bigvlada Posted January 9, 2015 Posted January 9, 2015 Charlie Hebdo: We must not stop laughing at these murderous clownsMockery is hated by the powerful and despotic – which is why it must continueMartin RowsonThe Guardian, Thursday 8 January 2015 12.19 GMT A cartoon outside the French embassy in Berlin after the attack on Charlie Hebdo in Paris. Photograph: Carsten Koall/Getty ImagesThe death threats come with the territory. Since the advent of the internet, people around the world who are disgusted or enraged by my cartoons have been able to threaten to kill me via email. Over the years these have included Muslims, Zionists, Republican Americans, a few angry Chomskyians, Catholics, Russians, some Serbs and, I imagine, a large number of teenage boys locked in their bedrooms “having a laugh”. Hitherto I’ve tended, in my turn, to laugh them off, joking that a death threat by email doesn’t count: it needs a letter sent to my home address containing one of my loved ones’ ears to be taken seriously.However, after the murders of the Charlie Hebdo cartoonists Cabu, Wolinski, Tignous and the paper’s editor-in-chief, Stéphane Charbonnier – who signed himself “Charb” – there’s a terrible temptation to stop laughing. Although that, I believe, would be a fundamental error.Laughter, it needs to be shouted, is one of the things humans do best, mostly because it makes us feel better. I’ve been convinced for years that laughter is a hardwired evolutionary survival mechanism that helps humans navigate our way through life without going mad with existentialist terror. That’s why we laugh at all those terrifying things like death, sex, other people and the disgusting stuff that pours out of our bodies on a daily basis.Moreover, we’re very, very good at laughing at those who place themselves above us, either as our leaders or intending to impose their beliefs to make everyone else exactly like them. That’s the basis of the craft I shared with my murdered colleagues in Paris. This universal capacity to use mockery as a form of social control is one of the main things that makes us human. Crucially, it’s also in defiance of the primary need of the powerful to be taken seriously, often against all the external evidence of their innate absurdity.In fact I suspect that throughout history that’s how political and religious power gained its original heft, by terrorising everyone else to suppress their giggles at the endless cavalcade of priest-kings, emperors, thrones, courts, burning bushes, virgin births, hidden imams, flying horses and all the rest of it.But even then there appears to be something exquisitely intolerable to the serious mind about mockery when it is visual. Largely this is due to the way the visual is consumed: rather than nibbling your way through text, however incendiary, a cartoon floods the eyes and gets swallowed whole – and often makes the recipient choke. Worse, cartoons should be seen more as a kind of sympathetic magic than anything else: we steal our subjects’ souls by recreating them through caricature and then mock them in narratives of our own devising. Worst of all, we then pretend that it’s all just a good-natured laugh: it is a laugh, but it’s also assassination without the blood.“Without the blood” is the key phrase. In a weirdly indefinable but obvious way, satirists can only really function when it’s hideously clear that the objects of their mockery are much more powerful and have a far deadlier armoury than the satirists, as was demonstrated with such foul clarity in Paris yesterday.But is that entirely true? Almost nine years ago, when the Danish cartoons storm erupted, I argued publicly that I thought Jyllands-Posten had been wrong to commission cartoons of the prophet Muhammad, as I suspected they were just another salvo in the paper’s decades-long campaign against immigrants, many of them Muslims, most poor and powerless, and some of them cleaning Jyllands-Posten’s toiletsI was roundly condemned by many for betraying free speech. Maybe I was, but claiming that the greatest freedom is to say whatever you want about anyone, whomsoever you choose, is ultimately as ludicrous as demanding that freedom from being offended – from being upset, in other words – trumps every other human right. On that occasion the blood flowed in gallons, though mostly unnoticed or unreported gallons as they gushed exclusively from more than 100 Muslims, shot dead by Muslim police or soldiers on the streets of Muslim countries in rioting fomented by Muslim clerics eager to flex their political muscles.This time it is cartoonists’ blood that’s been shed. Yet however much their murderers may identify themselves as victims of mockery, they have clearly also identified themselves as on the side of power, electing to act as agents avenging the hurt feelings of the most Powerful Being in the Universe. Don’t forget that demanding either respect or silence from everyone else is one of the most common abuses of power going.Charlie Hebdo is planning to continue printing its magazine next week. As chairman of the British Cartoonists’ Association, I am calling on my fellow cartoonists to join me in donating a free drawing. We should support them materially. We must also make a statement.Don’t fool yourselves that this is about Islam. It was the Islamists’ secularist enemy Bashar al-Assad who got his thugs to break the fingers of the Syrian cartoonist Ali Ferzat four years ago. The Palestinian cartoonist Naji al-Ali was murdered in London in 1987 by a student who claims to have been a double agent for Mossad and the PLO. The British cartoonists’ names in the Gestapo death list were just another manifestation of how hateful laughter is to despots throughout history. Which is why, now more than ever, we mustn’t stop laughing this latest bunch of murderous clowns to scorn. Što se tiče uvređenih, stavova da nije lepo vređati religije i ostalih moralizatorskih gluposti koje su se pojavljivale na temi, jedan video uradak koji plastično objašnjava moj stav na temu: Ili u sažetijoj varijanti, rečenica koja počinje na 1:08. Ukratko, citiraću naslovnu stranu jednog starog internet portala o uvredama iz prošlog veka : "Ako spadate u lako uvredljive osobe, tornjajte se odavde. Hvala."
boshoku Posted January 9, 2015 Posted January 9, 2015 Ma neka greška... jok Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said 88,000 police officers and soldiers had been deployed across France since the attack.
gone fishing Posted January 9, 2015 Posted January 9, 2015 88 tisuća policajaca i vojnika sunce ti žarkovo 8 divizija juri 2 čoveka, a smejali smo se kada je u radovanu 3 zoran govorio kako 6 hiljada policajaca grada čikaga juri džordža
braca Posted January 9, 2015 Posted January 9, 2015 Aman, ne jure svi 2 coveka, to je ukupan efektiv na celoj teritoriji Francuske.
Прслин Posted January 9, 2015 Posted January 9, 2015 Извињавам се што прекидам бројање, али терористи су изгледа опкољени у селу Дамартин, убили су још једну особу и држе више таоца.
wall Posted January 9, 2015 Posted January 9, 2015 jokDobro, pošto je across France, onda ima smisla.
braca Posted January 9, 2015 Posted January 9, 2015 (edited) Nisu ubili nikoga (jutros), demantovano je to, ali jesu opkoljeni i imaju bar jednog taoca Edited January 9, 2015 by braca
kapetanm Posted January 9, 2015 Posted January 9, 2015 Da, ovo sve više liči na francuski 11. septembar, nije čudo da su sve digli na noge. Bukvalno rat
Прслин Posted January 9, 2015 Posted January 9, 2015 Сада јављају да су оба брата прошла војну обуку, један у терористичком кампу у Јемену, а други у Француској.
boshoku Posted January 9, 2015 Posted January 9, 2015 At least two people are thought to have been killed and several wounded before Cherif and Said Kouachi entered business premises in the village of Dammartin-en-Goele, north-east of the capital.
MancMellow Posted January 9, 2015 Posted January 9, 2015 bice skoro nemoguce da ih uhvate zive, a mnooogo je vazno da se to desi
Прслин Posted January 9, 2015 Posted January 9, 2015 У праву је Браца. The Paris prosecutor’s office has denied reports that one person has been killed in a shootout.
yolo Posted January 9, 2015 Posted January 9, 2015 Pakao. Ukoliko ovo potraje i ne uhapse ih a narocito ako se ispostavi da iza ove trojice stoji bilo kakva organizovana mreza saradnika ili pak operativaca koji su se bavili planiranjem teroristickih akcija, Francuska ce uci u ekstremno zajebano sistemsko stanje. To je nesto sto je jos gore od sporadicnih (spontanih) populistickih izliva nasilja jer ce drzavi dati pravo da privodi koga hoce po bilo kakvoj profajlerskoj osnovi, produzice vreme privodjenja, dramaticno osloboditi odgovornosti istrazne organe za postupanje i prakticno pretvoriti Francusku u drugi Izrael ili USA kada je i pitanju odnos prema osumnjicenima. Sto ce samo jos dodatno viktimizovati muslimane u Francuskoj, ciji je deo sentimenta zapravo kombinacija ekonomske situacije i javnog pritiska kroz narativ ciji je deo bio i CH. Zapravo mislim da je ovo jedan prilicno nezaustavljiv proces s tim sto ce ga ovo sada ubrzati toliko da je jedno od glavnih pitanja sta je sledece u ovakvom toku stvari....
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