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Šarli Ebdo


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nije preterano zabavno, da prostiš


nije dovoljno da možeš da napišeš roman alternativne istorije da bi se ozbiljno razmatrala mogućnost


potrebni su neki majušni dokazi, za početak

dokazi ne moraju da budu uvek 100% neophodni - ponekad je dovoljna analogija i saznanje da su odredjene "snage" ili vec radile nesto slicno u novijoj istoriji ili imale ozbiljne i kasnije obelodanjene planove da urade nesto slicno.


A altetnativnu istoriju su neki vec napisali - nema ko da je cita. Posle "Day od deceit" sve spekulacije na temu 9/11 su gubljenje vremena... Operation Cyanide, Gladio... obaranje iranskog civilnog aviona i planovi da se rushe kubanski civilni avioni... ima toga puno i nikako ne treba ignorisati samo zato sto je neko dosadan na forumu. Ko hoce da koristi™ mozak. ko nece ili nije raspolozen uvek/svuda - ok je to - i to je neki izbor.

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Znaci David Icke je u stvari pametan, a ceo svet je glup?



Sve je pogodio, Matriks, nastanak čoveka genetskim mutacijama od strane reptila, vladavinu reptila svetom, šupalj Mesec, Niburu, sve zavere koje si ikad video... Sve je čovek uvezao, naravno da je najpametniji...

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 Pepe Escobar (author of "Empire of Chaos") has observed that "Cui bono, then, with killing Charlie? Only those whose agenda is to demonize Islam. Not even a bunch of brainwashed fanatics would pull off the Charlie carnage to show people who accuse them of being barbarians that they are, in fact, barbarians. French intel at least has concluded that this is no underwear bomber stunt. This is a pro job. That happens to take place just a few days after France recognizes Palestinian statehood. And just a few days after General Hollande demanded the lifting of sanctions against the Russian "threat". The Masters of the Universe who pull the real levers of the Empire of Chaos are freaking out with the systemic chaos in the racket they so far had the illusion of controlling. Make no mistake - the Empire of Chaos will do what it can to exploit the post-Charlie environment - be it blowback or false flag. And yes, I am Charlie. Not only because they made us laugh; but because they were sacrificial lambs in a much nastier, gruesome, never-ending shadowplay" (see Pepe Escobar, "Who profits from killing Charlie?", Asia Times., 8 January 2015:



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baj d vej evo i kralja meseca koji je jasno i glasno rekao ono što su pametni i razumni ljudi na ovom forumu odavno govorili a razni bezmudići neuspešno pokušavali da im oponiraju dok nisu pobegli pred snagom argumenata  :fantom:

The Muslim mayor of the Dutch city of Rotterdam has told Muslims who turn their back on freedom to "pack your bags" and "f*ck off", live on television.


Ahmed Aboutaleb told NewsHour of his anger at the refusal of a number of Muslims to adapt to their new surroundings, which he said he has done after living in Holland since 1976.


"It is incomprehensible that you can turn against freedom... But if you don't like freedom, for heaven's sake pack your bags and leave," he said.


"There may be a place in the world where you can be yourself, be honest with yourself and do not go and kill innocent journalists. And if you do not like it here because humorists you do not like make a newspaper, may I then say you can f*** off.


"This is stupid, this so incomprehensible. Vanish from the Netherlands if you cannot find your place here. All those well-meaning Muslims here will now be stared at".


Over half of Rotterdam's population consists of ethnic minorities and non-native residents.


Aboutaleb is Moroccan-born and became the mayor of Rotterdam in 2008. According to Breitbart, he was initially criticised by anti-Islam parties within the Netherlands but has outlasted the stigma of his faith.


This is not the first time that he has made controversial comments about Dutch Muslims, in 2004 he said that if they did not wish to practice Dutch values the could "catch the first plane out".


Aboutaleb is not the only Dutch politician to speak out against Muslims who are perceived as being against Dutch values. Party for Freedom (PVV) leader Geert Wilders has been under police protection since 2004 for his statements on Islam.


"Anyone who expresses support for terror as a means to overthrow our constitutional democracy, as far as I'm concerned, should leave the country at once," he told the Hague last September.


"If you are waving an Islamic State [iS] flag, you are waving an exit ticket. Leave!"



Edited by Hella
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Da, Charlie Hebdo je imao jasne stavove protiv svake bigotnosti, rasizma, socijalne nepravde, rastućeg fašizma, seksizma, vlasti, policije, vojske, kolonijalizma (naročito francuskog), eksploatacije, gluposti svih javnih vrsta – nekih ČETRDESET godina. Jezik za zube, levičari od juče, pročitajte ponešto!



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Lakmus test: kad se balkanska malograđanština uzbudi odmah počne nevaspitano da ućutkuje druge i da deli paternalističke lekcije koje niko nije tražio: tišina tamo, jezik za zube!

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