saying, then he could obviously be a great signing, but I think it is a massive gamble to take on a 19-year-old kid.

“With the money they’ve put out, I could be totally wrong, but I’m going to say miss on that one.”



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Smaraju za tri medalje sa tom potrebom da se neko dokaže™ pre nego što zaigra u BPL. Jbt klubovi potpisuju raznorazne Jordane Ayewe i daju po 12-13 miliona za likove koji su u pet godina dali tri gola. U isto vreme niko neće da pogleda čoveka koji je dao 18 golova u sezoni igrajući za najgori tim u ligi. Henry je pred dolazak u Arsenal za 6 godina dao 20 golova, wtf bre.

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Henry nije reper ni za šta, on je od levog smetala u Juventusu postao jedan od najboljih centarfora na svetu, to se ne dešava često.


Pritom nije imao 19 godina.

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Sektaške vesti:


At a fan event held on Wednesday night, Van Gaal told assembled supporters he expected the team to finish second or third this season.


Speaking at a supporters event on Wednesday night, Van Gaal said: ““I have not bought Martial for me, I have bought him for the next manager of Manchester United," Van Gaal said, before giving a subtle nod to Ryan Giggs. The Dutchman added: “I feel I am introducing the next manager of Manchester United.”


During the hour-long discussion, the United boss tipped Andreas Pereira to fill the void left temporarily by Adnan Januzaj, who joined Borussia Dortmund on a season-long loan in the transfer window, having performed ebulliently on the club's pre-season tour.


Van Gaal also confirmed teenage striker James Wilson has been sent out on loan to a Championship club, believed to be Derby.




Van Gaal has been caught up in an alleged player revolt with the club's stars over his training regime.

According to The Times, a delegation of senior United players have confronted the Dutchman over what they see as "stifling methods".

The confrontation between the United coach and experienced members of his squad is claimed to have happened 'several weeks ago', but United have struggled to push their title credentials in the opening weeks of the season.

The players are reported to have spoken to the former Ajax, Bayern Munich and Barcelona boss asking for a more attacking adventure, amid what they see as a lack of creativity and the belief that training orders are harming their performances come match day.

Some players are said to believe that the Dutchman's continuing raft of training ground orders has seen some players become more preoccupied 'with obeying instructions than playing the game in front of them.'

However, despite the questioning of Van Gaal's methods, it's suggested that there has been no change from the United boss.

Edited by ducca
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S tim sto Gary deli cuske i Van Gaalu... A Scholes jos i vise

Pa i Henry je napadao Arsenal, u prvom redu kvalitet tima. Govorio je u jeku najbolje forme Arsenala prosle sezone da nam™ trebaju 4 WC-igraca za titulu.

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Ma ok, kazem, ja ni ne mislim da oni napadaju United, vise da je Martial upravo onakva kupovina koja je nekoc bila trademark Wengera (naravno ,ne za tolike pare), pa sad prosto - brane Wengera na neki nacin. Nije sporno da je novac prevelik, sam LvG je to juce rekao, nego procenat sanse da bude fail i da bude dobra kupovina. Ja mislim da je 50-50 razumna procena.

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Ma sve ja to razumijem, meni je Wengerova odbrana vlastite nesposobnosti Martialovim transferom idiotska, ali i teza da Henry i drugi napadaju Van Gaala da bi skrenuli paznju sa naseg™ bilmeza koji nije kupio jedno jebeno pojacanje za vezni red ili napad. Nije Schneiderlin kostao k'o Martial niti je Pedro bio skup k'o De Bruyne pa se Wenger nije aktivirao oko njih.


Sta sam ono htio da kazem? Ah, da: nema nikakve zavjere protiv Uniteda medju punditerijom™. :D

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