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‘Extraordinary’ structure has no real parallel in the archaeological record, scientists say


Archaeologists have unearthed the oldest known wooden structure, and it’s almost half a million years old.




The simple structure — found along a riverbank in Zambia — is made up of two interlocking logs, with a notch deliberately crafted into the upper piece to allow them to fit together at right angles, according to a new study of cut marks made by stone tools.


Geoff Duller, a professor of geography and Earth sciences at the University of Aberystwyth in the United Kingdom, was part of the team that made the discovery in 2019. He said the structure, excavated upstream of Kalambo Falls near Zambia’s border with Tanzania, probably would have been part of a wooden platform used as a walkway, to keep food or firewood dry or perhaps as a base on which to build a dwelling. A digging stick and other wooden tools were found at the same site.


“That the wood has remained in place and intact for half a million years is extraordinary. And it gives us this real insight, this window into this time period,” said Duller, coauthor of the study on the wooden structure that published in the journal Nature on Wednesday.


It’s completely changed my view of what people were capable of that time,” he added.



EDIT. Ceo rad (Nature)


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Edited by Indy
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17 hours ago, Zverilla said:

Našli su način da recikliraju mešanu plastiku, i to veoma energetski efikasno:



(Najveći problem kod reciklaže plastike je bila potreba da se plastika unapred mehanički razdvoji po tipu (nije bilo moguće reciklirati mešanu plastiku). A to je skupo, sporo, i podložno greškama)



Where's the catch?


Gledajuci neki kratki nemački prilog videla sam da su i boje plastike problem u tim postrojenjima gde se razvrstava, npr. crna je najgora (od nje se često prave bočice za tablete i kozmetiku) jer je taj neki infracrveni uredjaj ne registruje uopšte pa se često to i dalje kategoriše kao "obični" otpad. Ovde inače apeluju da se sve odvoji, npr. alu poklopac od čaše jogurta, sa koje se pre bacanja u plastiku skine papirni omotač. (Pre dve-tri godine su počeli da koriste baš tanku plastiku za te melčne proizvode poput pavlake, kvarka, jogurta a okolo imaju tanku kartonsku deklaraciju na kojoj sve stoji)

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